
guanling: parents and students all give thumbs up to the "5 x" nutritious meals


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on september 10, as the bell for the last class in the morning rang, more than 1,600 students from the second primary school of longtan street, guanling autonomous county, led by their teachers, lined up in neat rows and walked into the school cafeteria to eat in an orderly manner.
looking closely at the children’s plates, there were stir-fried pork with carrots, pork ribs stewed with radish... those who got meals also got eggs, fruits and milk. the delicious meal made them jump for joy.
xue wang from grade 1 (2) said: “we have fruit, eggs and milk for every meal, which is great. i will study hard and try to get 100 points in the final exam.”
"the nutritious meals for students at longtan street no. 2 primary school have a variety of dishes, balanced combinations and rich nutrition. my child has been eating them at school for several years. he likes them very much, and we parents are also very satisfied." liu yan, a student's parent, praised them.
ms. liu, a relocated household, said: "every day when my child comes home, he tells me what he ate yesterday and today. the national policy is really great. it makes us feel assured about the nutrition of our children."
"the school's nutritious meals consist of three dishes and one soup every day. the menu is matched according to regulations and is rich in nutrition to ensure that students eat well and eat nutritiously. the ingredients in the school cafeteria are specially delivered by companies and are fresh and safe." said zhou mingchao, vice principal of longtan street no. 2 primary school.
at present, guanling autonomous county has fully implemented the "5+x" meal supply model of the nutrition improvement plan, that is, on the basis of the 5 yuan meal subsidy per student per day provided by the government, the student's family will bear an appropriate part of the cost to improve the quality and standards of meal supply and enhance the nutritional health level of rural compulsory education students.
in the next step, the education bureau of guanling autonomous county will further refine food safety supervision, strengthen the main responsibilities of food distribution companies and schools, and ensure that students can eat safely, live happily, and learn with peace of mind at school.
guizhou daily tianyan news reporter yuan qinglei
editor du yanqing
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