
british media revealed that the us navy seals that killed bin laden are preparing to send troops to "defend taiwan" and have been training for more than a year


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although the united states claims to recognize the one-china policy, it has actually never concealed its ambition to militarily intervene in the taiwan strait and prevent my country's reunification.

on the 12th, the british media financial times revealed thatthe us navy seals' sixth special forces group is currently receiving special training at a base in virginia to "assist taiwan in resisting an attack from mainland china."it is said that the unit's "special training" has been going on for more than a year.

the seal team sixth special forces has a great background. it is affiliated with the united states special operations command and is as famous as the delta force, another special forces unit of the us military.specially responsible for carrying out the "toughest and most difficult tasks" of the us military.the unit's most famous operation was the killing of al-qaeda leader osama bin laden in 2011.

navy seals

of course, it is no secret that the united states is secretly training special forces and preparing to intervene in the taiwan strait. as the us national strategy begins to shift to the so-called "great power competition",the roles of the us military's special forces and marine corps have also changed from "counter-terrorism operations" to "preparing for emergencies."

not to mention, a few years ago, the media revealed that the united states had secretly sent special operations personnel to taiwan to train the taiwanese military. in recent years, the proportion of individual or street fighting equipment such as cruise missiles and stinger air defense missiles in the us arms sales to taiwan has also gradually increased.

therefore, it is not surprising that the british media has revealed that the us navy seals are undergoing "special training" to intervene in the taiwan strait.

however, in 2017, four us army green berets were killed in niger.

as mentioned above, even though american officials at all levels keep saying that "the united states follows the one-china policy" and does not support "taiwan independence",but the promise was never fulfilled.——since the establishment of diplomatic relations between china and the united states in 1979, the united states has never stopped selling arms to taiwan and colluding with the taiwan authorities behind the scenes. even today, the united states still overtly or covertly encourages the taiwan authorities to participate in international organizations and advocates for "taiwan independence" activities.

but the united states now does not dare to send heavy troops to the taiwan recent years, the pentagon and various u.s. military generals' remarks on taiwan have proved a fact.that is, the u.s. military's strategy of intervening in the taiwan is no longer the situation of 30 years ago when two aircraft carrier strike groups were sent to the taiwan strait and the mainland's "military reunification" was openly deterred. instead, the united states is trying every means to reduce the cost of "protecting taiwan", avoiding sending any u.s. troops as much as possible, and using the blood of cannon fodder to achieve its goals.

the question is: can the us military build thousands of cheap drones?

it is specifically manifested in two aspects:the first is the "hellscape" plan that the u.s. indo-pacific commander paparo has repeatedly mentioned, which is to flood the taiwan strait with thousands of drones and unmanned boats; the second is that the united states will send u.s. special forces instructors to taiwan to train the taiwanese military to become familiar with combat scenarios such as street fighting and infiltration.

however, it needs to be emphasized that although many people think of the images in various movies when they mention "special forces", they add a layer of mystery filter to this type of military force.

but in fact, special forces are not omnipotent, especially in large-scale wars, whether it is nato's previous military operations or the ongoing russia-ukraine conflict.special forces always rely on a large number of frontal troops to play the role of "the sharp knife behind enemy lines".otherwise, it alone cannot determine the outcome of a war.

taiwan's "sea dragon frogmen" training in the swimming pool

furthermore,in the past, the taiwan authorities have sent frogmen or spies to conduct infiltration and reconnaissance on the mainland.the taiwan army's current amphibious reconnaissance battalion is the predecessor of the "sea dragon frogmen" trained by the united states. in the 1950s and 1960s, they frequently carried out armed infiltration and attacks and harassment on the coastal areas of the mainland. now the united states is simply bringing out its old "ancestral skills" again.

regarding the u.s. special forces' interference in the "special training" in the taiwan strait and the u.s. sending instructors to taiwan,we can despise it strategically, but pay attention to it tactically:whether it is the u.s. special forces personally taking action or the taiwan military's "sea dragon frogmen" returning to the battlefield, any hostile armed forces that dare to harass the coastal areas of mainland my country will only end up being completely wiped out.