
aiyoubian·border village development project launched in yunnan to support rural revitalization


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on september 12, the yunnan charity federation and shenzhen longyue charity foundation held a launching ceremony for the border village development project in kunming, yunnan province. the project focuses on the border of the motherland, adheres to the people-oriented and demand-oriented approach, and will provide precise assistance to the "border guards" team and education in border villages in yunnan province.

pictured: the event site

in recent years, under the background of the rural revitalization strategy, the development of border areas has attracted more and more social attention. china is one of the countries with the most land neighbors and the longest land borders in the world. among them, the border line of yunnan province is 4,060 kilometers long. yunnan province has 8 border prefectures (cities), 25 border counties, 108 border townships, and 374 border administrative villages, including 2,207 border natural villages, accounting for 64% of the total number of border natural villages in the country. the villages are widely distributed and most of them are in remote mountainous areas. so far, yunnan province has built 374 modern border happiness villages, and is carrying out the consolidation and improvement action of modern border happiness villages, and comprehensively promoting the prosperity of the border, the enrichment of the people, the stability of the border and the consolidation of the border. social organizations play an indispensable role in the development of border villages, from infrastructure construction, health science popularization, environmental protection ecology, social governance, economic support to disaster prevention and other aspects, to fully assist the development and revitalization of villages.

pictured is qi yonghong, former first-level inspector of kunming municipal people's congress standing committee and vice president of yunnan charity federation, delivering a speech

qi yonghong, former first-level inspector of the kunming municipal people's congress standing committee and vice president of the yunnan charity federation, said: "the main source of funds for the border love and border village development project is internet public fundraising, targeted donations from enterprises, social organizations and individuals. the project aims to help the elderly, children and other groups in economically underdeveloped border areas and border ethnic minority areas, so that they can be cared for, educated and helped, and drive the rural economy to achieve the ultimate goal of rural revitalization and harmonious social development. the yunnan charity federation will strengthen the supervision and management of this project in accordance with laws and regulations, strictly follow procedures, use funds for specific purposes, and be open and transparent, effectively help the disadvantaged groups in our province, and consciously accept social supervision. i sincerely hope that all sectors of society will actively contribute to charity."

the picture shows chen sheng, chairman of shenzhen longyue charity foundation, delivering a speech

chen sheng, chairman of shenzhen longyue charity foundation, said: "border villages are not only the front line of national security, but also a key link in rural revitalization. we hope that through this project, we can arouse the attention of the whole society to the groups in border areas, and call on all sectors to gather strength to jointly assist the development of these areas. we look forward to investing social resources more efficiently and accurately in the revitalization of underdeveloped border areas through collective efforts, and provide solid support for the development and progress of border villages."

the picture shows luo yang, secretary general of shenzhen longyue charity foundation, introducing the project

luo yangwei, secretary general of shenzhen charity foundation, introduced that the project team conducted four field surveys and found that since the poverty alleviation campaign, the infrastructure, industrial development and living standards of the border villages have been significantly improved. however, local development still faces some difficulties. the infrastructure of the border village schools is relatively old and backward. the canteen, bathhouse and other regional facilities cannot meet the needs of all students. there are still gaps in teaching supplies, funds, and teachers. students in the border villages have insufficient knowledge of the outside world. many students are left-behind children or children from single-parent families. mental health issues need to be paid great attention. the equipment of the "border guards" (border guards and border guards) is relatively old, and the border patrol environment is difficult. under the premise of enjoying the medical insurance provided by government departments, emergency medical treatment for serious illnesses is still a considerable expense.

the aiyoubian border village development project mainly serves villagers who have carried out relevant border protection work in their local areas, mainly those in disadvantaged groups; it also serves children under the age of 18 who live in border areas all year round.

pictured: "border guarding reassurance package"

the project provides "border guards" with "border guard peace of mind packages" to improve the safety and comfort of border patrols. the gift packages include but are not limited to camouflage uniforms, raincoats, reflective vests, headlamps, first aid kits, etc. it is planned to provide major disease medical subsidies for "border guards" whose families are in difficulty to alleviate their family's financial pressure.

the left picture shows the "bed warmth pack" and the right picture shows the "student dream pack"

the project supports the renovation and replacement of canteens, bathhouses, dining tables and chairs, and shower equipment in border village schools, and provides students with both soft and hard aid services: on the one hand, it provides "bed warmth packages" and "student dream packages", the contents of which include but are not limited to dormitory bedding, clothing, student stationery sets, coloring sets, etc., and provides one-on-one aid services for students in difficult situations; on the other hand, it organizes summer camp learning activities, invites college students to participate in teaching, and also organizes study tours to organize students to go out for visits and studies to broaden their horizons.

the project has set a three-year short-term goal: the beneficiaries are expected to cover more than 4,000 children and 500 villagers in border villages; at the same time, a public welfare project database will be established, including beneficiary information, fund use, beneficiary feedback, etc.; a set of project execution and supervision systems will be initially formed to standardize project execution; create social influence for the project, call for more than 100,000 donations, and organize 200 donors to conduct offline visits. the project also set a long-term goal: the beneficiaries are expected to cover more than 10,000 children and 2,000 villagers in border villages; at the same time, explore and improve the sustainable development model of the project; in addition, the project will also strengthen brand building, drive the economic development, cultural development, environmental protection, etc. of the service villages, and help achieve rural revitalization.

the picture shows the comparison of the dining tables and chairs before and after the donation to nanduan primary school in nuofu township, lancang lahu autonomous county

it is understood that the love border village development project has donated 500,000 yuan in cash and materials during the pilot phase. at present, it has piloted the donation of "border guarding peace of mind packages" in funing county, lancang county, hekou county, and tengchong city, yunnan province, benefiting a total of 200 "border guards"; piloted the donation of student gift packages in 7 schools in funing county, lancang county, hekou county, and tengchong city, yunnan province, benefiting a total of more than 1,000 students, with a total value of more than 300,000 yuan; in addition, a batch of canteen tables and chairs were donated to the nanduan village primary school in nuofu township, lancang county, yunnan province, to improve the dining environment of the school canteen and meet the needs of all students to eat at the same time.

the picture shows the donation of "student dream building package" and "bed warmth package" to the school at the event.

a donation ceremony was also held at the event, where gift packages were donated to representatives of the "border guards" and representatives of schools in border villages.

cai xinzhuang, deputy secretary of the party branch of danzha village, houqiao town, tengchong city, and foreign affairs officer, said: "in our hearts, guarding the land is a belief, a responsibility, and a solemn commitment to the country and the people. i would like to especially thank the project for its targeted fundraising activities for the development of our border villages. this is not only a material assistance, but also a recognition and encouragement for our work. we will remember the deep affection and turn every bit of love into practical actions to protect border security and promote border development."

huang jibin, principal of niutang primary school in hekou county, said: "not long ago, the project provided our school with 205 'student dream-building packages' and 200 'bed warmth packages'. seeing the children's smiling faces, my heart is really warmed. let us work together to make the flowers on the border of our motherland bloom more brightly and beautifully."

pictured: all guests pose for a photo

in the future, the aiyoubian·border village development project will integrate more social resources to help the development of rural areas in border areas and contribute more to rural revitalization.