
2024 guizhou province a-share listed company development report-hejun consulting


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the overall economic development of guizhou province in 2023 is positive, with the gdp reaching 2,091.325 billion yuan in 2023, a year-on-year increase of 4.9%. among them, the added value of the primary industry was 289.428 billion yuan, an increase of 3.9%; the added value of the secondary industry was 731.144 billion yuan, an increase of 4.4%; and the added value of the tertiary industry was 1,070.753 billion yuan, an increase of 5.5%.

as of april 30, 2024, there were 36 a-share listed companies in guizhou province, accounting for 0.67% of the total number of a-share listed companies, ranking 25th among the 31 provinces, cities and districts in the country. in 2023, guizhou's gdp ranked 22nd in the country.

this report is based on the originalhj-18 analysis framework, sketching an overall picture of the development status of a-share listed companies in guizhou province, and focusing on interpreting the industrial significance and provincial economic significance contained therein. based on the "hj-18" analysis framework, a comprehensive and three-dimensional observation and evaluation of the development status and effects of a-share listed companies in guizhou province can be carried out to avoid cognitive bias and oversight, as well as the resulting missteps in measures and delayed actions.

report selection“1+5” provincial perspective, that is, to compare guizhou with the five neighboring provinces (sichuan, chongqing, hunan, guangxi, and yunnan) that have strong industrial synergy effects. in addition to comparing with the national total and average, it enriches the perspective of looking at the development status of a-share listed companies in guizhou province, and has special interpretation value and reference significance.

the group of listed companies in a province is the "image ambassador" of the province's industrial structure and the backbone of the province's industrial capacity. the industrial structure and industrial capacity determine the economic status and future of a province at the "root". therefore, this report interprets the data and development analysis of guizhou's a-share listed companies, paying special attention to the industrial significance and provincial economic significance they imply. in summary, the overall characteristics and future opportunities of guizhou's a-share listed companies can be described in three paragraphs: