
"research report on spiritual and cultural care and social participation of empty-nest elderly people" was released in beijing


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on the morning of september 11, the china philanthropy research institute of beijing normal university, senlikang technology (beijing) co., ltd., and hainan asia philanthropy research institute jointly released the "research report on spiritual and cultural elderly care and social participation of empty-nest elderly" (hereinafter referred to as the "report") in beijing. this is the first industry-wide forward-looking, theoretical, and advocacy report completed by the three parties since they created the "smart elderly care companion public welfare research center" and promoted the research on smart elderly care companionship one year ago. it aims to promote policy and practice innovations in spiritual and cultural elderly care and social participation of empty-nest elderly people, and promote the high-quality development of spiritual and cultural elderly care and social participation of empty-nest elderly people. gao yunxia, ​​deputy director of the china philanthropy research institute of beijing normal university, presided over the meeting.

this conference focused on the needs and challenges of spiritual and cultural care for empty-nest elderly people, shared relevant research results, and explored future practice paths. li man, deputy director of the elderly care research center of the china philanthropy research institute, released the "report" and introduced relevant research findings.

empty nests have become the basic lifestyle of the elderly, and the empty nest period has been further extended. empty nest families are one of the main family forms of elderly families in my country. the data of the seventh national census showed that empty nest families accounted for 44.8% of elderly families. nearly half of the respondents in the report have a positive sense of social participation, and the spiritual and cultural care of empty nest elderly people will have great development space.

the report summarizes the current status of spiritual and cultural care and social participation of empty-nest elderly people in my country, and finds that empty-nest elderly people have the following characteristics: first, from 2000 to 2020, the scale of empty-nest households in urban areas grew faster. in 2020, the scale of empty-nest households living alone in rural areas was 720,000 more than that in urban areas; second, the scale of empty-nest households of younger elderly couples is larger, and the proportion of empty-nest households of women and older elderly people living alone is higher; third, the level of empty-nest elderly households across the country shows a pattern of high in the east and low in the west, and high in the north and low in the south; fourth, the overall health status of empty-nest elderly people is good, and most of the empty-nest elderly people living alone do not have nannies to care for them; fifth, the main source of livelihood for empty-nest elderly people is pensions/pensions, support from other family members, and labor income.

the report sorts out and analyzes in-depth interviews with empty-nest elderly people in beijing, pointing out that the spiritual and cultural needs and social participation of empty-nest elderly people are diverse, hierarchical, complex, and differentiated, and are constantly adjusted dynamically as their individual needs are met. this demand is specifically manifested in eight aspects, namely: family companionship and family support needs, social interaction needs, cultural entertainment and leisure needs, elderly education needs, the need for contribution and social participation in old age, the need for self-worth realization, the need for intelligent companionship, and the need for psychological care and spiritual comfort.

the report believes that the challenges faced by empty-nest elderly people in spiritual and cultural care are reflected in: the policy guarantees and working mechanisms for spiritual and cultural care and social participation are not yet sound; the supply of facilities and services for spiritual and cultural care and social participation is insufficient and single; the development of the spiritual and cultural care industry lags behind, and there is a lack of products that meet high-quality demands; family support focuses more on material things than spiritual culture and lacks family care; and individual spiritual self-care capabilities are relatively weak and lack active guidance.

individuals, families, governments, and society need to work together to create an environment for active aging. the report proposes six countermeasures to strengthen the spiritual and cultural care of empty-nest elderly people: first, strengthen the construction of a working mechanism for the spiritual and cultural care of empty-nest elderly people and social participation; second, attach importance to the spiritual and cultural care of empty-nest elderly people and social participation, and strengthen special specific policy guarantees; third, complete the spiritual and cultural care facilities in the community, build a platform for social participation of the elderly, and establish a system to support an "active aging society"; fourth, strengthen the development of the spiritual and cultural care industry, and actively respond to the demand for intelligent spiritual and cultural care; fifth, further strengthen the family care function and strengthen family support; sixth, enhance the spiritual self-care ability of empty-nest elderly people.

during the meeting, many experts made wonderful comments and suggestions on the content of the report. liu yang, former vice president and professor of the beijing municipal party school, pointed out that this study not only includes policies, but also covers theory and practice, and has high social value, and put forward pertinent suggestions for the improvement of the report. cui wei, associate professor of the school of government and public affairs of communication university of china and director of the public welfare communication research center, combined with his many years of experience in elderly care work, pointed out that the government and all sectors of society should pay more attention to the spiritual and cultural needs of the elderly, give full play to the role of the government in resource allocation, financial support, etc., and attach importance to science and technology and standardization. he particularly emphasized the key role of public welfare organizations and social organizations in promoting spiritual and cultural elderly care, and called for strengthening the combination of public welfare projects with the elderly group and creating more support channels. ma qiji, director of the pangu think tank institute of aging society, said that the report has both normative and practical significance, and pointed out that the development of intelligent technology has brought huge potential for spiritual and cultural elderly care. intelligent technology should not be regarded as a mere technological product, but as a powerful driving tool for spiritual and cultural elderly care and social participation of the elderly. it is necessary to provide more personalized and more demand-oriented services for the elderly through scientific and technological means. xie lili, associate professor at the school of population and health of renmin university of china, suggested that the report further consider the differences in the needs of empty-nest elderly groups in different backgrounds. starting from the concept of "active aging", she explored how to better promote the social participation of empty-nest elderly people, pointing out that it is necessary to break the inherent aging cognition of the elderly group, give them more subjectivity, and enable them to play a more active role in society. the experts attending the meeting agreed that the research report not only provides data support and practical guidance for policy making, but also provides innovative ideas for all sectors of society to cope with the challenges of aging.

liu yang, former vice president and professor of beijing municipal party school, delivered a speech

cui wei, associate professor of the school of government and public affairs of communication university of china and director of the public welfare communication research center, delivered a speech

ma qiji, director of the pangu think tank institute of aging society, delivered a speech

xie lili, associate professor of the school of population and health at renmin university of china, delivered a speech

in the interactive exchange session, an fengjie, former president of the china sand control and sand industry society and professor-level senior engineer, shared his experience as a participant in the project, and pointed out that the report has a solid research foundation and suggested that the coverage will be further expanded in the future to reflect the needs of more diversified elderly groups. wu min, deputy director of the life care research center of the china philanthropy research institute, shared his experience in the application of smart devices, pointed out that society should pay more attention to the application of smart technology in the mental health of the elderly, and called on the society to pay attention to the emotional dimension of smart companionship. feng mandong, former executive deputy secretary of the party committee of the all-china women's federation, proposed to give full play to the leadership role of the party and government, pay attention to the strength of enterprises and institutions, mobilize the role of social organizations and social experts, and gradually build a social pattern of active aging. guo xiaoyan, chairman and general manager of senlikang technology (beijing) co., ltd., shared the company's innovative achievements in the field of smart elderly care, and expressed the hope that xiaoli robot can help the elderly open the door to the ai ​​world and create and share active aging life with the elderly. in addition, yu lan, assistant to the general manager of senlikang technology, also introduced the collection of active aging stories, hoping to use robots as a carrier to help the elderly resolve their inner confusion, improve their quality of life, and advocate "making companionship a lifestyle for the elderly."

wang zhenyao, chairman of the china philanthropy research institute, spoke highly of the conference, believing that it was not only a sublimation of ideas, but also an important discussion to promote the construction of an active aging society. he emphasized that the role of intelligent technology in an aging society is not just a tool, but to help the elderly achieve spiritual and emotional satisfaction through means such as intelligent companionship. in the future, it is necessary to further promote the socialization and intelligence of intelligent technology, explore the potential of robots in the companionship of the elderly, and look forward to working with all parties to promote the practice and development of china's active aging society.

wang zhenyao, chairman of china philanthropy research institute, concluded

guo xiaoyan, chairman and general manager of senlikang technology (beijing) co., ltd., delivered a speech

an fengjie, former president of the china sand control and sand industry society and professor-level senior engineer, delivered a speech

wu min, deputy director of the life care research center of china philanthropy research institute, delivered a speech

feng mandong, former executive deputy secretary of the party committee of the all-china women's federation, made a speech

yu lan, assistant to the general manager of senlikang technology (beijing) co., ltd., introduced the positive aging short video story script collection competition