
police respond to "man reported rotten apples and was threatened after entering the factory to make juice": 2 people detained


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jimu news reporter shu longhuan

recently, mr. wang reported online that a truck carrying rotten apples stopped next to a juice factory in liquan county, xianyang, shaanxi province. the juice flowing out of the truck had a sour smell, and he suspected that the rotten apples were taken into the factory to produce juice. because of the report, he received threats and verbal abuse from strangers. on september 14, an official from the liquan public security bureau responded to jimu news reporters that the two people who threatened mr. wang had been found and both had been detained.

mr. wang received an unfamiliar call (photo provided by the interviewee)

according to jimu news, in the 10 days after he reported the incident, mr. wang received nearly 50 calls from strangers every day, threatening and abusing him, and claiming that some people had lost tens of thousands of yuan because of the video he shot. one intimidator asked him why he shot a video of rotten apples in liquan county and threatened to "break your legs."

on september 14, mr. wang told jimu news that he lost his job and was forced to leave xianyang because of the report. his salary has not been paid yet and his life has not returned to normal. he mentioned that a few days ago, xianyang liquan public security bureau staff told him that the two intimidators had been found and punished accordingly.

an official from the liquan public security department confirmed to reporters that the two people who threatened the whistleblower mr. wang have been found. they are locals from xianyang, and one of them is a fruit farmer. at present, according to relevant regulations, the two people have been administratively detained for 5 days and 7 days respectively. the whistleblower mr. wang has been informed of this punishment.

after mr. wang reported the case, the company involved, liquan andeli fruit and vegetable juice co., ltd., stopped production to cooperate with the investigation and sent samples for inspection. in recent days, jimu news reporters have been tracking the results of the inspection and investigation. the company involved and the relevant departments of liquan county have stated that the inspection results are qualified. however, the reporter repeatedly asked to see the relevant data and information on the inspection and investigation. the relevant departments of liquan county said that some of the content in the report involves commercial confidentiality and is inconvenient to provide.