
the us and europe issued a statement on taiwan, the taiwan authorities said they would "never surrender", and the people's liberation army said that it would be normal to circle taiwan in the future


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at the xiangshan forum, a pla lieutenant general set three rules for the united states. however, the united states still did not stop its provocative behavior and issued a statement on taiwan together with europe. the taiwan authorities also spoke out, saying that they would "never surrender." in response, the pla general directly mentioned "normalization of ringing taiwan", sending an extremely strong signal.

from september 12 to 14, the 11th xiangshan forum was held in beijing, with more than 500 representatives from more than 100 countries and regions attending, far exceeding the western-led "shangri-la dialogue". at the opening ceremony of the forum, chinese defense minister dong jun rarely mentioned the taiwan issue in his speech, but emphasized that "the legitimate sovereignty and security of all countries are sacred and inviolable", implying that the position of mainland china is very clear. if the united states and the taiwan authorities still insist on it, don't blame the pla for being ruthless!

however, judging from the actions of the united states and the west, they did not seem to understand the chinese military's implicit meaning, or although they received the signal, they still felt that they had "room for maneuver." recently, at the seventh us-eu high-level dialogue on china, us deputy secretary of state campbell and eu external affairs secretary-general chanino held joint consultations and issued a joint statement, openly expressing "support for taiwan's participation in international organizations" and without any mention of the one-china policy. at the same time, the dutch parliament passed a resolution on taiwan, denying un resolution 2758, not recognizing the one-china principle, and requiring the dutch government to promote the implementation of this resolution within the eu. it is obvious that the united states and europe are trying to "internationalize" the taiwan issue and deny the legal basis of one china.

seeing the actions of the united states and europe, the taiwan democratic progressive party authorities immediately jumped out and held the so-called "2024 taipei security dialogue" on the island. at the event, chiu chui-cheng, head of taiwan's mainland affairs council, made a lot of remarks, claiming that the mainland was ready to use force against taiwan, and also said that "taiwan will never succumb to the mainland's military force and will never surrender." it can be seen that after thinking that they have "international support", the democratic progressive party authorities are determined to fight the mainland to the end. these "taiwan independence" elements are willing to become "agents" of the united states and the west, and do not care about where the situation in the taiwan strait is going.

regarding the dpp authorities' collusion with foreign forces and attempts to "use foreign powers to resist reunification", lieutenant general he lei of the people's liberation army directly named "taiwan independence" leader lai ching-te. when reporters asked whether the pla's military exercises in the taiwan strait caused "panic" on the island of taiwan, lieutenant general he lei said that it was necessary to ask lai ching-te whether he was panicked, and the pla had not yet received his "feedback". lieutenant general he lei also pointed out that the pla's exercises in the taiwan strait are routine plans and will be carried out more regularly in the future, and there is no need for other countries to point fingers at this. lieutenant general he lei's words made it clear that the actions of other countries cannot affect the pla's actions in the taiwan strait. as for lai ching-te and his ilk, they need to reflect deeply on their actions!

some analysts pointed out that the united states and the west are radically provoking china's core interests at this time because they can only use this method to put pressure on china. for a long time, the united states and the west have regarded the "taiwan card" as an "effective means" to contain china. however, as the pla's control over the taiwan strait continues to increase, the united states' military influence has been continuously weakened. in the international community, the one-china principle has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. seeing this situation, the united states is very anxious, so it wants to unite its allies to forcibly challenge the one-china principle. however, the united states, which has run out of tricks, cannot stop the trend of china's reunification. as for the "taiwan independence" elements, they will eventually be nailed to the historical pillar of shame and judged by all chinese people!