
fennie yuen: leading women towards the path of film with an artistic heart


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film is the perfect combination of art and business, and the producer is the helmsman behind this balance. film is the bridge where art and reality meet, and on this bridge, producers often play a core role. they are not only responsible for transforming the director's artistic conception into executable projects, but also need to balance the delicate relationship between art and business. as the producer of the film "ordinary king", yuan jiewen, with her unique artistic perspective and firm belief, led the team to overcome countless challenges and transformed this female inspirational film from paper conception to reality on the big screen. under her leadership, this film not only stood out in the market, but also touched the hearts of the audience through delicate emotional expression.

fennie yuen's success is inseparable from her dedication and passion for film art. not only did she demonstrate her extraordinary professionalism in every aspect of the film, she also incorporated her deep understanding of the female group into the film's creation, making "the ordinary king" not only a commercial work, but also a profound work of art. next, let's walk into fennie yuen's world and learn how she, as a producer, promoted the birth and success of the film step by step.

the arduous road to financing

against the backdrop of the overall downturn in the film and television industry, female-oriented films, as a relatively niche subject, face even more severe financing difficulties. producer fennie yuen is well aware that female-oriented films have not yet become mainstream in china, and investors generally take a wait-and-see attitude towards this subject. however, she did not back down, but chose to bravely face the challenge. in order to ensure that "ordinary king" can be launched smoothly, fennie yuen conducted in-depth market research. she analyzed in detail the different development status of female-oriented films in the domestic and foreign markets, and keenly captured the changes in the needs of female audience groups. this enabled her to accurately locate the market potential of the film and formulate a detailed financing plan for it.

in the plan, she promoted two financing routes at home and abroad in parallel: on the one hand, she relied on the resources accumulated over the years in the domestic film and television industry to cooperate with influential directors and investors to obtain partial financial support; on the other hand, she relied on the international film and television investor network she established during her overseas study to seek additional funds from overseas. this two-line financing strategy not only helped her break the limitation of women's difficulty in financing films, but also provided a solid financial guarantee for the filming of the film. her move not only demonstrated her professional ability as a producer, but also demonstrated her leadership in dealing with difficulties calmly and making flexible decisions.

innovatively adapted the script to dig out the king's spirit from the ordinary

the birth of every good movie is inseparable from a good script, and the script of "ordinary king" is a high-quality text with strong plasticity in the eyes of fennie yuen. the script tells an inspirational story of women's struggle and self-breakthrough, and its core plot has the potential to move people. however, fennie yuen is not satisfied with the existing plot framework. she believes that a movie should not only have a touching story, but also have profound connotations and unique perspectives, so that it can stand out from many works. at the same time, fennie yuen's rich study abroad experience at michigan state university, pratt institute and lim college in her early years also allowed fennie yuen to learn professional knowledge about film and television art and costume design, helping her to form a deep understanding of cultural differences and artistic aesthetics between china and the united states. rooted in the rational and emotional exploration of the relationship between thought, clothing and the human body, she has been active in the film and television industry and has been committed to shaping modern and independent women in movies, praising the multifaceted image of femininity, and the heroine du juan in "ordinary king" is one of the typical representatives.

as a film and television producer who focuses on films from a female perspective, fennie yuen's works contain tenacity and fragility, sharpness and humility, encouraging women to accept their own contradictions and use them as a source of strength to express their own personality. after carefully studying the original script of "ordinary king", fennie yuen also proposed a deep adaptation of the character setting of the heroine du juan. for example, du juan in the original script is an ordinary working woman who rediscovers herself through boxing, but fennie yuen believes that the character should be more complex and multidimensional. she advocates setting du juan as a modern woman who is wandering under the dual pressure of career and family, and expressing her inner struggle and resistance through boxing, a sport traditionally considered to be dominated by men. this change not only immediately received unanimous affirmation from director nan guang and the crew, but also made du juan's image more vivid, giving the character stronger realistic significance and emotional resonance, and further enhancing the artistic tension of the film.

accurately select the character's soul, cleverly use the camera and adjust the color

whether a movie is successful depends not only on the script, but also on the actor's accurate interpretation of the role. in order to find the right actor, fennie yuen has made a lot of efforts. due to the particularity of the fighting theme of "ordinary king", the role of du juan requires the actor to have a deep acting foundation, not only to show the protagonist's complex emotions, but also to perform with ease in the high-intensity boxing scenes, which is undoubtedly a huge challenge. in the long casting process, fennie yuen never compromised. she firmly believes that an excellent movie must find an actor who fits the role perfectly, rather than just making do. after many screenings and auditions, she decided to invite li ran, who was once a national martial arts champion, to play the heroine du juan. li ran not only has a solid martial arts background, but also has a delicate ability to express emotions, which makes her the best candidate for this role. facts have proved that fennie yuen's choice is extremely correct. during the filming process, li ran interpreted du juan's growth and changes through a deep understanding of the role. the scene of her fierce confrontation with her opponent in the boxing ring is full of power, and her performance when the character's emotions are at a low point shows a moving fragility and tenacity. it is this diversity of performance that makes the character of du juan vivid and three-dimensional on the screen, winning the audience's resonance and love.

as an excellent producer, fennie yuen not only pays attention to the script and actor performance of the film, she also has many unique insights into the visual presentation of the film. she knows that the use of lens language and color is the key element of the film to tell the story and convey emotions. in the early stage of the filming of "ordinary king", fennie yuen found that the film lacked sufficient visual impact in some key scenes, which made the emotional expression of the film seem a bit thin. she then had many discussions with the director and the photography team, and put forward suggestions for improvement in camera movement and color grading. for example, in the plot where the heroine du juan fell into the trough of her career and life, fennie yuen proposed to convey the character's inner depression and helplessness through narrow space layout and dark tones; and when du juan cheered up and reached the peak of the boxing match, she advocated the use of bright colors and wide lens language to highlight the character's strength and confidence. these adjustments not only make the emotional expression of the film fuller, but also make the entire viewing experience more visually impactful and immersive. in addition, she also paid special attention to the image shaping of female characters in the film, and suggested that the independence and confidence of the characters should be highlighted in color and costume design. through the above-mentioned lens language, use of colors and delicate treatment of costume design, fennie yuen not only successfully redefined traditional femininity as a celebration of freedom, strength and self-awareness, but also demonstrated her profound understanding of film art and her ultimate pursuit of film quality as a producer.

adhere to the original intention of art and create in-depth commercial works

as a producer, fennie yuen knows that film is a combination of art and commerce. in "the ordinary king", she also faced the problem of how to find a balance between artistry and commerce. but she always insisted that the artistry of the film should not be weakened by market demand. it is this persistence that makes "the ordinary king" not only a work with market potential, but also a film full of artistic value.

despite the many difficulties encountered during the financing process, fennie yuen never gave up her pursuit of film artistry. she believes that audiences not only need entertainment, but also need to feel the reality of life and the power of art through movies. in order to achieve this goal, fennie yuen adheres to high standards in every aspect of film production and strives for excellence.

produce with heart and write about the power of women with movies. fennie yuen is a film and television producer with strong professional ability, and she is also a working woman who constantly breaks through difficulties through her own efforts. in "the ordinary king", she not only demonstrated her outstanding ability in film production, but also conveyed her deep thinking about the female group through the film. she said that the power of movies lies in allowing people to feel the beauty and power of life through the screen. in the future, she hopes to continue to explore more social issues through movies and use movies to speak for vulnerable groups. in her opinion, movies are not only a form of entertainment, but also a way of artistic expression that can trigger people's thinking. true art comes from life and should return to life. fennie yuen knows that as a producer, her responsibility is not only to promote the completion of the film, but also to use movies to touch people's hearts and convey the most real emotions and thoughts in life. (author: li jiabai)