
there was a drone filming over quan hongchan's house? netizens were furious! local authorities responded


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september 12
quan hongchan returned to her hometown, maihe village, mazhang town, zhanjiang
attracting much attention
since quan hongchan returned to her hometown
there are crowds of people gathering outside my house day and night.
many netizens continue to post videos of the area around quan hongchan's home
quan hongchan returned to the village and was besieged and live-streamed for two days
on september 12, quan hongchan took a bus back to her hometown, maihe village, mazhang town, zhanjiang. it had been two years since she last went home. immediately, many updates on her life appeared online, and her daily whereabouts could be pieced together just from the social media platforms.
people gathered in front of quan hongchan's house day and night. some netizens took pictures of quan hongchan's activities at home, and wrote, "she is so casual at home, and she is so familiar with closing the door with her feet." another netizen took pictures of the clothes hanging on the second floor of quan hongchan's house, saying, "are these chanbao's clothes..."
the crowd gathered at the door of the house, and quan hongchan repeatedly persuaded them to leave.
on the evening of the 12th, because there were too many people gathered outside her home, quan hongchan and her family went to the fence to greet everyone and asked fans to come back tomorrow. "keep your voice down, go back and come back tomorrow.go back, it's too noisy. we need to rest.”。
early in the morning on the 13th, many people waited at the door of quan hongchan's house for her to wake up. in the video of quan hongchan taken by netizens, she and her grandfather were still greeting everyone on the second floor after she just woke up. but as the crowd continued to shout "chanbao" and "come on", and did not disperse for a long time, quan hongchan looked a little helpless and said "it's too noisy."
on september 12, the staff of the stores that quan hongchan visited posted photos of quan hongchan shopping or taking photos with her. in addition, many netizens posted videos of encountering quan hongchan on the street. quan hongchan bought milk tea, quan hongchan went shopping, quan hongchan rode an electric bike, quan hongchan distributed fruits to everyone... "quan hongchan's first day back home", the whole whereabouts can be swiped on the social platform.
travel agency launches "one-day tour to quan hongchan's hometown"
there are also many news about the "maihe village one-day tour" tour group on the internet. a video shows that on september 13, a tour guide held a flag and led tourists on a tour of the streets of maihe village.
at noon on the 13th, the reporter also consulted a nearby travel agency as a customer. the staff said that the content of the "maihe village one-day tour" is mainly to check in at the door of quan hongchan's house, and then visit scenic spots such as zhanjiang old street and jinsha bay.
in addition, at the end of august, many media reported thata travel agency has launched a one-day tour of maihe village and its surrounding areas at 128 yuan per person.
there is also a 58 yuan "one-day tour of quan hongchan's hometown",the travel agency staff said that after signing up for the tour, an electric hot pot will be given away, and that the tour is a shopping tour that needs travelers aged 25 to 70 with spending power to join. there is also a set meal for one person for a "one-day tour" for 68 yuan, which comes with a free chicken.
local response: "sealing off the village" and setting up guardrails
according to a notice from the maihe village committee posted by a local netizen, in order not to affect the normal work and rest of the villagers, the village will not be open to the public from 21:00 every day, and the vendors will start to close at 21:30. there are also videos showing that some villagers said that the village was closed at 7:00 in the evening due to the high heat.
on the morning of the 13th, a staff member of the mazhang town government said that the news of the village closure was untrue, "it's just that these days the stalls have to close at about 8:30 or 9 o'clock (in the evening), and we can't sell affects people's rest"but people can still enter and exit the village normally.
a village official from maihe village told reporters that "the village has not been closed" and that notices have been set up at various intersections in the village in advance. foreign tourists will also be advised not to enter the village after 9 p.m., "after all, it is a village, not a park."
regarding the guardrails set up in front of quan hongchan's house, the village cadres said that it was because there were too many people checking in, and the entrance to the house was relatively narrow, "if the traffic police surround it like this, there won't be such a traffic jam."
there is a drone shooting over quan hongchan's house
recently, some netizens reported that quan hongchan returned to her hometown of maihe village in zhanjiang to visit her relatives.photographed by a drone.
aerial video of quan hongchan's home posted on social platforms
the reporter searched on the social platform and found that on the day quan hongchan returned to the village, there was indeed a drone flying over quan grandpa's house and captured the scene of quan hongchan's activities in the yard.
on september 14, the reporter learned from the village cadres of maihe village that the village had previously discovered a drone taking aerial photos of grandpa quan's home in august, and then banned all drones. after quan hongchan returned home this time, the village also sent many people to patrol and guard. if a drone is found, they will remind the other party not to continue flying and filming, otherwise the drone may be shot down.
netizen: stop disturbing other people’s lives
in response, netizens angrily criticized:
watching day and night is too much
i hope fans can be more rational
stop disturbing other people's lives
lawyer: suspected of violating portrait rights and privacy rights
quan hongchan's return home was filmed and live-broadcasted for a long time by fans and onlookers. liu kai, a sports lawyer at beijing zhongwen (changsha) law firm, said that such traffic-stealing behavior seriously affected the normal production and life order of quan hongchan, her family and the society.suspected of violating the law.
the "regulations on the management of online live streaming marketing (trial implementation)" clearly stipulates that live streaming marketing personnel are not allowed to engage in online live streaming marketing activities in places that involve national security, public safety, or affect others and the normal production and living order of society.
at the same time, my country's civil code stipulates that natural persons enjoy the right to their portrait. the onlookers at quan hongchan's door live-streamed the video, and many people may have gained traffic or even economic benefits through these videos. the unauthorized commercial use of her portrait is a clear infringement of her portrait rights. even if there is no commercial purpose, unauthorized public use constitutes an infringement of her portrait rights.
in addition, natural persons enjoy the right to privacy. no organization or individual may infringe upon the privacy of others by means of spying, intrusion, disclosure, or publicity. even for public figures, their private lives are protected by law and should not be subject to endless monitoring and recording. the private spaces, private activities, and private information of celebrities in their own homes that they do not want others to know about are all part of the field of personal privacy.
what can celebrities do about the excessive attention?
when quan hongchan and other celebrities encounter similar situations, they can protect their legitimate rights and interests through measures such as laws, media platforms and law enforcement agencies.
for example, release a statement through a media platform, calling on the public to respect personal privacy and reduce interference in their private lives. third, seek help from the local government and police. if the situation seriously affects personal life, quan hongchan can report to the local public security agency and ask it to intervene to maintain public order and prevent excessive gatherings from affecting residents' lives. finally, if onlookers and live streamers continue to shoot and use her portrait without permission, and cause obvious privacy infringement or portrait rights infringement, quan hongchan can file a civil lawsuit against the infringer, requiring the infringer to stop the infringement, delete the relevant videos, and compensate for mental damages.