
russian deputy defense minister: strengthening nato's military presence in the asia-pacific is a dangerous trend


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china news service, beijing, september 13 (huang yuqin and xie yanbing) russian deputy defense minister fomin said at the 11th beijing xiangshan forum on the 13th that strengthening the military presence of nato countries in the asia-pacific region and shifting military operations and conflicts to the asia-pacific region is a dangerous trend.
on the same day, the 11th beijing xiangshan forum opened in beijing. fomin pointed out at the forum that china is one of russia's key international partners, and the relationship between the two countries is a model of cooperation between countries and a guarantee of peace and stability. both sides advocate the establishment of a fair and multipolar world order based on equality and mutual respect.
fomin said that the united states and western countries are trying to establish a military alliance similar to nato under the guise of establishing a "free" and "open" space in the asia-pacific region. a typical example is the us-uk-australia trilateral security partnership (aukus), which aims to divide countries into groups to provoke an arms race, strengthen the military presence of nato countries in the asia-pacific region, and transfer military operations and conflicts to the asia-pacific region. this is a dangerous trend.
when talking about the ukrainian crisis, fomin said that in order to force russia to negotiate by force, nato plans to send troops into ukraine. this is a very dangerous "game" that may lead to a direct military conflict between nuclear powers. we have noticed that the united states is actively studying a new version of its nuclear doctrine, in which the threshold for the use of nuclear weapons may be greatly lowered. (end)