
in emergency situations, more primary and secondary schools in beijing will serve as resettlement sites for residents


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during the "23.7" torrential rain disaster last year, miaofengshan national school in mentougou district temporarily resettled nearly a hundred villagers, and the campus played the role of a "safe island".in the future, more primary and secondary schools in beijing may serve as resettlement sites for residents in emergency situations.the draft of the beijing local standard "technical requirements for the conversion of indoor emergency shelters to primary and secondary schools" drafted by the beijing emergency management bureau is now open to the public for comments on the capital window website.

data shows that at present, beijing has a total of 1,744 emergency shelters, including 315 indoor shelters with a total area of ​​4,522,547 square meters, accounting for 3.99%. as of 2020, beijing has a total of 2,221 primary and secondary schools, with advantages such as low building density, low population density, convenient transportation, and high defense level.

"combining primary and secondary schools with emergency shelter functions and building larger-scale, higher-quality indoor shelters based on the basic conditions of primary and secondary schools is of great significance for solving practical problems such as the shortage of land for emergency shelters in beijing, insufficient per capita effective shelter area, poor infrastructure configuration, and non-optimal resource allocation," the draft for comments mentioned.

for example, miaofengshan national school in mentougou district temporarily relocated 52 and 40 villagers respectively during the two heavy rains on july 24 and july 30, 2024. the school was urgently converted into a resident resettlement site, the playground was temporarily converted into an emergency helipad, and the classrooms were converted into emergency accommodation areas.

under what circumstances can primary and secondary schools make emergency and normal conversions? how to ensure the safety of site selection? the reporter noticed that these are clearly stated in the draft for comments.

the draft for soliciting opinions proposes that when an emergency occurs during normal teaching hours and emergency shelters are needed, primary and secondary schools should first meet the emergency shelter needs of teachers and students of the school; when an emergency occurs during holidays or when students are not in school, they can be opened to the public as emergency shelters.

before being recognized as emergency shelters, primary and secondary schools should conduct resource surveys and emergency-response conversion assessments, including assessing the impact of emergencies on primary and secondary schools, whether they exceed the defense requirements of various emergency facilities, and whether they cause destructive effects on corresponding buildings, equipment and facilities; assessing major sources of danger in and around primary and secondary schools, and potential impact areas of various disasters on campus; assessing the use area within primary and secondary schools and the integrity of related supporting facilities, determining the use area that can be used for emergency accommodation and other functional areas, and clarifying the supporting facilities that can be used for emergency-response conversion.

the conversion to indoor shelters is also divided into emergency, short-term and long-term. among them, the effective per capita shelter area for emergency and short-term shelters is 0.5 square meters, and the effective per capita shelter area for long-term shelters is 1.5 square meters. on the basis of the functional area setting of indoor emergency shelters, short-term shelters should also add emergency accommodation areas, command and management areas, medical treatment areas, catering service areas and other functional areas, and on the basis of the configuration of facilities, equipment and materials in emergency shelters, additional facilities, equipment and materials required for basic functions of functional areas and emergency sewage discharge, security and protection should be added. in addition, emergency accommodation areas should be equipped with evacuation passages to keep walking unobstructed, and closure, occupation or blockage is strictly prohibited. the playground should be converted into a helicopter landing and take-off area to realize the helicopter landing and take-off function of the shelter.

the reporter noticed that there are clear requirements for toilets in the draft for comments. emergency toilets should be designed with one pit for every 50 to 100 people. when divided into zones, the number of female toilets should be 1.5 times the number of male toilets. when mixed toilets are set up, the number of dedicated female toilets should account for more than 20% of the total number of toilets. it is advisable to configure washbasins and other facilities for washing and cleaning in conjunction with emergency toilets.

source: beijing daily client

reporter: ren shan

process editor: u072
