
people's daily online: "injuring people with keystrokes" in the virtual world also requires real-life costs


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breaking the law in the virtual world also comes at a real price! the supreme people's procuratorate recently reported that from june 2023 to june this year, procuratorates across the country prosecuted 19 cases involving 20 people for using the internet to commit insults and defamation crimes, and 335 cases involving 1,569 people for using the internet to commit crimes of provoking disturbances.

in recent years, cyber violence incidents have emerged one after another, and vicious incidents caused by "keystrokes hurting people" have occurred from time to time. behind each of these heartbreaking incidents, there are the ugly faces of cyberbullies. the procuratorate enforces the law like a mountain, and resolutely "draws the sword" against the "keystrokes hurting people" behavior, once again sounding the alarm for everyone:the internet is not a place beyond the law. do not do evil, no matter how small it is.

it should be noted that the number of chinese netizens has reached 1.079 billion. any "small spit" can ferment into a storm once it passes through the "amplifier" of the internet. "keystrokes" will not only damage the reputation and spirit of the victim, but also cause psychological problems such as anxiety and depression, and reduce their quality of life. cyber ​​violence, such as verbal abuse, insults, slander, and disclosure of others' privacy, has violated the law in itself, and the perpetrators must pay a heavy price.cyber ​​violence information floods the cyberspace, disrupting the online and offline order, and will seriously affect the public’s sense of security and corrupt social customs.

to eradicate cyber violence, the law must have teeth. in 2023, the guiding opinions on punishing cyber ​​violence crimes in accordance with the law will be issued. in march this year, the work report of the supreme people's court clearly stated that public power must support victims and cyber violence must pay a price. next, we must not only improve the laws and regulations to combat cyber violence, but also strengthen law enforcement to manage the network order, so that victims will no longer have difficulty in defending their rights and cyber bullies will be so painful that they dare not commit crimes again.

while relevant departments actively promote website platforms to participate in collaborative governance, establish governance mechanisms such as early warning, protection, and non-proliferation of online violence, and promote the continued development of the "clear and bright" series of special operations, as the "gatekeepers" of internet information security, platforms must be responsible for their duties, take the initiative to fulfill legal obligations, and exert their technical capabilities to control the "mouths" of those online bullies from the source.

in addition, we can see with a little analysis that some people only care about profit, and in order to attract traffic and attention, they voluntarily act as "keyboard warriors" to write scripts and set the pace; some people think that it is harmless to move their fingers and tap on the keyboard, and their accounts are covered with "vests", and occasionally curse people, make up lies, and vent. the former is short-sighted and the latter is ignorant and fearless. the similarity is that they both underestimate the negative effects of "keystrokes hurting people".

cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility.our common responsibility requires us to leave civilized messages with our fingertips and show more kindness on our keyboards, and to protect the common spiritual home of mankind with love.