
zhengguan video review: school security guard hits parent on the head with a weapon, bloodiness should not be used in the wrong place


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on september 13, a netizen posted a video and revealed that a parent was hit on the head by a weapon by a security guard in front of a school in nanshan district, shenzhen, and fell to the ground bleeding.

on september 14, the nanshan district education bureau of shenzhen issued a situation report: after wang, a parent of a student at qianhai harbor bay school, arrived at the west gate of the school, he wanted to enter the school's security control area and had a verbal conflict with the security guard on duty, hou, and took a photo of hou with his mobile phone. hou lost control of his emotions and hit wang with a fork, causing wang's head and hands to be injured. subsequently, wang was sent to the hospital for treatment, and hou was controlled by the public security organs. at present, wang's condition is stable, and hou has been criminally detained by the public security organs in accordance with the law.

full text of the notice

positive review:

i thought it was some deep hatred, why would they fight over such a small matter? the parent lying on the ground obviously had no ability to resist, but the security guard still hit him hard on the head, which was really shocking. if the children who walked out of the school gate saw this scene, how sad and helpless would they be? the school hired security guards, not bandits. this kind of blood should be used on the bullies who invaded the school, not the parents.

on september 14, the nanshan district education bureau issued a detailed report on the incident, reconstructing the scene of the incident: the cause was that the parent wanted to enter the security control area, had a verbal conflict with the security guard, and filmed the security guard with his mobile phone. the security guard lost control of his emotions and hit the parent with a fork pole. at present, the security guard has been criminally detained by the public security organs in accordance with the law.

the speed and strength of the local response are worthy of praise. the criminal responsibility was borne, and no "temporary workers" were used to shirk responsibility. this incident is also a reminder that parents should obey the management even if they are eager to pick up their children. if both sides understand each other more, the conflict will not escalate.

(yellow river commentary mailbox: [email protected])

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