
israeli ground forces raid syria for the first time in decades: bombing military factories and capturing iranians?


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in this international commentary, uncle mu analyzes a thrilling military operation carried out by israeli special forces in syria.

on september 12, american and arab media reported that the recent syrian official claim that israel had launched an air strike on a military research center in the country actually concealed a major truth, which is that israel not only launched an air strike, but for the first time in decades, it sent ground troops into syrian territory to fight. it can be said that it carried out a "special military operation" against this military research center.

the mission was undertaken by israel's most elite special forces, the general staff reconnaissance battalion, where netanyahu served in the military when he was young.

the research center that the syrian government calls is not a normal scientific research institution. israel has been eyeing it for several years, and has determined that it is a secret military factory of iran and syria. the military facilities are all built underground, mainly producing precision-guided missiles targeting israel and supplying them to militants such as hezbollah in lebanon.

israeli intelligence code-named the base "deep".

in order to destroy this "deep layer", israel initially formulated an air strike plan, but sand table simulations found that air strikes alone were not enough to destroy the facility, so the israeli army chose to destroy the iranian military base by combining air strikes with special forces ground warfare. in the past two years, the israeli government has considered launching this "special military operation" at least twice, but the risks involved were too high and it was not approved before.

this successful operation was the third time the plan was implemented with determination. the biden administration was informed before the operation and the united states did not object.

israel will not release the specific details, of course. the media restored the basic situation at the time based on the source's statement:

the israeli special forces launched a fierce airstrike on the secret military base, which gave the impression that it was similar to past strikes, so syria and iran did not pay much attention. but at the same time, israeli special forces soldiers landed on the scene along the helicopter rope, killed the guards, entered the base, searched for a large amount of military information and demolished facilities, and brought them back to israel.

in addition, the israeli army killed several iranian and syrian soldiers in a brief exchange of fire, and there were even reports that they captured iranians and brought them back to israel.

before leaving, the israeli army used explosives they brought to blow up the base. the whole process lasted about an hour.

is this reliable?

uncle mu believes that there are two dimensions of analysis.

the first is history, the second is reality.

judging from historical experience, israel is certainly capable of doing this. there are many examples of israel's cross-border strikes in history, especially against syria.

few people may pay attention to the fact that syria, like iran, also has a nuclear program. so why is it that almost no one knows about it now? the reason is that nearly 20 years ago, when syria's nuclear program was just starting, the israeli army carried out a successful raid on the country's nuclear facilities in 2007, completely destroying bashar's idea of ​​​​nuclear development.

from a realistic perspective, it can be said that israel’s intelligence infiltration into syria is basically all-round and has no blind spots. as long as they want to attack a target, they will eventually succeed.

syria has no ability to resist, which has been seen by the world in the past few years. in other words, israel has been unstoppable in the region, and has attacked iran and its proxies too many times. even the iranian consulate's annex was bombed by israel in april. so, of course, a ground war against iran's underground military factories in syria will happen, but the real details will be slightly different from the media reports.