
wang chang, principal of loudi rende school: let’s work together to create a new future | opening speech by the secretary and principal


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wang chang, principal of loudi rende school, speaks at the opening ceremony.
red net time news september 10th(reporter li xiangpao, correspondent yang jierong xiaoli) with the cool autumn breeze and the sweet fragrance of osmanthus, primary and secondary schools in hunan province welcomed the opening day. at the opening ceremony, the secretaries and principals integrated their instructions and expectations into their speeches and gave the students the "first lesson" of the new semester.
on september 9, at the autumn opening ceremony, wang chang, principal of loudi rende school, took the theme of "joining hands to create a new future" and thanked the teachers for their hard work and welcomed the new students in his speech. he encouraged the students to cherish the learning opportunities, be brave to explore, actively participate in social practice, pursue personal growth, and contribute to the country and society.
【full text of speech】
dear teachers and dear students:
good morning, everyone! "white dew scatters with the wind, and the autumn light is renewed day by day." in this beautiful season when white dew turns to frost and the autumn light is gradually renewed, we gather together to start a new journey of knowledge. first of all, on behalf of the school board and the school affairs committee, please allow me to express my most sincere gratitude and high respect to the teachers who work hard in the front line of education, and express my warmest welcome and best wishes to the new students who are full of longing and stepping into the campus!
the opening ceremony is not just a ceremony, but also the starting point for us to open a new chapter and embark on a new journey. i feel honored to be here, and i am also aware of the great responsibility. as the principal, i shoulder the responsibility of leading the development of the school and cultivating outstanding talents. looking back on the past, we have achieved many outstanding results, and these achievements are inseparable from the joint efforts and hard work of all teachers and students. here, i want to say to everyone: thank you for your hard work!
a new semester brings a new atmosphere, and we are also facing new opportunities and challenges. in the context of the rapid development of today's society, the importance of education has become increasingly prominent. we must not only impart knowledge, but also cultivate talents with innovative spirit and practical ability, and contribute our strength to the development of society. therefore, we will continue to be committed to improving teaching quality, optimizing educational resources, and creating a more harmonious, efficient and creative learning and growth environment for teachers and students.
in the new semester, i hope that all teachers and students can work together to write a wonderful chapter for us. for teachers, i hope that you can continue to carry forward the spirit of dedication and devotion, and enlighten the hearts of every student with love and wisdom. you are the guides on the road of students' growth, and your words and deeds will have a profound impact on students. therefore, i hope that you can continue to improve your professional quality, innovate teaching methods, pay attention to the personalized development of students, let them swim in the ocean of knowledge, and keep moving forward on the road of growth.
to my classmates, i hope you can cherish your time and study hard. "as students of the new era, you not only carry your personal dreams, but also the future of the country and the hope of the nation. i hope you can be brave enough to take on the responsibility and live up to your youth." every effort you make will bring positive changes to the world. therefore, i hope you can set ambitious goals, clarify your direction, and continue to pursue your dreams. at the same time, education is not only about imparting knowledge, but also about cultivating well-rounded talents. i hope that while learning knowledge, you will also pay attention to the cultivation of moral cultivation, physical and mental health, and practical ability. only in this way can you become truly useful talents and make greater contributions to the development of society.
here, i would also like to emphasize the importance of school culture. school culture is our spiritual home, which contains our values, beliefs and pursuits. i hope that all teachers and students can jointly create a positive, harmonious and inclusive school culture atmosphere. we must respect each other's differences and diversity, understand and support each other, and jointly create a warm, harmonious and positive campus environment. in such an environment, we can learn, grow and innovate better.
in addition, i would like to emphasize the importance of innovation and practice. in today's society, innovation is an important driving force for development. i hope that all teachers and students can actively participate in innovative practice activities, have the courage to explore unknown areas, and dare to challenge traditional concepts. we must encourage innovative thinking, cultivate practical ability, and transform what we have learned into practical results. only in this way can we better adapt to the needs of social development and become the leaders of the times.
at the same time, i would also like to remind all teachers and students to pay attention to social hot issues and actively fulfill their social responsibilities. as a member of the school, we should not only pay attention to our own development, but also pay attention to the development and progress of society. we should pay attention to environmental protection, public welfare, social equity and other issues, actively participate in social practice activities, and make our contributions to society. only in this way can we better reflect the value of the school and social responsibility.
a single tree cannot make a forest, and a single string cannot make a song. only through unity and cooperation can we create greater value. in the new semester, i hope that students can help each other and make progress together. we must break the boundaries of disciplines and promote the cross-integration of different disciplines; strengthen international exchanges and inter-school cooperation to broaden our horizons and ideas; learn from international advanced educational concepts and teaching methods to improve our comprehensive quality and competitiveness.
here, i would also like to say a few words to the students who are about to start their study life in the new semester. you are young students of the new era, shouldering the future of the country and the hope of the nation. in the new semester, i hope you can maintain your thirst for knowledge and pursuit of your dreams. don't be afraid of failure and setbacks, because they are stepping stones for your growth. be brave to try new things, dare to challenge yourself, and constantly surpass your limits. at the same time, you must also learn to cherish the people and things around you, be grateful for your parents' upbringing, be grateful for your teachers' teachings, and be grateful for your classmates' companionship. only in this way can you become an emotional, warm, and responsible person.
time carries the ingenuity, and years make dreams come true. on the occasion of the 40th teachers' day, on behalf of the school, i would like to express my sincere greetings and heartfelt thanks to all the faculty and staff who have worked hard in the front line of education and teaching, management and service, and selflessly contributed to the construction and development of the school! thank you for every effort and sweat you have made for the school and the students. in the days to come, we will work together, strengthen our beliefs, seize the opportunity, uphold the truth and innovate, carry forward the spirit of educators, take educators as examples, and continuously improve our professional qualities and education and teaching abilities. i believe that with everyone's joint efforts, rende will surely become a better and more influential school.
let us work together to achieve the five-year high-quality green sustainable development of the school and our personal dreams! let us meet the challenges and opportunities of the new semester with full enthusiasm, firm belief and unremitting efforts! let us work together to create a better future!
thank you everyone!