
to improve health and make the mid-autumn festival a success, huiren pharmaceutical presents mid-autumn festival gifts and talks about "my family is well and i am well too"


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on the eve of the mid-autumn festival, jiangxi huiren pharmaceutical co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "huiren pharmaceutical") released a brand video titled "blind man watching the moon", telling the story of blind singer @紫颜 who successfully realized her musical dream with the love and support of her family. because of its warmth and healing, the video was forwarded on different platforms by authoritative media such as china news network, china youth network, sanlian life weekly, and phoenix tv. well-known kols such as thought focus also followed up and paid attention to it. netizens also liked it, and the hot search topic of the same name #盲人看月亮# was subsequently launched on the weibo platform.
during the mid-autumn festival, a festival when families reunite, huiren pharmaceuticals used the warm and inspiring growth story of blind singer @紫颜 to convey its brand attitude - family love is the moonlight that illuminates people's growth path, thereby further conveying the brand concept of "family well, so am i", calling on everyone to care for their families. the attention paid to the dream-chasing journey of the blind, a special group of people, has led more people to pay attention to vulnerable groups, completing a collective transmission of social positive energy.
why did huiren’s mid-autumn festival attitude video impress netizens?
@紫颜's real name is yan kangling. she was once a masseur with a dream of singing. pursuing her dream means giving up a stable job. because she can't see, she has to use a voice assistant to listen to every word and phrase over and over again when shooting a singing video. it takes more effort than ordinary people, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge. but ziyan did not back down. the unconditional encouragement and companionship of her family is like a gentle white moonlight that penetrates the darkness and illuminates her way forward, allowing her to bravely embark on a musical journey full of unknowns.
screenshot of the video "the blind man watching the moon"
later, @紫颜 teamed up with a pianist who was also blind to set up a music studio. her musical talent was gradually recognized, and her story was widely circulated on the internet. some netizens commented that she "had her eyesight taken away by the devil, but her throat was kissed by an angel." for ziyan, in addition to talent and hard work, the kindness of her family is equally important to her. as @紫颜 said in "the blind man sees the moon": "although i can't see the moonlight, i can feel it. the love of my family is my moon. no matter where i am, it can illuminate my windowsill."
in addition to being moved by her tenacity and talent, netizens were even more moved by the pure and sincere emotions between @紫颜 and her family. at such a special time as the mid-autumn festival, this pure emotion and the positive energy from home shown in the huiren brand video undoubtedly resonated strongly on weibo.
no matter where we are, the warmth of home and the love of our family are always the most solid backing for our struggles. huiren pharmaceutical's mid-autumn festival heartwarming film "the blind man watching the moon", based on @紫颜's real experience, accurately captures the value people place on their families in modern society. this film pays tribute to all the young people who are silently moving forward on the road of struggle, as well as their families who silently contribute behind them. i wish everyone a happy mid-autumn festival: family is good, and so am i.
huiren pharmaceutical's mid-autumn festival warmth upgrade: from "if he is well, i am well" to "if my family is well, i am well"
the full moon represents perfection, and only when the well-being of every family member is combined together can it be truly perfect. huiren has seen this with its delicate perspective, and has associated it with the brand's own attribute of "replenishing family health". it has cleverly used @紫颜's story to use the full moon of mid-autumn festival to symbolize family love, and the perfection of the full moon to symbolize family health. through inspirational and heartwarming growth stories, it accurately touches consumers' emotions while also reminding users to pay attention to family health. huiren is not only providing benefits for people's physical health, but also providing people with support on the spiritual level to "replenish" the energy of reunion, and the brand is full of warmth.
from the early days of "if he is good, i am good too", to "if my family is good, i am good too", huiren has long become a health brand for the whole family, and its products have penetrated into every aspect of family life. in recent years, huiren's brand actions have also been continuously strengthening the warmth of this national health brand.
last september, huiren focused on the self-confidence of young people and encouraged young students to pursue their dreams with the support of their families through the micro-film "speech of 10,000 people" during the school season. during women's day this year, huiren paid tribute to brave, tenacious and independent women with the spirit of "damadan" and launched the brand attitude video "true color blooming peach face". during the 618 period this year, huiren peach face series joined hands with the intangible cultural heritage hairpin flowers to convey the oriental complexion aesthetics through the short film "hairpin flower face·peach face dew" to pay tribute to women who face challenges. today, huiren pharmaceutical once again uses the warm story as the entry point to express the brand attitude with the true story of the blind singer @紫颜: my family is good, and so am i.
screenshot of the video "speech of 10,000 people"
screenshot of true colors
stills from the short film "zhanhua yan·peach yanlu"
this series of brand actions demonstrates huiren pharmaceutical's comprehensive care for the health and mental outlook of all family members, and also highlights the brand's profound cultural heritage and social responsibility; it builds a brand moat with values ​​that are more in line with consumers and strengthens the brand awareness of "if my family is well, i am well too."
it can be believed that as time goes by, huiren pharmaceutical will be able to further enhance its centripetal force and cohesion with consumers with its profound humanistic care, win the love and trust of more consumers, and become a loyal and warm health guardian of 500 million families.