
huawei: will launch the "hongmeng ecosystem partners and developers see extraordinary experience plan"


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the official weibo account of harmonyos announced today (september 13) that we will launch the "hongmeng ecosystem partners and developers extraordinary experience plan" in the near future.

"dare to be extraordinary, and you will see extraordinary results." harmonyos next, which gathers the hard work of partners and developers, is coming! many hands make light work, and partners from all walks of life are working hard to promote the development of harmonyos native applications. in the near future, we will launch the "hongmeng ecosystem partners and developers see extraordinary experience plan". thousands of ships are racing forward, and it's time to build hongmeng together!

this may be the biggest breakthrough in the domestic it industry in the past decade.

on june 21, huawei developer conference 2024 was held as scheduled, bringing the fully self-developed harmonyos next from the inside out.

in the past, harmonyos used numbers to represent iterations. "harmonyos next" means that huawei has finally ushered in a "qualitative change" in the operating system. this is the real "native hongmeng", an operating system that originated in china and is independently controllable. it has achieved the goal of "one system, one ecosystem", and mobile phones, tablets, computers, and tvs are all connected and seamlessly connected.

yu chengdong stated on the spot that from its release on august 9, 1999, a total of 1,778 days have passed. it took hongmeng 10 years to complete the 30-year journey of europe and the united states, and finally hongmeng's "light boat has passed through thousands of mountains."

at the conference, huawei also introduced its latest technological innovations, including pangu big model 5.0, the new xiaoyi, and the "star shield" security architecture, and shared the new capabilities of the open hongmeng ecosystem with developers.

donews has compiled many highlights of the conference. if you want to understand hongmeng, one article is enough!


where is the “upgrade” of hongmeng next?

harmonyos next no longer uses the previous linux architecture. instead, it is replaced by self-developed architecture such as the hongmeng kernel, ark compiler, arkts/cangjie compilation language, ushering in a complete self-reinvention, with an overall performance improvement of 30%, a connection speed increase of 3 times, and a power consumption reduction of 20%.

the self-developed harmonyos next has achieved the three goals of greater flexibility, greater security, and greater smoothness.

more flexibility: due to the highly flexible architecture, the operating system capabilities can be flexibly combined on demand according to the hardware capabilities to meet the needs of various terminals in the internet of things, and it is also convenient to provide open and unified ecological capabilities.

more secure:the full-stack self-developed architecture means that the kernel services can be better isolated from each other, ensuring the security of the system from an architectural perspective. it is worth mentioning that hongmeng's security capabilities have obtained the world's first cc eal 6+ certificate in the field of smart terminals.

more fluid: based on the newly built concurrency model of the hongmeng kernel, task switching overhead is reduced by 50% and memory management is improved by more than 3 times.

harmonyos next has built a new system and order through the "three-layer reconstruction" of the base, ecology and experience, which can bring developers a more creative, practical and open experience.

it is worth mentioning that huawei’s self-developed “cangjie” programming language was officially unveiled.

according to the official introduction, the cangjie programming language is aimed at full-scenario application development. it is a multi-paradigm programming language that supports multiple paradigms such as functional, imperative, and object-oriented, including value types, classes and interfaces, generics, algebraic data types, pattern matching, and higher-order functions.

the appearance of "cangjie" means that the last link of hongmeng ecosystem has been completed.


six native experiences

harmonyos next made its first public appearance at the hdc interactive exhibition area, bringing six native experiences including full-scene, native intelligence, and native security.

"native intelligence", "xiaoyi" renamed

in the era of big models, harmonyos next integrates ai capabilities into the system for the first time and builds a new "harmony intelligence" framework. native intelligence is one of its core features.

the application scenarios of the upgraded ai capabilities include ai raw images, ai image expansion, ai sound restoration, etc., but the most important change is the upgrade of "xiaoyi".

at last year's developer conference, huawei brought big model capabilities to "xiaoyi", and with the support of big models, "xiaoyi" became smarter, more considerate, and more understanding. in less than a year, with the enhancement of pangu's big model capabilities, "xiaoyi" became "xiaoyi intelligent body".

how powerful is "xiaoyi intelligent body"? supported by a powerful native intelligent ai base, "xiaoyi" has greatly enhanced memory, stronger reasoning and planning capabilities, and knowledge question-answering capabilities. at the same time, it can organize collaboration between applications and perform more complex operations.

for example, if you want to make an appointment with a friend, you can directly tell "xiaoyi" "send a message to xx to meet at xx tomorrow", and xiaoyi will organize the collaboration of three applications: the time and place in the calendar, the contacts in the address book, and edit the text message content. the user does not need to do anything manual at all.

in terms of interaction, "xiaoyi" has also moved from the background to the foreground. users do not need to wake up, just drag documents, meeting information, tables and other content to the navigation bar, "xiaoyi" can directly analyze and give action suggestions. when you give it information from the company group, it will automatically generate relevant schedules. feed it a picture containing table data, and it can be converted into a document with one click.

through xiaoyi intelligent body, user experience has been greatly improved, and developers can also easily realize the intelligence of applications through ai-based system-level controls. after connecting to the intent framework, travel-related apps can directly provide users with travel continuity services through xiaoyi, including itinerary planning and proactive ticket booking.

in this way, hongmeng native intelligence makes ai no longer a separate pre-installed application, but deeply integrated with various subsystems of the system. the barriers between applications are broken, and xiaoyi can achieve more convenient cross-application operations.

according to huawei, there are currently more than 300 different types of services connected to the xiaoyi intelligent agent through the intent framework.

"intrinsic security", "star shield" architecture

in an era where data can become an asset, data security has also become a topic of concern for users. in terms of security performance, harmonyos next has launched a new "star shield" security architecture to further improve security performance.

for example, the system has optimized security access, changing from "managing permissions" to "managing data", greatly reducing permission pop-ups; a global minor mode has been launched for internet use by minors; and a system-level file encryption and sharing function has been provided to prevent users from encountering unauthorized access when sharing files.

additionally, it includes:

"native smoothness", through the ark engine, the software, hardware, chip and cloud are connected at the system level, allowing users to get higher-definition image quality and smoother gaming experience in heavy-load scenarios such as mobile games;

"original exquisiteness"based on the new ui design language, the harmonyos next interface layout is smoother and more natural, supporting personalized selection;

「native and easy to use」, along with the redevelopment of third-party applications, hongmeng can bring users a more natural and intuitive, more consistent operating experience.

yu chengdong stated on the spot that as of now, there are more than 900 million hongmeng ecosystem devices, and 5,000 applications have started the development of hongmeng native applications, of which more than 1,500 applications have been put on the shelves, covering convenient life, travel and tourism, financial management, government affairs and people's livelihood, corporate office and other fields.

it is no exaggeration to say that the native application map of harmonyos has basically taken shape.


unveiling the secrets of pangu 5.0

pangu big model 5.0 has been comprehensively upgraded in three aspects: full range, multi-modality, and strong thinking.

full range

pangu model 5.0 includes models with different parameter specifications to adapt to different business scenarios:

the panu e series with billion-level parameters can support smart applications on mobile phones, pcs and other terminals;

the pangu p series with 10-billion-level parameters is suitable for low-latency and low-cost inference scenarios;

the pangu u series with hundreds of billions of parameters is suitable for handling complex tasks and becomes the base of the enterprise's general large model;

the pangu s series super-large models with trillion-level parameters support processing cross-domain multi-tasks, helping enterprises better apply ai technology in all scenarios.


pangu big model 5.0 further enhances its multimodal capabilities, and can better and more accurately understand more modalities including text, pictures, videos, radar, infrared, remote sensing, etc. in terms of generation, pangu 5.0 can generate multimodal content that conforms to the laws of the physical world, providing more possibilities for innovation.

strong thinking

complex logical reasoning is the key to big models becoming industry assistants. pangu big model 5.0 deeply combines thinking chain technology with strategy search technology, greatly improving mathematical capabilities and complex task planning capabilities.

huawei cloud pangu big model 5.0 continues to penetrate into various industries, adding pangu media big model, pangu steel big model, pangu high-speed rail big model, pangu embodied intelligence big model, pangu industrial design big model, pangu security big model and other pangu industry big models.

pangu media's big model has reshaped the new model of content production and application through technological innovations in three aspects: speech generation, video generation, and ai translation.

for example, users can convert real-life videos into high-definition animations of different styles. in terms of voice generation, the pangu model uses ai original voice dubbing and video generation capabilities to translate the original film into videos in different languages ​​while retaining the original character's timbre, emotion, and tone.

huawei cloud also launched a large model of pangu's embodied intelligence, and a humanoid robot (kuafu) equipped with pangu's capabilities was also unveiled simultaneously.

it is understood that "kuafu" can identify objects, interact with questions and answers, clap hands, pass water, etc. the pangu large model allows the robot to complete complex task planning of more than 10 steps, and can also generate the training videos needed by the robot, allowing it to learn various complex scenarios faster.

the same idea is also used in the field of autonomous driving. the pangu model can understand and follow the laws of physics to generate visually realistic training videos with realistic vehicle behavior and environmental interaction.

for example, when it is asked to generate a driving scene in the evening rain, it automatically understands the behavior of "turning on the car lights" during the learning process and simulates this detail in the generated video.


from the birth of hongmeng system 1.0 on august 9, 2019 to now, it has been upgraded to version 4.2 after four years, and the number of harmonyos ecological devices has exceeded 900 million. with the release of harmonyos next, more than 5,000 commonly used applications have been started, of which more than 1,500 applications have been adapted and put on the shelves.

yu chengdong revealed that hongmeng harmonyos next has begun pushing the beta version to developers, and plans to push the beta version to ordinary consumers in august, which will be compatible with multiple models including the mate 60 series, pura 70 series, pocket 2 series, and mate x5 series.

the mate 70 series will be the first to be equipped with the official version of hongmeng harmonyos next, and other devices will also push the official version from the fourth quarter.

finally, let me add a piece of data. according to data released by market research firm counterpoint resarch, in the first quarter of 2024, apple ios accounted for 16% of the chinese smartphone market and huawei hongmeng accounted for 17%.

this means that hongmeng os has become the second largest operating system in china. with the recovery of huawei mobile phones, the support of harmonyos next will undoubtedly help huawei reshuffle the chinese smartphone market.

in this regard, netizens said:

jimu news compiled from harmonyos official microblog, donews, 36kr, and netizens' comments

(source: jimu news)

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