
a panoramic view of the brain! tsinghua university launches a new generation of mesoscopic in vivo microscopy instrument


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on september 13, the team led by dai qionghai, an academician of the chinese academy of engineering and professor of the department of automation at tsinghua university, published their latest scientific research results - the new generation of mesoscopic in vivo microscope rush3d - in the international authoritative journal cell.

according to reports, rush3d, with its multi-scale imaging capabilities across space and time, has filled the gap in the international three-dimensional observation of mammalian mesoscopic in vivo, providing a new "killer weapon" for revealing new phenomena and mechanisms in nerves, tumors, and immunity. this achievement enables chinese life scientists and medical scientists to take the lead in using independent high-end instruments and equipment to overcome major basic research problems.

microscopic instruments have greatly expanded the boundaries of human cognition of life activities, but their development has long been plagued by the inherent contradictions between field of view, resolution, and three-dimensional imaging speed: traditional microscopes that can "distinguish" individual neurons often "cannot see the whole picture" and can only achieve dynamic recording of single-plane neural signals; and nuclear magnetic resonance technology, which can perform three-dimensional observations of the entire brain, has a spatial resolution far from sufficient to identify single-cell mesoscopic scales.

since 2013, dai qionghai's team has been conducting research in the field of mesoscopic in vivo microscopy. in 2018, the team successfully developed the world's largest field of view and highest data throughput microscopy instrument at the time - the high-resolution light field intelligent imaging microscopy instrument rush. in the six years since then, the team has further solved a series of difficult problems in mesoscopic in vivo microscopy, laying the foundation for the development of a new generation of mesoscopic in vivo microscopy instrument rush3d.

rush3d, a new generation of mesoscopic in vivo microscopy instrument

it is understood that several cross-research teams have used rush3d to achieve a number of "worldwide first" observation results in multiple disciplines such as brain science, immunology, medicine and pharmacy. taking brain science as an example, rush3d can perform long-term high-speed three-dimensional imaging of the whole brain of awake mice that are "watching a movie", and with sufficient spatial resolution, it can present the neuronal network that shines like stars in the sky in the 17 brain regions observed. it provides strong support for exploring the principles of brain functions such as biological intelligence and consciousness, and promoting research on brain degenerative diseases, and further promotes the exploration of brain-inspired artificial intelligence. in other fields, this revolutionary tool has shown great potential in capturing the immune response after viral infection and the panoramic view of the repair process of acute brain injury.

(photo courtesy of tsinghua university)

editor: wang qian