
german warship insists on crossing the taiwan strait despite china's opposition


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the german frigate baden-württemberg (f-222) and the supply ship frankfurt (a-1412) passed through the taiwan strait. this was the first time in 22 years that the german navy passed through the taiwan strait.

according to the website of the chinese embassy in germany on the 13th local time, a spokesperson for the chinese embassy in germany responded to the german warship's passage through the taiwan strait and stated that china has lodged representations with the german side and expressed its solemn position.

a reporter asked: on september 13, despite china's opposition, a german warship insisted on crossing the taiwan strait. a senior german official claimed that the taiwan strait is "international waters" and that the german warship's passage was exercising the right of "freedom of navigation." what is china's comment on this?

the spokesperson of the chinese embassy in germany said that china has lodged representations with germany to express its solemn position. china once again reiterated that taiwan is an inalienable part of china's territory. the taiwan issue is not an issue of "freedom of navigation" but an issue concerning china's sovereignty and territorial integrity. the waters in the taiwan strait from both sides to the sea are china's inland waters, territorial waters, contiguous zones and exclusive economic zones. there is no so-called "international waters" at all.

china respects the navigation rights of all countries in relevant waters in accordance with chinese laws and international laws including the united nations convention on the law of the sea, but firmly opposes other countries provoking and endangering china's sovereignty and security under the banner of freedom of navigation. china urges germany to abide by the one-china principle and basic norms of international relations and avoid interfering with or undermining the healthy and stable development of china-germany relations.