
the suspect was sent to the hospital for 9 days after being suspected of death. the truth: he became ill during interrogation after stopping medication, and there were obvious scars on his body


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before ren haiyun saw the police from the police station in her hometown in henan arrest her husband, she repeatedly told the investigators that her husband suffered from a serious heart disease and could not stop taking his medication every day.

however, zhao junhua, deputy director of tongtai road police station of zhengdong new district branch of zhengzhou municipal public security bureau, and three others still arrested chang jinong from beijing to zhengzhou, henan on the charge of "refusing to execute a judgment or ruling" (hereinafter referred to as: refusing to execute).

chang jincong was diagnosed with the rarest heart disease, "right atrial thrombosis" on february 4, 2024, and has been dependent on an antithrombotic drug called "rivaroxaban" for the rest of his life. after chang jincong was discharged from the hospital, medical staff repeatedly warned the patient's family that the mortality rate of patients with this type of active right atrial thrombosis is as high as 80% to 100%, and that "rivaroxaban" for the treatment of this disease must be taken every day without interruption, otherwise it will endanger the patient's life at any time.

more than a day after chang jincong "stopped taking the medicine", he "suddenly fell ill" during police interrogation. according to chen guofa, the director of the police station involved in the case, at around 8:20 pm on march 28, chang jincong suddenly fell to the ground while going to the toilet during interrogation at the case management center of the zhengdong new district branch. the police immediately contacted the zhengdong branch of the first affiliated hospital of zhengzhou university (hereinafter referred to as: zhengda hospital) for rescue. after 9 days of ineffective rescue by the hospital, he died at the age of 51.

strangely, after chang jinong was rescued by 120 ambulance, the "pre-hospital emergency medical record" and "pre-hospital emergency situation record" issued by zhengda hospital showed that the patient "died before rescue" and "after all efforts to rescue, the patient's breathing and heartbeat have not recovered, the ecg monitoring leads are in a straight line, and blood pressure cannot be measured..."

what is particularly puzzling to the family of the deceased is that after nine days of emergency treatment at zhengda hospital, chang jincong incurred a "sky-high" medical fee of more than 290,000 yuan. bailu news saw from the "temporary medical order" issued by the hospital that on the fifth day after chang jincong was sent to the morgue, the hospital was still "injecting" the deceased with glucose solution and other drugs, as well as performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation and electrocardiogram examinations.

ren haiyun did not see her husband until he was declared dead by the hospital on april 6. but when she was washing her husband's body, she found a deep mark on the back of his neck, obvious wounds on his legs, and a large area of ​​bruises on his back.

"since the deceased had been diagnosed as dead by the doctor before the rescue, why did the zhengzhou police send the deceased chang jincong to the hospital for nine days of rescue?" ren haiyun suspected that the police deliberately concealed the cause of death of her husband due to torture and asked the hospital to create the illusion of rescue, so that the deceased's family would mistakenly believe that chang jincong died of a normal sudden illness.

as for the real reason why the deceased was arrested, ren haiyun revealed the truth by mistakenly answering a call from "zhao junhua and a mysterious person". this 8-minute and 19-second recorded call shows that deputy director zhao junhua actually violated regulations in summoning criminal suspects during this inter-provincial arrest operation, and was suspected of intervening in economic disputes to handle "favor cases", such as "you are right about this point. he took the initiative to come to me to cooperate with the investigation. we did not set him as a suspect, so i can not apply for a subpoena... this is very valuable, i can only do my best, but now the money is more important!"

audio | an 8-minute recorded phone call between zhao junhua, deputy director of tongtai road police station, and a mysterious person

bailu news learned that the police station and police officers involved in the case still do not know that the recorded phone call was "intercepted" by the family of the deceased. director chen guofa said that the death of the suspect chang jincong was purely an accident, and the police officers handling the case were summoned in accordance with the law and regulations, and there was no violation of discipline or law. as for the scars on the body of the deceased, they may have been caused by medical staff during the rescue process. at present, the zhengdong new district branch has set up a special team, and the local procuratorate has also intervened to retrieve relevant synchronized video recordings, and follow-up work is in progress.

bailu news contacted the case management center of zhengzhou free trade zone procuratorate to verify this matter. relevant personnel stated that after inquiry, the procuratorate did not accept chang jinong's case, and the specific situation should be inquired from the zhengdong branch.

ren haiyun still had her own questions about the police's statement: her lover had a fatal heart disease before his death. did the police give him medicine (rivaroxaban) in time to "keep his life"? if he died of a sudden illness, why did he have unexplained injuries? she was eager to know what happened to her lover during the time he was taken from beijing to the interrogation room of the zhengzhou public security bureau?

policecross-provincial "fishing enforcement"

at 7 o'clock in the morning, ren haiyun's cell phone will ring an alarm every day. when the alarm rings, she will urge her husband, chang, to take medicine on time. she and her husband are both from xinxiang, henan province. although her husband is three years younger than her, she always calls chang jicong "lao chang".

but since lao chang was arrested by zhengzhou police across the province, her daily alarm clock could no longer wake her husband up to take medicine. at this time, lao chang had been lying in the morgue of zhengzhou university hospital 700 kilometers away for nearly 6 months.

ren haiyun will never forget the day when lao chang was arrested by the police in his hometown. according to her recollection, at around 11:40 am on march 27, lao chang received a call from zhao junhua, deputy director of tongtai road police station, saying that his cousin had a skin disease and hoped that he would contact a good hospital in beijing. after hanging up the phone, lao chang immediately booked a hotel near tianjie in mentougou district, beijing, and notified his good friend cui jinhua to come over and have lunch with his fellow henan native.

a few years ago, zhao junhua and chang jincong met each other because of handling chang jincong's refusal to execute a judgment case, and they often contacted each other. according to the "execution implementation order of the dispute over the debt transfer contract between chu guangjun and chang jincong" published on the china judgment documents network, due to the dispute over the debt transfer contract between chu guangjun and chang jincong, the zhengzhou intermediate people's court made a final judgment that chang jincong should repay 20.62 million yuan to chu guangjun. after the judgment came into effect, the person to be executed, chang jincong, did not fully perform his debts and was suspected of constituting the crime of refusal to execute a judgment. on october 8, 2019, he was transferred to the zhengdong new district branch of the zhengzhou public security bureau (hereinafter referred to as: zhengdong branch) for handling. on february 20, 2021, the zhengdong branch began to file a case for investigation.

cui jinhua told bailu news that about an hour later, when she drove to the tianjie intersection, she saw lao chang and his wife meeting three men in plain clothes. suddenly, the leader, zhao junhua, took lao chang's phone away and claimed that he would take him "to zhengzhou to cooperate with the investigation (of the case)" and threatened to take him away in handcuffs. at this time, everyone felt something was wrong. a banquet turned into a "fishing enforcement" case.

"i asked them what they were doing, and he (zhao) said he wanted to know something. at that time, chang said let's eat first, and then i went to the restaurant to order food." after a while, ren haiyun called her and asked her to come out quickly, because they were going to take chang away. "i ran out quickly and said to the three of them, why are you taking him away? do you have the summons?"

cui jinhua repeatedly stressed to bailu news that zhao junhua and the other two who came to beijing at the time did not wear police uniforms or carry summonses to handle the case as required. however, "at our strong request, only zhao junhua showed his police id. we therefore suspected that the other two were not the police officers handling the case."

afterwards, bailu news accompanied the family of the deceased to the staff bulletin board of tongtai road police station, but they did not find the two strange men. however, the instructor surnamed wang of the station said, "they (the two) should have just been assigned last year."

after a stalemate, zhao junhua finally forced chang jinong to a taxi on the side of the road. before leaving, ren haiyun asked them to leave their contact numbers and begged zhao junhua, "mr. chang has a serious heart disease and has just been discharged from the hospital. he is still recovering. i hope he can go home to get his medicine."

according to the "discharge record" issued by the first medical center of the general hospital of the people's liberation army on february 8, provided by ren haiyun, chang jinong has a 10-year history of hypertension and diabetes. during this period, he was diagnosed with cerebral infarction, but there were no obvious sequelae after dissolution treatment. as early as three years ago, he had symptoms such as chest tightness, shortness of breath, and discomfort in the precordial area. he was diagnosed with multiple heart diseases by multiple hospitals. finally, the hospital diagnosed him with multiple ischemic heart diseases including right ventricular thrombosis, pulmonary hypertension, and 10 other diseases on february 4. his medical record stated, "due to severe heart failure, he could not tolerate interventional surgery and was treated conservatively with oral medications outside the hospital."

figure: diagnosis certificate issued by pla general hospital to the family of the deceased

bailu news found from the discharge record that chang jincong suffered from 11 diseases, the most fatal of which was right ventricular thrombosis. according to public information, intracardiac thrombosis is more common in the left ventricle than in the right ventricle, and the huge thrombosis in chang jincong's right ventricle, which was 21x15mm in size, is even rarer.

when they got home, ren haiyun collected all 12 kinds of medicines that chang took every day and sent them to the taxi of zhao junhua and his four companions who were waiting at the gate of the community. "mr. chang's heart disease is really very serious. who will be responsible if something goes wrong?" after ren haiyun went home to get the medicine, zhao junhua replied to cui jinhua, "i will be responsible. we have our own hospital for appraisal."

lao chang looked at his wife who looked exhausted and told her to take care of herself. ren haiyun was a little uneasy, lao chang saw it and comforted her, "don't worry, i'll be home in a few hours."

after the car started, ren haiyun was still worried and repeatedly told zhao junhua, "remember to let lao chang take his medicine on time. if he stops taking the medicine, his life will be in danger." but what ren haiyun did not expect was that her husband would leave her forever.

one day after stopping medication, he was sent to the hospital for emergency treatment

when he returned home again, ren haiyun found that he had forgotten to bring a medicine in his rush. this antithrombotic drug called "rivaroxaban" is a specific drug for treating right ventricular thrombosis and needs to be taken every day.

ren haiyun still remembers that when lao chang was discharged from the hospital, his attending physician had told her to remember to give him "rivaroxaban" every day without interruption. it is understood that "rivaroxaban" is a new oral anticoagulant that can prevent venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, thereby effectively alleviating the aggravation of right atrial thrombosis and reducing the risk of stroke and systemic embolism.

the above attending physician had explained to ren haiyun in detail the consequences of stopping the use of this drug. he said that if the drug is not taken in time, the blood clot in the right ventricle will fall off and enter the pulmonary artery, causing pulmonary embolism. then the blood flow at the distal end of the embolism site cannot flow into the alveoli, and gas exchange cannot be completed, resulting in an imbalance in the proportion of ventilation and blood flow, a sharp drop in the oxygen content in the blood, and eventually heart and respiratory failure, which can endanger the patient's life at any time and even lead to sudden death.

another characteristic of right ventricular thrombosis combined with pulmonary embolism is its extremely high mortality rate. according to literature statistics, the total mortality rate of right atrial thrombosis is about 28%, while the mortality rate of untreated active right heart thrombosis can reach 80%-100%. active right ventricular thrombosis is recognized by the medical community worldwide as an emergency disease with the highest mortality rate.

therefore, after chang jinong was discharged from beijing hospital, the doctor also specially noted the doctor's advice in the "discharge record": "after discharge, you must take 20 mg of "rivaroxaban" once a day on time... take the medicine regularly to prevent pulmonary embolism." regarding the high dose of this drug, the doctor explained that under normal circumstances, patients with right atrial thrombosis only need to take 10 mg of "rivaroxaban", but the thrombus in mr. chang's right ventricle is huge, so the dose must be doubled, and the medicine must be taken on time every day, otherwise it will be life-threatening if the medicine is stopped.

lao chang was supposed to take his medicine at 7 a.m. every day. considering that he would be out of medicine the next morning, ren haiyun anxiously called the number zhao junhua had left for her, but no one answered the call the whole afternoon.

at 5:26 pm, zhao junhua finally answered the phone. according to ren haiyun's recollection, zhao junhua said that he was taking chang to zhengzhou just to understand the situation and cooperate with the police investigation, and repeatedly told her not to worry about chang's health, as he had chang's medical records. "during the call, a friend of mine asked if chang could answer the phone, but he said it was inconvenient for him to answer the phone on the high-speed train because of the case involved."

it was not until 11:37 pm that chang jincong called his wife to report that he was safe, saying, "don't worry about my health. i haven't finished the statement today, and i will continue tomorrow." in the middle of the conversation, zhao junhua grabbed the phone and said that two people were with him in the hotel and that he was fine. through this phone call, ren haiyun learned that her husband was sent to the hotel for the first statement after getting off the train.

as a result of this phone call, the couple were separated forever.

at 7 o'clock the next morning, it was time for chang jincong to take medicine. ren haiyun called zhao junhua several times to find out whether her husband had taken the "life-saving medicine" (rivaroxaban) on time. an hour later, zhao junhua answered the phone and said that chang was fine and could eat and drink.

later, ren haiyun was still worried about her husband's condition and decided to go to zhengzhou to deliver medicine. according to the above judgment, ren haiyun was listed as a dishonest person by the court because she assumed civil joint liability for her husband's economic dispute case, and was restricted from taking high-speed trains or airplanes.

to this end, she took the train to zhengzhou and tried to contact zhao junhua all the way, but no one answered. it was not until the evening that zhao junhua learned that she had arrived at the police station and asked her to take her to a designated place where police officers he had arranged would come to pick up the medicine.

more than an hour after ren haiyun delivered the medicine, zhao junhua actually contacted her. ren haiyun said, "he told me to go to the police station around 12 noon tomorrow to go through the detention procedures. at this time, i asked about my lover's health and he said there was no problem at all."

ren haiyun paid special attention to the time displayed on this call: 19:13 on march 28, 2024. however, bailu news noticed that the "detention notice" obtained by ren haiyun from the zhengdong branch later showed that "our bureau has detained chang jincong, who is suspected of refusing to execute a judgment, at 18:00 on march 28, 2024, and is currently detained in the zhengzhou city no. 3 detention center." that is to say, when zhao junhua called ren haiyun that night, chang jincong had already been detained in the detention center.

figure|detention notice from zhengdong branch to the family of the deceased

at that time, ren haiyun did not notice anything unusual. but at 9:17 that night, ren haiyun received another call from zhao junhua, saying that her husband was in the hospital for emergency treatment and asked her to go to zhengda hospital immediately. "at that time, i had a hunch that something had happened to my husband, and i was always worried that the problem of stopping medication would cause illness."

about 20 minutes later, she and her brother drove to the hospital emergency room and found lao chang lying motionless on the bed, surrounded by many plainclothes police officers and doctors, including the police station chief chen guofa and zhao junhua. when she walked over to approach her husband, more than a dozen police officers dragged her back until her husband was pushed into the intensive care unit (icu).

patients were still "injected" with drugs after they died

the sudden change left ren haiyun and his family at a loss.

after the unconscious chang ji was placed in the icu of the hospital for emergency treatment, the doctor told his family that the patient was in critical condition and his heart had repeatedly stopped beating. according to the "admission record" issued by zhengda hospital, half an hour ago, he was found fainted in the toilet (interrogation room) when he went to the toilet. he could be woken up, but then he suddenly stopped breathing and his heart stopped beating..., and he was successfully resuscitated. during the admission, he stopped beating again, and he was resuscitated again. he was resuscitated again, and repeated resuscitation for 6 minutes before he was successfully resuscitated.

figure|admission record issued by zhengda hospital

medical staff continued to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but it was ineffective and a critical illness notice was issued. in order to correct heart failure, hypoxia, and create conditions for surgery, doctors decided to use a device called ecmo (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation). this is a high-tech life support system used to help patients when their heart and lung functions are severely damaged.

ecmo technology can represent the level of emergency and critical care in a hospital or a region. public data shows that zhengzhou university hospital, known as the "largest hospital in asia", is the largest tertiary-level a-class comprehensive hospital in henan province that integrates medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, prevention, health care, and rehabilitation. in the china best hospital ranking (fudan university edition), its comprehensive ranking ranks 19th in the country and 21st in the china hospital scientific research value ranking. it has four campuses, including the east campus and the north campus.

photo: the deceased chang jicong's wife (right) and daughter at zhengda hospital

ecmo, commonly known as artificial heart and lung, is a rescue technology that replaces the heart and lung functions. it can buy time for the rescue of dying patients with respiratory failure caused by various diseases such as cardiac arrest, refractory cardiogenic shock, and severe pneumonia. currently, ecmo has gradually become well-known to the public because of its significant role in the treatment of major covid-19 epidemics. many people call it the "ultimate weapon" for saving the lives of critically ill patients.

bailu news learned that the price of an imported ecmo device previously ranged from 1 million to 3.5 million yuan, and the startup and consumables costs were high. liu yang, director of the chinese project department of the german association of traditional chinese medicine, once said in an interview with the media that in the past, the average cost of ecmo startup consumables was 50,000 yuan, plus the treatment fee of more than 10,000 yuan per day in the icu for severe cases.

ren haiyun learned that the cost of using ecmo is extremely high, with the startup fee alone being more than 50,000 yuan, and at least 10,000 yuan per day. she felt helpless, as this was a huge burden for an ordinary family with a lot of debt. she asked the doctor about the necessity and success rate of ecmo. it is understood that the success rate is 50%.

the doctor explained to ren haiyun that ecmo is the last choice when other treatments are ineffective. it can replace the functions of the heart and lungs, giving patients time to heal and recover. however, the doctor also told her frankly that although ecmo is an advanced life support technology, it cannot cure the disease, and the success rate varies depending on the patient's specific situation.

faced with this situation, ren haiyun felt very conflicted. on the one hand, she did not want to give up any chance to save her husband; on the other hand, she had to consider the two children at home who needed to be taken care of, as well as the increasing medical expenses. it was difficult for her to make a decision.

but in the end, ren haiyun decided to save her husband's life at all costs. she told bailu news that on the first day of the rescue, she first borrowed 50,000 yuan from relatives and friends, and then went to the police station many times to negotiate to advance the daily medical expenses, but zhao junhua kept hiding and not answering the phone. faced with the hospital's payment notice, she had no choice but to send a text message to gu qiusheng, deputy director of the zhengdong branch, asking for help that "the family is unable to pay the medical expenses."

photo: deputy director gu qiusheng of zhengdong branch sent a text message to the family of the deceased

gu qiusheng replied to ren haiyun at 2:12 p.m. on march 31: "i just checked at the hospital and there is more than 10,000 yuan in the account. it will not affect the treatment." then she sent another text message and did not reply again.

on april 2, chen lin, deputy secretary of the discipline inspection commission of the zhengdong branch, met with ren haiyun and her family. according to a recording she provided, chen lin handed her a printed "application form" for her to sign, but she refused to sign the paper that had neither a stamp nor a date.

photo: the deceased's family took a photo of the application for advance payment of medical expenses from the zhengdong branch

while they were not paying attention, ren haiyun took a photo of the application. the application showed, "my name is ren haiyun... on march 27, my husband chang jincong was taken back to zhengzhou by the tongtai road police station in beijing for questioning. on the night of march 28, chang jincong was sent to zhengzhou university hospital for emergency treatment due to illness. after multiple rescue efforts, he is still in critical condition. the public security agency has paid 120,000 yuan in advance for medical expenses out of humanitarianism, and the family has raised 50,000 yuan on their own. the patient is now receiving rescue in the intensive care unit and is still in critical condition. now because the family is unable to pay for the medical expenses, i request the public security agency to continue to provide assistance and treatment to chang jincong and to pay the medical expenses in advance."

"after i refused to sign, chen lin called me and promised that they would pay and put our minds at ease," said ren haiyun. "when lao chang was first rescued using ecmo, the doctor talked to me and said that his blood pressure was stable. the hospital gave me a message: lao chang could be saved, which gave me hope. but on the second day of the rescue, the hospital kept persuading me to give up treatment, which i felt was very abnormal."

according to a recording of a conversation between the hospital and ren haiyun, the patient's attending physician said to her, "currently his blood pressure is 30 and is still supported by ecmo. i estimate that once the ecmo is removed, his blood pressure will drop sharply. i think you will not be able to save him even if you spend so much money to save him next time."

ren haiyun told bailu news that on april 3, she asked the hospital for lao chang's emergency medical records, intending to consult with the beijing hospital that had treated him. "perhaps they felt that they could no longer conceal the truth, so the hospital refused to provide the medical records. during many conversations, they advised us to give up treatment and remove ecmo, but we insisted on not agreeing."

unfortunately, the expensive ecmo did not save chang jincong from the brink of death. at 4:42 a.m. on april 6, the hospital notified the patient's family that "rescue was meaningless" and officially announced chang jincong's death. so far, chang jincong had been in the icu of zhengda hospital for 9 days, and the medical expenses were as high as 295,731.81 yuan, of which zhengdong branch paid more than 240,000 yuan.

after the ecmo was removed, the police only allowed the deceased's children to enter the icu. this was the first time they saw their father in the icu. the daughter touched her father's feet and said, "it was icy cold and piercing, as if my father had been dead for many days." his eyes were open all the time, and he died with his eyes open.

ren haiyun didn't see her husband until chang jincong's body was transferred to the morgue of zhengda hospital. she followed the custom of her hometown and wore funeral clothes with her husband, but when she wiped his body, she found a deep mark on his neck, an obvious wound on his left leg, and a large area of ​​bruises on his back. she then took a few photos.

picture: there is a deep mark of strangulation on the neck of the deceased chang jicong

seeing her husband, who used to be so radiant, turned into this "hideous" appearance, she was in so much pain that she almost fainted. ren haiyun told bailu news that she found "circular marks on both wrists" of the deceased from the 120 emergency medical records, and consulted friends in the judicial system. they said that the deceased had been tortured during the interrogation, and she needed an explanation from the police station.

in addition, ren haiyun also questioned the "sky-high" medical expenses of more than 290,000 yuan incurred by zhengda hospital for using ecmo, believing that it was suspected of over-medicalization and random charging. she cited a detailed account once calculated by peng zhiyong, director of the department of critical care medicine at zhongnan hospital of wuhan university, that the startup cost of ecmo was 40,000 to 60,000 yuan, mainly the cost of consumables for a package, including centrifugal pump heads, pipes, vascular cannulas and membrane lungs. during operation, ecmo costs 10,000 to 20,000 yuan per day, mainly icu, medication, monitoring equipment and medical staff costs. all in all, her husband's rescue for 9 days would not exceed 240,000 yuan. the above-mentioned director liu yang also told the media that patients used to use ecmo for two weeks at a cost of only 200,000 yuan.

bailu news noted that page 71 of the "temporary medical order" issued by zhengda hospital showed that at 8:02 am on april 6, the deceased chang jinong was sent to the morgue by the hospital; at 8:53 am on april 11, the deceased underwent "cardiopulmonary resuscitation", "physical diagnosis routine electrocardiogram examination", and used multiple different quantities of "norepinephrine injections" and "glucose injections", totaling 22 charges, of which 3 were "supplementary medical orders".

figure | the deceased was sent to the morgue of zhengda hospital and still incurred 22 medical expenses

regarding why the deceased was still charged on the fifth day in the morgue, cui hongwei, the attending physician of the patient chang jincong, responded to the white deer news on behalf of the deceased's family, saying, "after the rescue is completed, it is allowed by the state to write medical instructions a few hours later. if he was sent to the morgue already dead or wrote (supplementary) medical instructions a few days later, i can't remember because it has been too long."

the injuries on the deceased may have been caused by a doctorof

after her husband's death, ren haiyun kept asking the police to show her all the body camera videos of her husband from beijing to zhengzhou, because she suspected that her husband, who had many scars and bruises on his body, might have been tortured to death by the police station.

her biggest question now is: what exactly did her husband go through during those hours in the interrogation room?

ren haiyun contacted the police station and zhengdong branch, but received no response. on april 8, chen lin, deputy secretary of the discipline inspection commission of zhengdong branch, sent her a text message saying, "the branch attaches great importance to the problem you raised. we have set up a special team and i will take the lead in handling the aftermath."

photo: chen lin, deputy secretary of the discipline inspection commission of zhengdong branch, sent a text message to the family of the deceased

ren haiyun felt that it was inappropriate for chen lin to take the lead in handling this matter. according to reports, on december 13, 2020, a real-name report appeared on the internet that chen lin, a second-level police inspector, deputy secretary of the discipline inspection commission, and deputy director of the law enforcement and discipline supervision office of the zhengdong branch, was suspected of violating discipline and law and committing crimes. the reporter claimed that chen lin had forged and changed multiple identities, used false archival materials to infiltrate the police force; was a naked official, had long maintained improper relationships with many women; intervened in economic cases, handled money cases, and relationship cases; owned multiple properties and shops, and provided protection for cross-border online gambling. on the day of the report, the henan provincial public security department and the zhengzhou municipal public security bureau had set up an investigation team to intervene in the matter, but to this day, the relevant departments have not announced the results of the investigation.

figure|the media reported that the deputy secretary of the discipline inspection commission of zhengdong branch was suspected of violating discipline, laws and crimes

the next afternoon, chen lin notified the family of the deceased to come to the hotel to discuss the aftermath, and delivered the "detention notice", "case filing decision" and the deceased's personal belongings, as well as the medical records of the day of death to ren haiyun. "but the only thing missing is my husband's cell phone. the police said they can't give it to you now."

ren haiyun said that she then took her husband's id card to the hospital to print out his medical records, but could not find any relevant information about him on the computer. the doctor said that the medical records were still in the icu and had not been uploaded. finally, with the consent of the police, the hospital reluctantly gave all the medical records of the deceased to the family of the deceased.

on april 10, at ren haiyun's strong request, the police station showed part of the video to the family of the deceased and their lawyer. ren haiyun said that before watching the video, the police asked them to go through security checks and hand over their mobile phones and metal objects. "i was very angry. watching a video was like interrogating a prisoner. we went downstairs directly, but when i walked to the gate and thought about it calmly, i still wanted to know the truth about my lover's death. i finally got the opportunity, so i went back and accepted the police's request."

according to ren haiyun and her daughter, the video shows that after lao chang got off the high-speed train, he and zhao junhua walked side by side at the zhengzhou high-speed railway station for more than ten seconds, but the exact time is unknown. then the video jumps to 11 o'clock in the evening of march 27, when he and two policemen in police uniforms stayed at the hotel front desk for about 1 minute. zhao junhua asked him to show his id card at the front desk (to book a room), and then they took the elevator into the hotel room and flashed by. the entire video screen has no sound, and no one can be heard talking.

when she asked to see the video in the room, the police officer who played the video said that the hotel had no surveillance. "i don't believe it, because at 11:37 that night, i received a call from my husband, who said that the record was not finished today and would continue tomorrow, and zhao had arranged two people here. zhao junhua also said on the phone that there were two other people accompanying him in the hotel. i wanted to ask a few more questions, but my husband said they wanted a mobile phone and hung up the call." ren haiyun said, "i definitely don't believe that the hotel has no surveillance, and combined with the scars on my husband's body, i suspect that he was tortured in the hotel." so, she insisted on watching the video in the room again and again, but was rejected.

"this edited video shows that at around 4 p.m. on march 28, lao chang was taken by police into the lobby of the case management center of the zhengdong branch, where he stood for a while and drank a sip of water. afterwards, he was sent to the interrogation room by police and sat on a chair. not long after, the interrogator zhao junhua seemed to be tearing up a document." in response, the police officer who was watching the video explained to her that when the interrogators take notes, they sometimes make mistakes, sign wrongly, or need to make changes, and then they have to reprint them and give them to him for approval and signature, so the previous notes have to be torn up.

"i felt something was wrong after listening to it, because my wife's eyes are presbyopic and she can't see clearly, so i doubt the record they made." ren haiyun continued to watch the video and found that lao chang in the video was taken into a separate room again. he first sat on a bench, and then lay on the bench again after an unknown period of time, and seemed to be very anxious to knock on the door. "they further explained to me that my wife wanted to go to the toilet."

"the screen changed, and i saw my lover falling to the floor from the toilet," ren haiyun said. "my heart beat fast when i saw that, and i shouted for help, but there was no one beside him. i was anxious, but i couldn't do anything through the screen, and i was heartbroken. he seemed to be calling for help, and then i saw him sitting up and holding his foot, looking very painful. the police explained that his foot hurt, but i couldn't hear or see anything, and then i saw him fall down again. at this time, there was a person standing next to my lover, and i didn't know what he was saying. i watched my lover lying there helplessly for a long time."

"i could only yell for help, but the man was indifferent." the police officer next to her told her that they tried to save her during the interrogation. "but i didn't see anyone trying to save her. after an unknown amount of time, i saw the doctor from the 120 ambulance come in, and then there was no more footage."

after watching the video, ren haiyun collapsed and her heart kept beating wildly. the 120 emergency personnel at the scene quickly gave her a few quick-acting heart pills, and she finally felt better.

"from the entire video, it can be seen that they never gave my husband the drug 'rivaroxaban'. if he had taken the medicine on time, without stopping, he would not have died of a sudden heart attack. i really can't accept it." ren haiyun recalled afterwards that she had doubts whether there was a causal relationship between her husband's death and the discontinuation of the medication.

according to an anonymous cardiovascular expert, "rivaroxaban" is an anti-thrombotic drug that is very effective in treating rare right ventricular thrombosis. if it is not taken on time every day, or if it is stopped for more than one day, it will increase the risk of thrombosis, causing blood to not flow to the heart, endangering the patient's life.

on the morning of august 12, bailu news visited the tongtai road police station with the family of the deceased, and in the name of the family, asked director chen guofa about the case. according to chen guofa, lao chang went to the toilet during the interrogation, and accidentally fell to the ground after relieving himself. he sat on the ground and touched his feet. a police officer next to him walked over and asked him if he was okay. he said his feet hurt so much that he couldn't stand it. the police helped him up, but he couldn't stand up and fell to the ground again. afterwards, the police immediately called 120 and reported the situation to the police on duty. "after a while, he went up and gave him cardiopulmonary resuscitation. after all, he (the police) was not professional. later, we also reflected that some police officers might not understand medical knowledge."