
"lan zhi yi·talking about civilization" global dialogue tour (australia) was held in sydney


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on september 12, in sydney, australia, gan derui, a part-time professor of the australian chinese literature and art research association at the university of western sydney and winner of the first orchid award "friendly envoy award", gave a speech at the event. photo by xinhua news agency reporter ma ping
sydney, september 12 (xinhua) -- the "orchid's appointment: talking about civilization" global dialogue tour (australia) was held in sydney on september 12. more than 100 government officials, cultural and art circles, university think tanks, non-governmental organizations and media representatives from china and australia held in-depth dialogues on strengthening cultural exchanges and embracing diverse cultures.
the "orchid's appointment: talking about civilization" global dialogue tour is a cultural exchange activity held on the platform of the orchid award. the event was guided by the information office of the state council of china, hosted by china foreign language bureau, and undertaken by the orchid award secretariat and the international communication development center of china foreign language bureau. the event also released the orchid award theme book "tinglan qinxiang: messenger of civilization exchange" (chinese and english versions).
the organizers expressed the hope that through the "orchid agreement" they could jointly establish "golden orchid friends", strengthen dialogue and exchanges, enhance the friendship between the two countries, and contribute to the prosperity of the world's garden of civilizations and the strengthening of the china-australia comprehensive strategic partnership.
the guests at the conference believed that they hoped to promote the unity of peoples of all countries through more frank exchanges and mutual learning. they believed that through various forms of cultural exchange activities such as the orchid award, they could encourage the next generation to carry on the cause of promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning among countries.
on september 12, in sydney, australia, gan derui, a part-time professor of the australian chinese literature and art research association of western sydney university and winner of the first orchid award "friendly envoy award", took a photo with his family. photo by xinhua news agency reporter ma ping
gundry, adjunct professor of the australian chinese literature and art research association at the university of western sydney and winner of the first orchid award "friendly ambassador award", shared his story with china at the event. in an interview with reporters, he said that he was honored and excited to win the first orchid award "friendly ambassador award". young people from australia and china have a lot in common. contemporary music, film, television and multimedia arts bring them together. this will provide a good opportunity for young people from the two countries to get to know each other and understand each other's culture. it is hoped that young people in the art circles of the two countries can carry out more exchange activities.
on september 12, in sydney, australia, visiting professor chey cheung from the university of sydney delivered a speech at an event. photo by xinhua news agency reporter ma ping
jolin mey, a visiting professor at the university of sydney, said that only by opening up their minds, accepting new ideas and embracing cultural differences can people be more creative and innovate better. she hopes that australia and china can hold more events to allow artists from the two countries to communicate more.
the orchid award was initiated by the china foreign languages ​​publishing administration with the aim of actively implementing the global civilization initiative and commending and rewarding international friends who promote the common values ​​of all mankind and make outstanding contributions to promoting cultural exchanges and mutual learning between china and foreign civilizations.