
it's normal for internet celebrity players to fail


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recently, the cba held a new season physical test, which has become a hot topic in the basketball circle. for example, he xining and wang yibo, who were once selected for the chinese men's basketball team, failed to pass the test, and yang zheng, a popular player selected by the sichuan team this year, also got two "zeros". for a time, the cba physical test once again sparked heated discussions outside: is this test necessary?
in fact, judging from the current actual level of the cba and the chinese men's basketball team, physical fitness tests are very necessary, as they can urge players to practice basic skills. as for the fact that the internet celebrity player yang zheng failed the test, it just proves one of the functions of physical fitness tests: it can exclude some players with insufficient skills from the cba league, eliminating the possibility of taking advantage of the situation.
attracting attention again
in fact, the cba physical test has a long history. in 1995, the first year of the cba, the chinese basketball association introduced two test items: 3,200-meter run and full-court shuttle run. due to the boycott of players and teams, the cba physical test was cancelled in 2005, but it was restored six years later in 2011, and later changed to random testing. when talking about the purpose of the physical test, gong luming, then director of the training department of the basketball management center, said very bluntly: "the cba physical test is to supervise the training of athletes and never let those who do not meet the standards fish in troubled waters to play in the league."
gong luming once said that in the past, during the off-season of the cba, because there was no coach supervision, some players smoked, drank, had irregular work and rest schedules, and even played street ball, which led to a decline in physical fitness. the introduction of the physical test policy is to hope that players will not waste their off-season. to put it bluntly, cba players are not self-disciplined enough. the physical test is to make them tighten their training string and start the new season in a better state, which can be regarded as a means of supervision.
caption: zhang zhaoxu suffered a recurrence of his waist injury while squatting
the reason why the cba physical test has caused controversy is mainly because some players have been injured during the test. the more serious one was the 2016 physical test, when liaoning team inside player li xiaoxu ruptured his achilles tendon while running back and forth; in the 2019 physical test, shanghai men's basketball center zhang zhaoxu suffered a recurrence of his waist injury while squatting... these player injuries caused an uproar at the time, leading many people to criticize the physical test system.
there were also cases of player injuries this year. zhejiang team guard wang yi-bo injured his achilles tendon during the physical test and will be out for at least a month; xinjiang team teenager liu yiting suffered a knee injury during a special speed endurance test. in addition, there is the internet celebrity player yang zheng. this streetball player with his own traffic entered the cba through the draft this year, but he failed to meet the standards in both the special speed endurance and 2-minute intensity shooting tests. if yang zheng still fails the subsequent two make-up tests, he will lose the qualification to participate in the new season of the cba league. yang zheng himself said that he failed the physical test because of his lack of ability: "it is difficult to meet the physical fitness and technical and tactical requirements of the professional league in a short period of time."
caption: yang zheng's profile picture (same below)
it's not difficult
is the physical test of cba really daunting? the answer is no. the original intention of the chinese basketball association was not to set obstacles for players, nor to make any type of players unemployed, but to push clubs to improve the quality of player training. in fact, for professional players, the threshold for physical test is not high. as long as the quality of summer training is in place, they will definitely pass. veteran zhou peng, who will turn 35 next month, passed the test in one go this time, which also proves that as long as players train more in normal times, there is no problem in passing the physical test.
"these items in the test are the most basic, and the standards are not high. when an athlete fails, they think there is a problem with the test. it is not the test that has a problem, but the athlete." gong luming, now vice chairman of the chinese basketball association, said that there is no shortcut in competitive sports, and if you want to improve your level, you must endure hardships and work hard. "world basketball is developing, and there is no shortcut to competitive sports without practice. competition is a mirror of training."
this year's test is divided into four items: 2-minute intensity shooting, weighted bench press, weighted squat, and special speed endurance. each item has specific requirements and assessment standards. the requirements for meeting the standards are: special speed endurance 90 points or more and a total score of 400 points or more. the special speed endurance test is jokingly called "17-fold death" by some people. in fact, it is 15 meters * 17 as a group, a total of four groups, two minutes of rest between each group, and a total length of 1020 meters. this test is divided into three levels according to height: 62 seconds for those under 1.95 meters; 64 seconds for those between 1.95 meters and 2.04 meters; 66 seconds for those over 2.04 meters. in addition, for players over 2.09 meters in height, the passing score will be relaxed by 1 second for every additional centimeter; for players weighing more than 120 kilograms, the passing score will be relaxed by 0.2 seconds for every additional kilogram; for players over 30 years old (excluding 30 years old), the passing score will be relaxed by 1 second for every additional 2 years. yang zheng, 31 years old this year, is 1.96 meters tall. he needs to run the average of four groups within 64 seconds. in fact, his first group of shuttle runs was close to 60 seconds, which was much faster than the average, but the second group was 70.7 seconds, which was obviously much slower. he finished half of the third group and did not participate in the fourth group... if yang zheng wants to pass the test, he needs to be more experienced in speed control, evenly distribute physical energy, and improve endurance.
regarding the special speed endurance test, former national player ma jian said that cba players should be able to complete it easily: "no matter what the level of the cba is, it is the highest basketball league in the country! if you want to be a professional player, especially forwards and guards, if you can't even complete the basic requirement of 17 15-meter wide shuttle runs, i think you shouldn't go to the court to embarrass yourself... if you can't even pass the physical test, it means you don't have the ability to play in the game."
reaching consensus
it is worth mentioning that although players and fans have different opinions on the resumption of physical tests for all players in the cba, this year's physical tests have at least reached a consensus at the team level: it is reported that when the chinese basketball association proposed this plan, no one among the 20 cba clubs opposed it, and many club executives also clearly expressed their active support.
in fact, the decline in the quality of training for cba players in the past few years is an unavoidable fact. especially during the off-season, some club bosses reported that some players used various excuses to avoid participating in the team's unified summer training, but some players lacked self-discipline and the quality of their self-training was uneven. the game is a mirror of training. the decline in training quality will naturally lead to a decline in the quality of the game, which in turn affects the improvement of the level of the entire league. the league is the foundation of the national team, and the low level of the league will naturally lead to a decline in the level of the national team. the chinese men's basketball team used to be the overlord of asia, but it lost the right to participate in the last two olympic games. the decline in the level of the national team is an indisputable fact. as for why the level of the national team has declined, on the one hand, there is a gap in excellent players, and on the other hand, the lack of training has led to poor basic skills and even physical fitness. this is also the original intention of the chinese basketball association to resume physical fitness testing. so from this perspective, it is both necessary and timely to resume physical fitness testing. this is to save chinese basketball.
in fact, the basketball association did make some concessions back then, by randomly checking two people from each team, allowing each club to organize physical tests on their own, and hoping that the players would be self-disciplined, but the result was that many players and even teams began to neglect training, which led to the national team's performance getting worse and worse. in fact, if the players could consciously focus on training and the national team's performance could at least be maintained, the basketball association would not have resumed physical tests for all players. since the level is not good enough, physical tests are very necessary - if you don't train hard, then using physical tests to test your training results is understandable.
physical fitness test is like an exam, it is a means, not an end. gong luming said that the original intention of the basketball association to promote physical fitness test was to encourage each club to focus on training. foreign clubs also have their own testing methods, which is a basic requirement for professional athletes. "in the future, if every club realizes the importance of this issue and has its own testing system, the chinese basketball association will not have to do this." (xinmin evening news reporter li yuanchun)