
a woman was stabbed while fishing in a supermarket and suffered an eighth-level disability! doctors warn: these seafood may kill you


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everyone has had the experience of buying fish in a supermarket. recently, when ms. wang from fuzhou, fujian, went to a supermarket to buy fish, the stall was unattended.when ms. wang was putting fish into the bag, her hand was stabbed by a fish

that night, ms. wang had a high fever that did not subside. the next day, ms. wang was diagnosed with vibrio vulnificus infection. after more than ten hours of emergency treatment in the hospital, she was out of wang was hospitalized for 84 days and spent 75,864.43 yuan on medical expenses.

during her hospitalization, ms. wang was diagnosed with multiple illnesses including "toxic effects of contact with fish" and "septic shock".according to the appraisal opinion of the local judicial appraisal center, ms. wang has dysfunction of the first five fingers of her right hand, constituting a grade 8 disability.after ms. wang was injured and hospitalized, the supermarket paid 9,000 yuan as compensation. however, ms. wang's family believed that everything ms. wang suffered was caused by the stab wound when buying fish. after further communication with the supermarket failed, ms. wangthe supermarket where the incident occurred and the company that owned it were brought to court, requiring the defendant to pay a one-time compensation totaling more than 220,000 yuan.

on january 4 this year, the people's court of gulou district, fuzhou city, issued a first-instance verdict.the defendant was ordered to pay the plaintiff, ms. wang, a total of rmb 139,369.09 in damages.after the first-instance judgment was pronounced, the defendant appealed. on april 28, the fuzhou intermediate people's court made a second-instance judgment, rejecting the appeal and upholding the original judgment.

what are the symptoms of vibrio vulnificus infection?

it is understood that vibrio vulnificus (vv), also known as marine vibrio, is a gram-negative bacterium belonging to the genus vibrio. it is known as "flesh-eating bacteria" and is a pathogenic vibrio with a very high mortality rate.

this bacterium lives in the ocean, and its activity peaks in the summer. if you are stung by marine fish, shellfish, shrimp, crabs, etc. infected with this bacterium, or eat products infected with vibrio vulnificus, or even if your wound is exposed to seawater containing this bacterium, you may be infected with this bacterium. if you do not receive timely and effective treatment after being infected, the patient may be forced to undergo amputation to save his life, and the mortality rate is very high.

the main symptoms of vibrio vulnificus infection can be divided into the following three categories: primary sepsis accounts for the highest proportion, reaching 43.1%, and severe conditions can be life-threatening; traumatic infection accounts for 45.9%, usually due to existing wounds on the body contacting contaminated seawater or being stung by marine animals, manifested as skin and muscle necrosis, and may rapidly develop into secondary sepsis, requiring amputation in severe cases; gastroenteritis accounts for the least proportion, about 5%, mainly manifested by digestive tract symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea, and the symptoms are relatively mild.

older people with weakened immune systems are more likely to be attacked by vibrio vulnificushowever, young people should not take it lightly. for those who have a history of recent contact with seawater or seafood (especially those with wounds on the body surface),symptoms such as fever and skin lesions that spread rapidlypatients should be vigilant and go to the hospital for treatment in time.

how to respond to infection with vibrio vulnificus?

if you experience symptoms such as fever, chills, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, low blood pressure, or local skin swelling and pain, black and purple skin around the wound, and blisters after contact with seawater or seafood, seek medical attention immediately and inform your doctor of your history of contact with seawater or seafood.

generally speaking, the incidence of vibrio vulnificus infection is low, but once it occurs, the disease develops very quickly, with a mortality rate of more than 50% within 48 hours. if effective treatment is not received for more than 72 hours, the mortality rate of the infection will approach 100%. therefore, although the incidence of vibrio vulnificus infection is low, the mortality rate is very high, and it should be actively prevented and not be taken lightly.

wear gloves when handling raw seafood to avoid being pricked.if you are accidentally stabbed, you should squeeze out the blood from the wound immediately, wash it with clean water, and disinfect the wound with alcohol or iodine disinfectant., do not use saline solution or sprinkle salt on the wound; the injured area should be avoided from contact with sea water or seafood; try to cook seafood thoroughly before eating.