
china dispatched five warships to participate in the russian military's "ocean-2024" strategic exercise


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according to reuters on september 10, russian and chinese warships began exercises on september 10, which moscow said was part of a large series of maritime exercises from the mediterranean to the pacific.

russia's defense ministry said four chinese warships and a supply ship joined russian warships in peter the great bay south of vladivostok for exercises to "defend areas of maritime communications and maritime economic activity." the exercises were part of a larger exercise involving more than 400 russian warships, submarines and support vessels.

the exercises, which are being conducted in the pacific and arctic oceans as well as the mediterranean, baltic and caspian seas, will continue until the 16th, the report said.

russia's admiral panteleyev large anti-submarine ship

according to a report by the russian satellite news agency on september 10, russian president putin said that the chinese military participated in the "ocean-2024" strategic exercise.

while observing the ocean-2024 exercise, putin said: "the chinese people's liberation army ships and aviation forces are also participating in live-fire exercises."

putin said: "representatives of 15 countries were invited to serve as observers (to observe the military exercises)."

putin also said that the united states is strengthening its military presence in the asia-pacific and arctic regions in order to contain russia and china.

the russian ministry of defense announced on the 10th that the russian navy has begun the planned "ocean-2024" strategic exercise in the pacific ocean, arctic ocean, mediterranean sea, caspian sea and baltic sea. the exercise will last until the 16th.