
the latest development of the "chang jinong abnormal death incident": 3 lawyers announced public interest representation


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there has been new progress in the case of "chang jicong's abnormal death".

on september 15, lawyers gong hua from beijing jingzhe law firm, hu nan from beijing strategy law firm, and jiang chenghua from beijing zeheng law firm respectively posted on their moments, stating that they had formally accepted the commission from chang jinong's wife and decided to represent the case on a public interest basis.

"bailu news" reported that in march this year, chang jinong, a businessman from henan who lived and worked in beijing, was arrested across provinces in beijing by zhengzhou police on suspicion of "refusing to execute a judgment" and died abnormally the next night after his arrest.

lawyer gong hua said in his circle of friends that after chang jinong's death, his wife and daughter were left helpless and went north to seek help, hoping to hire a lawyer to help them find out the truth about their husband's death.

law: why did you decide to accept the commission from chang jicong’s family and represent the case for free?

gong hua: the materials provided by chang jincong's family are relatively objective, reflecting that some details of the case handling process are questionable and the objective facts are confusing. human life is at stake, and it is a matter of justice, so it deserves assistance.

law: what stage is the case at now?

gong hua: chang jinong has died, and the case of his alleged refusal to execute a judgment should be withdrawn according to regulations.

law: what is your next work plan?

gong hua: in the next step, we will carry out investigation and evidence collection, strive to restore the facts of the case, and find out the truth about chang jinong’s death.

on september 14, 2024, bailu news published a long investigative report titled "the suspect was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment for 9 days after he was suspected of death: he became ill during interrogation after stopping medication, and had obvious scars on his body." after the report was released, chang jincong's abnormal death attracted widespread attention and was once on the hot search list.

regarding chang jinong's abnormal death, bailu news raised several questions in this in-depth investigative report, among which three questions aroused the most discussion.

question 1: is the zhengzhou police’s forced removal of suspects across provinces an illegal case?

reports show that zhao junhua and the other three officers who came to beijing to forcibly take chang jincong away did not wear police uniforms or carry summonses as required. at the strong request of the family, only zhao junhua showed his police officer id.

in addition, chang jincong's detention notice was suspected to be "premature". according to the detention notice, chang jincong was criminally detained by the police at 6 pm on march 28 and detained in the zhengzhou city no. 3 detention center.

however, the "pre-hospital emergency medical record" issued by zhengda hospital showed that the time when 120 arrived at the case management center was 8:32 that evening.

this means that while the suspect was still being interrogated at the case management center, the police station had already completed the criminal detention procedures two and a half hours in advance, and at the same time completed the detention center custody procedures.

a recording of a phone call accidentally obtained by chang jicong's wife ren haiyun showed that zhao junhua, deputy director of the tongtai road police station of the zhengzhou municipal public security bureau, clearly stated on the phone when talking with others about the chang jicong case that the zhengzhou police were suspected of violating regulations in law enforcement.

some of the content exposed by bailu news is as follows:

zhao: yes, in the past, when our police brought people in, we would definitely not be able to approve a subpoena or a detention warrant, so we had no choice but to enforce the law in violation of regulations.

zhao: you are right about this. he came to me on his own initiative to cooperate with the investigation. we did not set him as a suspect, so i don't have to issue a subpoena.

zhao: our detention warrant is about to be approved. he is confirmed to be a suspect. judge gao xinxin (sound) from the court is here. after the agency approved the arrest warrant, he is a major suspect.

zhao: this is very valuable, i can only do my best, but now it’s a matter of money...

zhao: it is a fact that he was ill, but there is no rule that says that if someone has an illness, they won’t be dealt with or detained. there is no such rule, right?

zhao: the 120 ambulance staff told me to get in the car... later, i went there again and made an appointment for him. i paid him 18,000 yuan for the ambulance. later, i thought i shouldn't have paid him that 18,000 yuan, but i am a kind-hearted person.

zhao: it's nothing. zhang xu (sound) said it's nothing. zhang xu just called me back and they discussed this matter. he said it was all the responsibility of the case management (center). no one followed him to the bathroom, and he was wearing disposable slippers, which were slippery when they got wet.

question 2: did the zhengzhou police follow the repeated instructions of his family and give chang jicong medicine on time?

according to media reports, when her husband chang jincong was taken away by zhengzhou police, he was in a hurry and missed a drug called "rivaroxaban". a new oral anticoagulant that can prevent venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, thereby effectively alleviating the aggravation of right atrial thrombosis problems and reducing the risk of stroke and systemic embolism.

ren haiyun told the media that when her husband chang jincong was discharged from the hospital in february this year, the attending physician had told her to remember to give him rivaroxaban every day without interruption. the doctor also specifically noted the doctor's order in the "discharge record": "after discharge, you must take 20 mg of rivaroxaban once a day on time... take the medicine regularly to prevent pulmonary embolism."

regarding the dosage, the doctor explained that under normal circumstances, patients with right atrial thrombosis only need to take 10 mg of "rivaroxaban", but lao chang's thrombus in the right ventricle is huge, so the dose must be doubled, and the medicine must be taken on time every day, otherwise his life will be in danger if the medicine is stopped.

to this end, ren haiyun repeatedly reminded the police that her husband chang jicong needed to take life-saving medicine at 7 o'clock every morning.

however, it was not until the evening of the next day that zhao junhua informed her to deliver the medicine to the designated place and hand it over to the designated police officer.

question 3: was chang jicong already dead before being sent to the hospital for emergency treatment?

bailu news reported that the deceased chang jincong was rescued by 120 emergency personnel at least 30 minutes after he suffered a sudden cardiac arrest. according to the "pre-hospital emergency medical record" issued by zhengda hospital, the police officer at the scene complained that the suspect "fainted for 20 minutes and worsened for 5 minutes" and called 120. the medical staff received the 120 order and arrived at the scene at 20:32:50 that night and saw the patient at 20:34:26. ​​bailu news drove from zhengda hospital to the rescue site case management center listed in the medical record according to satellite navigation, and the whole journey was more than 4 kilometers and about 8 minutes. this shows that chang jincong had a cardiac arrest for at least 30 minutes before medical staff arrived at the scene to rescue him.

in addition, zhengda hospital clearly wrote in its "pre-hospital emergency medical record" that the patient "died before rescue", his lungs "disappeared breath sounds", his heart "disappeared heart sounds, and no heart sounds were heard", and "after all efforts to rescue, the patient's breathing and heartbeat have not recovered, the ecg monitoring leads are in a straight line, and blood pressure has not been measured..."

as of now, the bailu news report has been deleted, but related reposts are still there.