
the ukrainian army had no time to look south, so the russian army's eastern cluster took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack. what results did it achieve?


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there are now two major focuses on the russian-ukrainian battlefield. one is the kursk theater, where the ukrainian army has deployed its largest mobile corps; the other is the red army city theater, where the ukrainian army has deployed its largest defensive corps.

because most of the elite troops and war resources are deployed in the above two places, the support that the ukrainian army can get in other war zones will be greatly weakened, which creates certain conditions for the russian army to break through.

of course, these conditions only mean that the battle is easier to fight than before, but it is still far from being a sure win. however, in a war, this is the difference sometimes made. if there is such a slight change, many battles will be won.

for example, the eastern cluster, which is now "making a fortune in silence", often fought head-on and suffered heavy losses before achieving some results; sometimes, even after suffering heavy losses, it might not gain any benefits.

for example, in early 2023, the eastern cluster’s offensive against vleda was a disastrous defeat, and it was no exaggeration to say that the military credit went directly to the 72nd mechanized infantry brigade of the ukrainian army.

but in the past two or three months, most of the ukrainian army's war resources have been invested in other directions. as the eastern cluster has been gradually encroached upon, the results have gradually emerged, especially in the direction of fleda.

when the eastern group attacked fleda, their main strategy was to "rip the tiger's heart out". they rushed straight to the city of fleda without clearing the ukrainian army's supply lines.

as a result, they were unable to take over the city area and suffered heavy losses during the attack. they almost had to watch the ukrainian reinforcements arrive on several roads, and finally they were forced to fight back.

now the eastern cluster has fully learned its lesson and decided not to touch fleda first, but to attack the blood transfusion lines on its two wings, with fruitful results.

on the western wing of vleda, the ukrainian army could have connected with vleda from veliky novosirka through the villages of zolota niva and plesistivka along the t-0509 highway.

some time ago, the russian army's eastern cluster easily captured the village of pu through a surprise attack, and now it is pressing part of it westward. frör reached a section about 30 kilometers from bolshaya novosirka, and now half of it has fallen into the hands of the russian army.

the blood transfusion line in the west wing of fleurda was basically cut off.

on the eastern wing, the ukrainian army originally controlled the entire t-0524 highway line and a large area of ​​positions within a few kilometers east of the line.

however, after the russian army spent a considerable amount of time and cost to capture the largest ukrainian settlement on the east side of the line, novomihalivka, it continued to compress the ukrainian army's positions on the east side of the road.

in particular, the attack on the village of konstantinovka took basically one month to complete. at this time, the two major battles of kursk and red army city broke out, and the ukrainian army had no time to reinforce the nanton direction.

the eastern group took this opportunity to launch an all-out attack on highway t-0524 and finally reached the highway line.

this made fleda's east wing blood transfusion line ineffective.

however, fleda's defense system has not yet loosened, because since it can be called a system, it will definitely not only consist of fleda himself.

the main body of fleda is a "city of tens of thousands of people" on high ground and on the highway. almost all the buildings in the city are high-rise buildings, "higher on higher". in addition, the buildings in the urban area are extremely solid, making the city a major fortress.

in the east of the city is the villa area, and in the south is the industrial area of ​​pavlivka, which are considered the frontier positions of vleda.

after the blood transfusion lines on the east and west wings are out of use, vleda can still fight relying on the blood transfusion lines behind it. the south donbass no. 1 mine, no. 3 mine, vodani village and the industrial zone south of the village in the northeast of the city can still serve as vleda's flank barriers and firmly guard the last transportation line of the city of vleda.

since the russian army is well aware that it is not easy to attack vleda by force, it has now adopted the tactic of clipping its wings, so it must first attack the two mining areas and the village of vodani.

on the other hand, if the ukrainian army wants to keep fleda, it must also try to control the above-mentioned areas.

if the ukrainian army had enough troops, equipment and ammunition, it would not be easy for the russian army to storm any of the above positions, but now the ukrainian army cannot invest too many resources in nanton.

therefore, the russian army captured the village of vodani and the south donbass no. 1 mine without paying a great price, which almost put the city of v in a semi-encircled situation.

if the russian army wants to further cut off vleda's logistics line, it obviously needs to take over the south donbass no. 3 mine.

now the russian commandos have successfully broken into mine no. 3. whether they can capture the area depends on the results of close combat in the next few days.

if this mining area is taken, then the wings around fleda will be basically clipped, and the only logistics line will be seriously threatened, and it will probably be extremely difficult to hold on in the future.