
a 17-year-old girl spent more than 100,000 yuan on "laughing gas" and often lost consciousness when speaking


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17-year-old zheng jiaojiao (pseudonym) is a very good child in her mother's eyes. until the police came to her house, she knew nothing about her daughter's purchase of "laughing gas".

image source: cctv society and law

according to zheng jiaojiao's account, she first came into contact with "laughing gas" in junior high school, when she inhaled it with several classmates.

according to police investigation, zheng jiaojiao was not the person who bought the most "laughing gas", but her cumulative consumption was more than 100,000 yuan. after becoming addicted to the laughing gas, she needed a lot of money to continue using it, so she found different excuses to ask her mother for money. it was not until her daughter was summoned by the police that the mother knew where her daughter's money was spent.

during the police summons, zheng jiaojiao was in a very bad condition. she spoke intermittently and had frequent gaps in her memory.

image source: cctv society and law

talking about her physical condition, zheng jiaojiao said that she had chest pain after inhaling nitrous oxide. she had a friend who inhaled more than 2 million yuan of nitrous oxide in half a year. now she drools unconsciously and her legs are not working well.

"inflating balloons", "cream gas bombs", "sweet happy gas"... in recent years, these words have quietly become popular among young people and have become the "source of happiness" for many young people. in fact, these words all refer to "laughing gas".

the scientific name of "laughing gas" is nitrous oxide, which is generally used for medical anesthesia and food processing. when people inhale it, they will feel a brief sense of relaxation and happiness, laugh unconsciously, and even have hallucinations.

the user uses a spray gun shaped like a thermos cup to put the "laughing gas" into a balloon, and then puts the balloon mouth into the mouth to inhale. at this time, you will smell a creamy fragrance. after that, the voice becomes "sharp" and you keep wanting to laugh.

many young people are misled into thinking that "laughing gas" is not a drug and will not cause addiction. they like to get pleasure from inhaling "laughing gas" to relieve their depression. however, inhaling "laughing gas" will not really get rid of your troubles, but will only lead you step by step to the abyss.

because "laughing gas" diffuses very quickly in the human body, when the human body inhales high concentrations of "laughing gas", it is easy to cause hypoxemia, which can cause coma due to lack of oxygen at the mildest and suffocation and death at the worst.

if "laughing gas" is abused for a long time, it will damage the nervous system and blood system, causing symptoms of numbness and weakness in the limbs, leading to frequent falls, and eventually paralysis; it will affect the synthesis of dna and cause pernicious anemia; it will cause symptoms of memory loss and decreased cognitive ability, and even lead to auditory hallucinations, suspicion, delusions, etc.; it will cause nerve damage and mental abnormalities, and may cause abusers to engage in bad behaviors such as destroying property and hurting people.

an experimental process broadcast on cctv news live once showed that a bottle of 10 ml of nitrous oxide can kill a laboratory mouse within 2 minutes and 30 seconds.

many "laughing gas" addicts may just be having fun at first, but they accidentally become victims of "laughing gas" abuse, which ultimately damages their physical and mental health and even ruins their lives. don't try it out of curiosity!