
a woman was sentenced for repeatedly not paying for taxis, and she did it again after being released from prison! multiple departments responded


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recently, many netizens reportedyang, a woman who was sentenced for repeatedly taking taxis without paying in xi'an, repeated her old tricks after being released from prison., which attracted attention.

in june 2024, yang refused to pay the fare and posted a video insulting the taxi driver.he was sentenced to one year in prison and ordered to pay 1,095.9 yuan in economic losses to 11 taxi drivers.

recently, many netizens posted videos saying,yang has been released from prison and once again took a taxi and refused to pay the the video, the driver asked yang to scan the code to pay the fare, but he said nothing. another video showed that the police had arrived at the scene to deal with the situation, and the driver also said "this is a habitual offender."

on september 13, the reporter contacted mr. duan, the person who posted the video. mr. duan said that he was also a local taxi driver.yang's residence is located in the local dongda street. his taxi trips are relatively fixed, the distance is not short, and the cost is around 130 yuan. many drivers have been "hit"

the reporter contacted the local dongda police station about the incident and explained his intention, but the staff did not respond directly. the staff of the dongda subdistrict office told the reporter that they had heard of the incident and suggested that they contact the judicial office to learn more about the details.

the reporter sought confirmation from the dongda subdistrict judicial office.the staff confirmed that yang had been released from prison not long ago, and that some drivers had indeed reported that she had taken a taxi without paying again.

the staff member said that the judicial office, the street office, the police station and the village were very concerned about yang's case and visited him to learn about the situation. yang himself had no job, often went out, and his whereabouts were not fixed.the father was the only one at home, and he was old, so he said he couldn't control his daughter. he was considering communicating with the taxi company to see if he could ask the driver to refuse to take yang to avoid such incidents.

regarding some netizens' questions about whether yang has mental problems, the staff member said that there is no formal appraisal at present.i will ask for your opinion on whether to do a professional, we will report this to our superiors, analyze and judge, and come up with more effective measures as soon as possible.

>>>previous report<<

in 2023, a woman in xi'an, shaanxi province was accused by several taxi drivers of not paying for taxis. the woman then posted several videos insulting taxi drivers and said that she did not pay because "the drivers were incompetent."

in june 2024, the lianhu district people's court of xi'an held a public trial of yang moumou's case of provoking disturbances in a mock court at the qujiang campus of xi'an university of technology, and pronounced the verdict in court.the defendant yang was sentenced to one year in prison and ordered to pay 1,095.9 yuan in economic losses to 11 taxi drivers.more than 100 students from xi'an university of technology attended the trial.

june 8, 2023

yang moumou was detained for 10 days by the public security organ for refusing to pay the fares several times, but he did not repent and continued to commit such illegal acts., took taxis to and from xi'an skp, xiaozhai to dongda town, luan town and other places in chang'an district many times. after arriving, he refused to pay the fare on the grounds that he had no money, his mobile phone was out of power, and he remained silent. on july 29, 2023, yang took a taxi driven by the victim zhao from xiaozhai back to his residence in dongda town, chang'an district. after arriving, yang deliberately refused to pay the fare on the grounds that his mobile phone was in arrears. after zhao asked for the fare to no avail, he drove yang to the public security organ to report the crime. on the way, yang pulled the steering wheel and beat zhao's head several times in order to get off the car.

august 2023

the defendant yang moumou posted a video on a short video platform insulting the taxi driver group, claiming that not paying for a ride was because the driver was incompetent, and other inappropriate was reprinted and reported by many online media, with a cumulative number of likes, comments, and reposts exceeding 1 million, attracting widespread attention from public opinion and causing adverse effects.

august 17, 2023

the public transportation branch of the xi'an public security bureau arrested the defendant yang moumou and solicited other clues about yang moumou's involvement in the case from the public. after investigation, between april 2022 and august 2023,yang took taxis without paying 19 times, with the meter clearly showing a total of 1,095.9 yuan.

the court held that the defendant yang moumou took taxis maliciously many times, refused to pay fares, disrupted the order of the taxi passenger transport market, insulted and beat drivers, and in order to seek excitement and vent his emotions, he arbitrarily published insulting remarks about the taxi driver group on the self-media platform, which were widely circulated on the caused adverse social impact and disrupted social order, reaching the level of serious circumstances, constituting the crime of picking quarrels and provoking trouble.based on yang moumou’s criminal circumstances, the degree of social harm and his attitude towards admitting guilt, the court made the above judgment on the spot.

court trial