
longzhou kindergarten held the mid-autumn festival activity of "ancient rhyme mid-autumn festival, children enjoy joy"


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huasheng online news (reporters: cao siya, xu haiyan) "it's the full moon again this year, and the golden osmanthus branches share the beauty of the moon." the 15th day of the eighth lunar month is the traditional chinese festival - mid-autumn festival. mid-autumn festival represents reunion and auspiciousness. in order to let children understand the origin and customs of mid-autumn festival and inherit the traditional culture of the chinese nation, longzhou kindergarten in heshan district, yiyang city, launched a series of activities with the theme of "ancient rhyme mid-autumn festival, children enjoy joy" on the occasion of the mid-autumn festival. children celebrated the mid-autumn festival with their companions and teachers and felt the rich cultural connotations of the mid-autumn festival.
teachers of each class introduced the origin of the mid-autumn festival and customs such as "appreciating the moon, worshipping the moon, eating moon cakes, and guessing lantern riddles" to the children in a variety of ways. the mid-autumn festival symbolizes the reunion of the full moon, and it also means expressing lovesickness and praying for a good harvest. during the event, teachers also told the children mid-autumn festival stories such as "chang'e flying to the moon", "jade rabbit pounding medicine", and "wu gang cutting the osmanthus tree". the children encountered beautiful legends, and the festival became more colorful.
the children in the senior group wore flowing and graceful classical costumes. with gorgeous clothes and melodious ancient music, the kindergarten composed a different mid-autumn festival with strong ancient flavor. the children in the junior and middle groups expressed their love for the mid-autumn festival by painting, drawing, cutting and pasting, and felt the meaning and charm of the traditional festival firsthand.
the head of the kindergarten, deng qiong, said that in the eyes of children, the mid-autumn festival is the mooncakes in their hands, the round moon in the night sky, and the company of teachers, friends, and parents. but no matter what it is, we hope that through the mid-autumn festival activities every year, we can leave a chinese, traditional, and unique festival mark in the children's childhood, and pass it down from generation to generation.
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