
world of warcraft classic: what are the differences between gold groups, dkp groups, and wild groups, and how to choose?


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today, i will give you some scientific knowledge. because many new players have entered the wlk nostalgic server game in recent times, but many new players are a little unclear about the concepts of various groups, and they are often confused when looking for a team. they don’t know how to choose a group at all. so today, i will give you a classification, tell you the difference between each group, and help you avoid pitfalls so that you can better choose the right group.

let's talk about the first type of group, the dkp group. the simplest thing to say is that most players choose to ignore the words "dkp group" when they see them. the reason is very simple. most of the players in the dkp group are actually being taken advantage of for free. unless you really have a lot of time and are very strong, most of the players will be taken advantage of for free. the reason is that the dkp group has an exclusive mechanism that belongs to this type of group, and this mechanism is not available in other groups, but this mechanism is the most deceptive mechanism for players.

a dkp group can be simply understood as working. in other words, if you want any equipment, you need to work by yourself to get it, and working means participating in the group on time, and each performance of the group will be scored. in the future, equipment will be allocated according to certain scores. in other words, the equipment dropped in the group is allocated according to the score, rather than auctioning or other distribution. but is it easy to get points?

let me first talk about the simplest point. there are a few players who can guarantee that they have time to play in a group every day. if they can't even guarantee this, then i think that everyone has no way to get points in the dkp group. if there is no way to guarantee the time for group play, i suggest that everyone just ignore the dkp group. after all, this kind of group requires a lot of time from the players. if you don't have time, you will almost be taken advantage of, so i suggest that everyone don't touch it.

the other type is the wild group, also known as the roll group. of course, there are also g groups in the wild groups, but most of them are roll groups, so the farmers and workers directly classify the wild groups as roll groups. this type of group is relatively fairer. you only need to fight in the group book, and then you can meet your needs after the equipment drops. but sometimes you may encounter players with all needs, but it doesn’t matter. after all, every player has a chance, so it is relatively fairer.

the last group is the g group, which is also the most popular one at present. the rules of this group are very simple. any equipment dropped in the game is worth more g coins. even if a mage equipment is dropped and you are a warrior, you bid 200,000 g coins, then this equipment is also yours, so it is recommended that ordinary players participate. of course, there will be some black-hearted group leaders and some hairy groups in the g group. these are basically unavoidable, so it doesn’t matter if you meet them, you can directly ask the gm for help.

however, the requirements for g-groups are relatively high. at present, most g-groups will actually check the wcl scores of players, and some players choose to hide their scores. generally, in this case, the leader of the g-group is almost impossible to collect money unless you come in to spend money, because if your level is not high, why should you be given g coins? therefore, if the level of players is not high enough, it is recommended to play in the wild group first to accumulate experience and then choose the g-group again.

many people may ask, for ordinary players, can they only choose g-group or wild group? in fact, in most cases, ordinary players can only choose wild groups and almost play dungeons and five-man and ten-man dungeons, but it is a bit difficult for new players to play 25-man dungeons, so it is recommended that you play wild groups first to accumulate experience, and then quickly switch to g-group to gain benefits when you have a certain amount of experience.