
netizens said they drove into the scenic area and wanted to take the "hanging wall road", but were asked to pay 100 yuan for "guide fee"


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on september 13, a netizen reported that he was asked to pay 100 yuan when passing through the kunshan tunnel in the wangmangling scenic area in shanxi, which aroused concern.

according to the video, the woman was filming at the entrance of a tunnel, where several men were standing nearby. the woman said that she was not allowed to pass through the tunnel ahead, and that she had to be led by the owner of the hotel. "what kind of rules are these? what's going on? there is no sign to inform tourists that we are not allowed to leave after we come here... i am here to travel, not to quarrel..."

the netizen questioned, who stipulated that the fare for passing through the kunshan tunnel in the wangmangling scenic area is 100 yuan per car?

some netizens said that the kunshan tunnel belongs to the wangmangling scenic area and is under the jurisdiction of the scenic area. the road is extremely dangerous and you need to buy a ticket at the scenic area and be led by staff to cross it. you cannot drive by yourself. some netizens also said that it was not allowed to pass several years ago. the road was built by kunshan villagers at their own expense and is not open to private vehicles...

kunshan hanging tunnel

on september 13, a reporter from the huashang daily contacted the lingchuan county culture and tourism bureau of shanxi province regarding this matter. the staff member said that kunshan is part of the wangmangling scenic area, but the charges for kunshan are not included in the scenic area ticket. if you want to go through the tunnel, you need to pay 30 yuan, and they have not heard of any other charges.

afterwards, the reporter contacted the person in charge of the wangmangling scenic area, mr. li, who said that the kunshan tunnel mentioned by netizens is actually the kunshan cliff-hanging road. the height and width of the road at its narrowest point are both about 2 meters. the road is relatively dangerous and is a one-way street. both the upper and lower lanes need to communicate with the sentry box first, and it is managed by the scenic area.

li said that kunshan is not open to the public, but villagers live there. tourists who want to live at the foot of kunshan can pay 30 yuan to be taken there by villagers. because the roads are dangerous, villagers usually drive their own vehicles. they can also drive tourists' vehicles, but it is easy to get scratched. "the 30 yuan fee was determined by us and the village committee, which means that villagers will guide tourists. it is safer for guides to drive."

regarding the netizens' claim that it costs 100 yuan to enter the tunnel, li said that 100 yuan will not be charged, and the scenic area management department is also checking and handling the matter in response to tourists' feedback.

zhang pengkang, reporter of china business news editor dong lin