
brics countries hold dialogue with high-level representatives on security affairs with countries of the global south


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xinhua news agency, saint petersburg, september 12 (reporter an xiaomeng) on september 11, wang yi, member of the political bureau of the cpc central committee and director of the central foreign affairs office, attended the dialogue of brics high-level representatives on national security affairs with the "global south" in saint petersburg.
wang yi said that the international security situation is becoming increasingly complex, geopolitical competition is becoming more intense, hot issues are emerging one after another, the arms race continues to escalate, the cold war mentality has resurfaced, and non-traditional security challenges are emerging one after another. the people of all countries have a stronger yearning for peace and security, and the call for unity and cooperation is more urgent. the cause of world peace and development cannot be separated from the support and participation of all progressive forces. entering the new century, the "global south" has grown in momentum, which is the trend of historical development and the hope of a century of change. facing a world of chaos and changes, the "global south" should stand at the forefront, take the initiative, and contribute positive forces to building a world of lasting peace and universal security. china advocates that the brics countries should first adhere to dialogue and cooperation. second, they should lay a solid foundation for development. third, they should promote solidarity and mutual assistance. fourth, they should demonstrate openness and inclusiveness.
wang yi said that china has always been a natural member of the "global south". last week, the beijing summit of the forum on china-africa cooperation was successfully held, which drew a new blueprint for china-africa cooperation in the new era, pointed out the specific path for china and africa to jointly promote modernization, and sent out a strong voice of the times for the "global south" to forge ahead. china will always stand firmly with the countries of the south to jointly defend international fairness and justice and jointly promote world peace and development.
wang yi stressed that the brics countries and the "global south" have natural emotional ties and extensive common interests. china supports the brics in opening its doors to seek development and opening its arms to promote cooperation. we welcome more like-minded southern partners to join the brics family, and jointly serve as a stabilizing force for maintaining peace, a backbone force for open development, a constructive force for global governance, and a force for promoting mutual learning among civilizations, so as to build a community with a shared future for mankind.