
shenzhen road primary school is put into use in laoshan district, and the group promotes "integration and transformation"


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peninsula omnimedia reporter liu jinzhen

at the beginning of the new semester, many newly built schools have attracted widespread attention, among which shenzhen road primary school in laoshan district is particularly eye-catching. as a member of the laoshan district yucai school education group, shenzhen road primary school stands at a new historical starting point, not only ushering in more development opportunities, but also carrying the ardent expectations of many families. the school takes "integration" as its school-running philosophy, gives full play to the advantages of group-running schools, is committed to building its unique educational characteristics, and transforming them into a value orientation followed by teachers and students, charting a new journey of school-running.

new school opens

the elegant campus opens a new chapter in education

"the school is so big and beautiful!" with the start of the autumn semester, shenzhen road primary school welcomed its first batch of students. the children expressed their first impression of the new campus in the most direct words, full of surprise and admiration. compared with the students, the parents' experience seems to be more profound, "not only has the school area expanded, the hardware and software have been improved, and the corresponding supporting facilities have also kept up. it is really incomparable." on the day when the child registered and the school started, yuan fang, the parent of a second-grade student, walked into the campus and looked at the environment that was completely different from donghan primary school. she frankly said that she was full of expectations for the future.

the reporter learned that the newly completed shenzhen road primary school covers an area of ​​nearly 32,000 square meters and is planned to accommodate 36 classes. walking on the campus, the buildings featuring simple lines and geometric shapes, matched with bright colors on the exterior walls, and the carefully arranged green plants and flowers complement each other, creating a fresh and lively campus atmosphere, showing infinite vitality and vigor. the school adopts a circular design concept to construct a multi-level spatial layout, cleverly dividing the teaching area, art and sports area, sports area, and administrative office area. the canteen, gymnasium and other comprehensive facilities are all available to create a better learning environment for students and meet the needs of personalized development.

"in october 2021, donghan primary school, as the first school to join the laoshan district yucai school group, achieved transformation and development through integration and innovation." executive principal sun ying said that shenzhen road primary school started construction in 2022. with the opening of the new school this year, the original donghan primary school moved in as a whole. for the original donghan primary school founded in 1998, if group schooling is an opportunity, then moving into the new school means the beginning of a new chapter.

quality-based school

three-dimensional drawing of the field of life for comprehensive development

at the beginning of the construction of shenzhen road primary school, under the leadership of cui renbo, the principal of laoshan district yucai school education group, shenzhen road primary school executive principal sun ying and his team planned its future school-running direction and set "integration" as the core concept. for this newly built school, "integration" seems to have a special meaning. it not only continues the heritage of donghan primary school, but also carries expectations for the future, links the past and the future, and points to the life growth of teachers and students. under this school-running concept, the school, based on its own school-running positioning, is based on the needs of life growth, focuses on the all-round development of people, integrates the essence of traditional culture, the regional characteristics of laoshan, the group-based school-running pattern, and the future trend of education, and creates a multi-dimensional academy for exploration and knowledge, a paradise for adaptive growth, a beautiful and elegant garden, and a home full of family affection. with the most authentic educational feelings and the most scientific path, it ignites the inner kinetic energy of teachers and students, broadens the value length of teachers and students, and carefully cultivates new-era teenagers with family and country feelings, noble character, excellent ability, and adaptability to the needs of future society.

let the "integration" culture truly constitute the educational background of the school and become the life tone of teachers and students. this is the ideal pursuit of school education. the word "integration" is not only the "freehand brushwork" of school education, but also the "fine brushwork" of school operation practice. for this reason, shenzhen road primary school focuses on students and leaves blank spaces everywhere in the interior space. this is a space specially left for students, allowing them to paint and write, and express their childhood imagination; from the perspective of learning, it fully opens national courses and local courses, refines its own school-based courses, and builds a "four-have" classroom that is "emotional, interesting, effective, and creative", making the classroom the main battlefield for student development. at the same time, it widely integrates resources inside and outside the school, makes full use of sports, music, art, labor, science and other venues, creates a second classroom with clubs as the main form, and constructs a three-dimensional life field that promotes the all-round development of students, and strives to create a high-quality modern school.


relying on collectivization to empower a better future

the teachers and students of shenzhen road primary school are full of longing for the future. sun ying said that the school has a team of teachers with high moral character. the teachers are solid in their professional skills and hard-working. they have been awarded honorary titles such as national excellent counselors, provincial and municipal famous teachers, and excellent teachers. in the past three years, more than ten teachers have taught district and municipal open classes, exchange classes, and famous teacher open classes. they have achieved good results in the city's quality class competition and exchanged experiences in the city's teaching and research activities, which have been widely recognized by students' parents. parents trust and cooperate with the school's work, linking the joint force of collaborative education. in recent years, thanks to everyone's joint efforts, the school's school-running quality has steadily improved, and it won the "progress award" for the 2022-2023 annual target management performance appraisal. in the "shanqing competition" of shandong province, the "little master of chinese studies" of qingdao city, the "red scarf medal" competition at all levels, the art festival competition and other activities, many projects won first prizes, and the number of team and individual award winners reached a new high in recent years. the return rate of students from surrounding communities is close to 80%. all these have strengthened the confidence and determination to run a good school.

looking to the future, sun ying told reporters that shenzhen road primary school will uphold the school-running philosophy of "providing appropriate education for every student and allowing every child to grow up happily", give full play to the leading role of laoshan district yucai school, tap and give play to the advantages of group-run schools, empower shenzhen road primary school's school management, teacher development, teaching and research, and student comprehensive quality improvement, integrate the five educations into the school-running practice of shenzhen road primary school, and form an educational path that integrates morality, wisdom, leap, beauty, and behavior, so that students can truly "enter life, study happily, express their personality, and realize their dreams". when they leave the campus, they will take away not only knowledge, but also the pursuit of lofty ideals!
