
after hebei academy of fine arts was involved in a huge amount of private lending: the school's basic accounts have been unblocked and classes are opening as planned


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at the end of august, hebei academy of fine arts attracted attention due to its huge amount of private lending.according to the economic observer, the hebei academy of fine arts confirmed that since may this year, the xinle city people's court of hebei province has issued several execution orders to the hebei academy of fine arts. after preliminary calculations, the total execution amount is expected to be around 360 million yuan. with many accounts sealed, as students' tuition fees are deposited into the hebei academy of fine arts account, the xinle court may continue to deduct tuition fees from the account, causing students to worry about "whether they should pay tuition this year, the risk of the school being shut down, and whether they can graduate smoothly."
▲hebei academy of fine arts
in early september, zhen zhongyi, the founder of hebei academy of fine arts, responded to the controversy. he told red star news that the school's opening preparations were facing huge challenges because the school's relevant accounts had been blocked, and he was seeking help from relevant departments. hebei academy of fine arts has never provided guarantees for private loan contracts as a guarantor, nor has it signed loan contracts with the persons involved in the case. at present, a complaint has been filed with the hebei provincial high people's court regarding some of the private loan lawsuits involved.
during the interview, red star news reporter learned that according to the hebei academy of fine arts' opening plan, the reporting time for old students and new students upgrading from junior college to undergraduate is september 6, 7 and 8, and the reporting time for new undergraduate and junior college students is september 21 and 22. currently, students are enrolled normally as planned.
some students told the red star news reporter that they were quite worried when they first saw the news that the school account had been frozen online, but the school did a lot of explanation and they are not so worried now. they have already paid the tuition and are at the school, and hope that the dispute can be resolved as soon as possible so that the students can go to school with peace of mind.
zhen zhongyi told red star news that, upon application, the court has lifted the seizure of the school's basic accounts to ensure the normal operation of the school's income and expenditure.
in response to this matter, a staff member of the hebei provincial department of education responded to the red star news reporter and said: "for matters involving private lending disputes, the relevant court decisions shall prevail. at present, the school's basic account has been unblocked, and the school's teaching is normal, which will not affect students' schooling."
hebei academy of fine arts:
involved in huge private lending has attracted attention
the hebei academy of fine arts' official website shows that the hebei academy of fine arts is a private full-time undergraduate art college approved by the ministry of education. the school was founded in 2002, was approved to confer bachelor's degrees in 2015, was approved to confer master's degrees in 2016, and passed the undergraduate teaching qualification evaluation of the state council education supervision committee in 2019. after the new students enter school in september 2024, the number of students will reach 31,000 and the number of faculty and staff will exceed 3,000.
at the end of august, the economic observer published a report titled "hebei academy of fine arts involved in huge private lending, students struggling over whether to pay this year's tuition", which disclosed the news that the hebei academy of fine arts was involved in huge private lending, the school's accounts were seized, the school was facing suspension, and students were wondering whether they could successfully enroll.
according to the economic observer, the hebei academy of fine arts was founded by zhen zhongyi. around 2018, zhen zhongyi's daughter zhen zimeng signed a "private lending contract" with cao moumou as a borrower, and zhen zhongyi and the hebei academy of fine arts provided guarantees. in may 2019, zhen zimeng was detained on suspicion of illegally absorbing public deposits, and the public security organs in shijiazhuang city and xinle city both filed a case for investigation. in october of the same year, zhen zimeng was sentenced to 13 years in prison for the crime of fundraising fraud. before and after this, the xinle city public security bureau withdrew the criminal case, and the lenders involved in xinle city filed a civil lawsuit against zhen zimeng, zhen zhongyi and the hebei academy of fine arts. as a lender, cao moumou, when zhen zimeng failed to fulfill his obligation to repay the loan, the court required zhen zhongyi and the hebei academy of fine arts to compensate.
however, the above cases are just the tip of the iceberg of hebei academy of fine arts' involvement in private lending. since the beginning of this year, hebei academy of fine arts has received a number of compulsory execution orders involving private lending.
from may to june 2024, lenders headed by song moumou and zhen moumou repeatedly applied to the xinle municipal people's court (hereinafter referred to as the "xinle court") for compulsory execution against the hebei academy of fine arts, zhen zhongyi, zhen zimeng, niu zengming, and hebei zude lighting equipment technology co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "zude lighting").
in may and june 2024, the xinle court issued several compulsory execution orders, requiring the cumulative deduction of 111.58 million yuan from the student fee account of the hebei academy of fine arts.
in august 2019, the xinle court conducted pre-litigation asset preservation against the hebei academy of fine arts, and seized a total of four plots of land on the campus of the hebei academy of fine arts, and froze all bank accounts including the student subsidy account. since then, the school's party building account and student subsidy account have been unblocked, and other accounts have remained frozen. according to the hebei academy of fine arts, as of now, more than 50 million yuan has been deducted from various accounts of the hebei academy of fine arts. what they are worried about is that the new school year will start in september, and as students' tuition fees enter the hebei academy of fine arts account, the xinle court may continue to deduct tuition fees from the account.
founder response:
the individual has acted as a guarantor, and the loan has nothing to do with the school
after the news that hebei academy of fine arts was involved in a huge loan dispute was disclosed, it quickly attracted public attention.
in early september this year, zhen zhongyi, the founder and president of hebei academy of fine arts, publicly responded to the matter. zhen zhongyi stated that hebei academy of fine arts had never provided a guarantee for zhen zimeng's private loan contract. the "official seal" on the contract was either privately stamped by zhen zimeng when he took the contract to hebei academy of fine arts, or was stamped with a fake seal he had privately carved. he admitted that he had signed the private loan contract as a guarantor out of his debt to his daughter and his trust in the lender (a friend of zhen zhongyi's hometown). the loan had nothing to do with hebei academy of fine arts. not a penny of the loan flowed into the account of hebei academy of fine arts, and not a penny was used for the construction of the academy.
▲zhen zhongyi, founder and president of hebei academy of fine arts, publicly responded to the loan dispute
zhen zhongyi said that since the borrower was his biological daughter and the lender was a childhood friend from the same village, he signed the guarantee without reading the contract carefully because of his trust in his daughter and childhood friend.
zhen zhongyi said that the hebei academy of fine arts has filed an application for retrial with the hebei provincial higher people's court. the reasons and requests for the retrial are "errors in fact determination and application of law", and the court of retrial is required to revoke the original effective judgment.
regarding the general question of whether the school can open normally as scheduled and whether it will be shut down, zhen zhongyi said that as early as august 2019, the xinle municipal people's court carried out pre-litigation asset preservation of the hebei academy of fine arts, seized four plots of land of the hebei academy of fine arts, and froze bank accounts including student national scholarships and poverty subsidy accounts. at the end of august this year, the school's basic accounts used to maintain daily operations were frozen again, which caused students to worry. the school has only received tuition fees from a small number of students, and more students are still waiting and watching. it is hoped that all sectors of society can pay more attention and relevant departments will intervene to deal with it. the school will cooperate with the investigation and make the truth public as soon as possible.
the basic account is unblocked:
students hope the school will resolve the dispute as soon as possible
how do the students and teachers of hebei academy of fine arts view this incident? in this regard, red star news reporters contacted several students and teachers of hebei academy of fine arts.
xiao liu is a junior at the hebei academy of fine arts. he told red star news that he saw the news on his phone that the school was involved in a loan dispute and its account was frozen. he was shocked and worried at the time. when chatting with classmates, they were all asking questions like "do i still need to pay the tuition? will it be transferred if i pay? can i still graduate?"
xiao liu said that later the school and teachers came to explain the school's current situation to them. the school said it was taking active measures to deal with these problems and would also try to ensure that students can go to school normally. after communicating with the teacher, he is not so worried now.
xiao liu has already registered at the school. "i have paid the tuition fee, and i know that my classmates have also paid. however, i still hope that this dispute can be resolved as soon as possible so that we can all go to school with peace of mind."
another classmate, xiao zhang, told red star news that the tuition has been paid and school has started normally. he believes that the school can handle the matter well and it will not affect students' schooling.
compared with students, teachers feel the impact of this incident more directly. teacher liu, who is in charge of school logistics, told red star news that since the enrollment scale this year is larger than in previous years, the school needs to build new buildings to meet the teaching and living needs of new students. however, after the news of the account being blocked due to loan disputes came out, builders and suppliers were worried about not getting paid. "we had to work hard to persuade them and put in a good word, and now things are stable for the time being."
teacher liu said that according to the current construction schedule, the new students can be guaranteed to enroll normally.
mr. zhou, who is in charge of teaching and administrative work, told red star news that the school has been under great pressure since the incident. school leaders and teachers held an emergency meeting to deal with the matter and try to minimize the impact of the incident on the school so as not to affect the normal start of school and daily teaching for students.
teacher zhou mentioned that after learning that the school’s accounts had been frozen, many teachers were worried about the normal payment of their salaries. “after the school’s efforts, the school’s basic accounts have been unsealed, ensuring the normal payment of salaries for faculty and staff, as well as the school’s normal teaching activities and student logistics support.”
zhen zhongyi also confirmed to red star news that the school's basic account had been unblocked. "after the incident, we submitted a repayment plan application to the court and repaid the loan in batches on schedule. at the same time, we unblocked the school's basic account to ensure the normal teaching operation of the school. the basic account has been unblocked."
regarding this matter, a reporter from red star news contacted the xinle city court, which did not give a positive response; xinle city government staff said they needed to contact the hebei provincial department of education.
a staff member of the hebei provincial department of education responded to the red star news reporter, saying: "for matters involving private lending disputes, the relevant court decisions shall prevail. at present, the school's basic account has been unblocked, and the school's teaching is normal, which will not affect students' schooling."
red star news reporter qi biao pictured from the hebei academy of fine arts official website
editor: guo zhuang, responsible editor: feng lingling
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