
south korean officials predict that the proportion of single-person households in the country may exceed 40% in 2052


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the korea national statistical office said on the 12th that due to factors such as late marriage among young people and accelerated population aging, it is estimated that by 2052, the proportion of single-person households in the total number of households in south korea will exceed 40%.
according to yonhap news agency, according to the korea national statistical office, the total number of households in south korea will peak at about 24.37 million in 2041, and then gradually decline to an estimated 23.28 million in 2052. in 2052, there will be about 9.62 million single-person households in south korea, and the proportion will increase from 34.1% in 2022 to 41.3%.
yonhap news agency said that due to economic downturn, high housing prices and changes in marriage values, more and more young people in south korea have postponed or given up on getting married or having children, resulting in an increasing number of single-person households. with people generally living longer, the accelerated aging rate has also led to an increase in the number of single-person households.
data shows that in 2022, young people in their 20s will account for the largest proportion of single-person households, at 18.7%, followed by those in their 30s and 60s. by 2052, the proportion of single-person households aged 80 and above is expected to reach 23.8%, becoming the largest group. in addition, the proportion of "dink" households will increase from 17.3% in 2022 to 22.8% in 2052.
a report on the population outlook released by the korea national statistical office in december 2023 showed that south korea's population reached a peak of about 51.84 million in 2020, and the number of deaths exceeded the number of births each year thereafter. according to this pattern, south korea's total population will fall to about 36.2 million in 50 years, of which nearly half will be elderly people aged 65 and above.
as the population ages, the age of household heads will continue to rise. the median age of household heads will rise from 53.2 in 2022 to 65.4 in 2052. the number of "elderly households" with heads of households aged 65 or above will increase from 5.225 million in 2022 to 11.788 million in 2052.
source: xinhua news agency
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