
1.6 billion us dollars! the united states is spreading "dog food" and china will face a more serious "public opinion war"


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1) many netizens in china have been saying that for many years, the us government has been "showing off its affections" around the world, supporting so-called "independent media" and civic organizations, and inciting anti-china sentiment. some people have doubts about this, and they ask, "is this true?" the us house of representatives recently passed a $1.6 billion bill that gave a clear answer to this question.
2) according to the quincy institute for responsible statecraft, the u.s. house of representatives passed a bill codenamed "hr 1157" by a wide margin of 351:36. this bill directly targets china and has a confusing name - "countering china's malicious influence fund". its core content is to authorize the u.s. government to invest up to $1.6 billion in the next five years to slander and attack china globally by supporting "independent media" and civic organizations. from this perspective, this is a "public opinion war" bill specifically targeting china.
3) it is reported that the core us government agencies that will implement this "public opinion war" plan against china will be the "global engagement center" under the us state department and the us agency for international development. the names of these two agencies sound "harmless", but in fact, for many years, they have often used the banner of "foreign aid" to support us agents and "spiritual americans" around the world. it can be said that they are the main promoters of the us's "peaceful evolution" and "color revolutions" in other countries.
4) the special thing about this anti-china "public opinion war" bill is that, first, it provides a lot of funds. $1.6 billion is almost twice the annual operating budget of cnn. previously, the annual budget of the "global engagement center" under the us state department was less than $100 million. this fully shows that the us government is ready to "spread dog food" around the world in order to slander and attack china. second, it is very obvious that it is targeting china. whether it is its name - "countering china's malicious influence fund" or the specific activities it will engage in, it is aimed at china.
5) the quincy center for responsible statecraft reported that it is not yet known how the us government will spend the money specifically, but supporting so-called "independent media" and civic organizations will definitely be an important part of it.
6) in addition, the report quoted a document released by the us government in 2021, detailing the operation methods of the us "public opinion war" against china. this document takes a fictitious african country as an example. when the relevant departments of the us engaged in psychological warfare and information warfare saw a billboard in this african country that advertised a port, they judged that china would cooperate with this african country to build a deep-water port. the us government will soon formulate a comprehensive "public opinion war" plan to discredit china's investment and undermine the cooperation between china and this african country. for example, the us government will buy off the "independent media" and civic organizations in this african country, hype up conflicts such as labor disputes between the workers in this african country and chinese companies, and incite confrontation. soon, there will be crowds organizing demonstrations near chinese companies and the chinese embassy. throughout the process, the us government will amplify this contradiction on social media and add fuel to the flames. the fundamental purpose of the us government's measures is to slander and attack china's "belt and road" infrastructure investment and other investments in african countries.
7) after reading this, i finally understood why there have been so many unwarranted attacks on china's investment in africa over the past decade, from "neo-colonialism" to "debt trap", all kinds of specious "new theories" have emerged one after another. it turns out that the us government is behind all this. for a long time, chinese netizens have known that the us government has been "cultivating" and inciting anti-china sentiment around the world, but everyone may not have expected that the us government would do this blatantly.
8) why did the us congress suddenly spend a huge amount of money to wage a "public opinion war" against china? i think this is a manifestation of the us government's failure in competing with china for global influence. it is precisely because the us government is heavily in debt that it cannot invest in the infrastructure that african countries urgently need, and it is precisely because of the rise of populism and protectionism in the united states that the united states cannot further open its market to african exports. the united states has already shown a trend of "losing" in the competition with china. sadly, at this time, the us government is not thinking about how to do more practical things for african countries and other developing countries, but instead has adopted a malicious slander and attack on china. this is completely a reflection of the extremely negative and pessimistic thinking of "i can't do it, but i also want you to fail."
9) the quincy center for responsible statecraft also found that the u.s. government’s global “dog food” to slander and attack china will cause at least two serious problems for the united states: first, on the one hand, the u.s. government accuses russia and other countries of interfering in u.s. internal affairs, but on the other hand, it openly “dog food” around the world to influence public opinion and public opinion in relevant countries. this is obviously a hypocritical double standard behavior; second, the u.s. government’s “public opinion war” against china is often not transparent. the various anti-china remarks concocted by the u.s. government itself overseas are entirely likely to “flow back” into the domestic public opinion field in the united states, thereby misleading the domestic audience.
10) for china, the next step is to expose the conspiracy of the united states to buy off the media, opinion leaders and civic organizations around the world and launch an anti-china "public opinion war" through propaganda. at the same time, china must also be highly vigilant whether the dog food spread by the us government will flow into china. once discovered, it will be severely cracked down on so that those who "eat american dog food" will not be able to eat it and will have to pay for it. of course, if we look at the long-term, the despicable tricks of the us government will not succeed. the governments and people of the "global south" countries, including african countries, are not fools. they have long seen clearly who is really helping them, china or the united states, and who is interfering in their internal affairs without any bottom line and stirring up trouble in their countries. the us government with ill intentions will probably end up with nothing in the end.
this is just one person’s opinion and is for reference only.
source: uncle ming's miscellaneous talks