
press conference for the documentary series "see china in green mountains and clear waters" held in beijing


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on september 9, a press conference for the documentary series "see china in green mountains and clear waters" was held at the china agricultural film and television center. the press conference was organized under the guidance of the ministry of agriculture and rural affairs and the state administration of radio and television, hosted by the china agricultural film and television center and the china industrial development research institute, and undertaken by china county network.
liu jian, former vice minister of the ministry of agriculture and director of the state council leading group office of poverty alleviation and development, sun mihong, deputy secretary of the party committee and secretary of the discipline inspection commission of the china agricultural film and television center, and other leaders of relevant departments, representatives of production organizations, experts and scholars attended the press conference.
photo from the press conference for the documentary series "see china in green mountains and clear waters"
the large-scale documentary series "see china through green mountains and clear waters" is jointly produced by china county network and china agricultural film and television center. counties (cities) in zhejiang, fujian, hebei and other provinces are selected as filming locations. three counties are planned to be selected for each episode, focusing on eco-tourism, ecological agriculture, experience models, etc. it uses a unique perspective and language to tell the current status of county ecological development, explore and deeply explore new models of ecological leisure agriculture and rural tourism, and show the achievements made by my country in ecological civilization construction in recent years and the unique charm of beautiful china.
it is reported that the first season of "see china through green water and green mountains, zhejiang" consists of 3 episodes, each lasting 25 minutes. based on the unique topographical features of zhejiang province, "seven mountains, one water and two fields", it is carefully planned as "mountains", "waters" and "fields". through on-site shooting, interviews and other forms, it records the real stories and ecological cases of various parts of zhejiang in the process of development, and shows the remarkable achievements and valuable experience of zhejiang in green development, ecological governance, and industrial upgrading. by showing the beauty of rural scenery and the prosperity of modern agriculture, it enhances people's understanding and attention to the construction of ecological civilization, and jointly promotes the sustainable development of rural revitalization and beautiful china.
china county network rehe military band live performance picture
after the press conference was ignited by the passionate performance of classic pieces by the rehe military band of the china county network, liu jian, former vice minister of the ministry of agriculture and director of the state council leading group office of poverty alleviation and development, delivered a speech under the moderation of tang yuan and hou lina. he pointed out that from the perspective of sustainable agricultural development, we should attach importance to the protection of soil, arable land and forests, and attach importance to the long-term development of shelterbelt construction, forest economy, circular agriculture and circular economy, so that the concept of "green water and green mountains are gold and silver mountains" can become the consensus and action of the whole society.
liu jian, former vice minister of agriculture and director of the state council leading group office of poverty alleviation and development, delivered a speech
sun mihong, deputy secretary of the party committee and secretary of the discipline inspection commission of the china agricultural film and television center, delivered a speech at the meeting. he said that agriculture is the foundation of the national economy, and a good ecological environment is an important guarantee for the sustainable development of agriculture. the documentary "seeing china through green waters and green mountains" is an important carrier for showing the achievements of agricultural ecological civilization construction. through this documentary, more people can understand agriculture, pay attention to rural areas, care about farmers, and participate in the great practice of ecological civilization construction.
sun mihong, deputy secretary of the party committee and secretary of the discipline inspection commission of china agricultural film and television center, delivered a speech
a grand ribbon-cutting ceremony was held on site, and the leaders present jointly cut the ribbon to start the filming of the documentary series "see china through green waters and green mountains". the press conference was brilliant, with calligrapher representative mr. ma mu creating and displaying the calligraphy work "see china through green waters and green mountains" created for the documentary series "see china through green waters and green mountains".
it is worth mentioning that three songs were performed at the press conference, namely "don't forget your original intention" sung by young soprano singer hou lina, "i love you, china" sung by baritone singer mao qi, and "my motherland and i" sung by the children's solo of bai hongyu, which won cheers and applause from the participants and reached a climax of the press conference.
bai hongyu's solo song "my motherland and i"
amid the inspiring patriotic songs, all participants took a group photo, leaving behind a beautiful memory - only this "green" means love for our china.
group photo of the press conference for the documentary series "see china in green mountains and clear waters"
china county network is an online communication platform built by china development and reform press and china industrial development research institute. its purpose is to promote china's excellent traditional culture, promote the connection between counties and urban and rural areas, promote coordinated development of urban and rural areas, help rural revitalization, accelerate agricultural and rural modernization, and promote county economic development. china county network takes it as its mission to publicize the policies and guidelines of national rural revitalization, follow and conform to the new development concept, focus on county economic and social development, record the development achievements of county economy, and publicize the experience and typical cases of high-quality development of county economy. its content covers county economy, culture, tourism, people's livelihood and other fields, providing people with rich county-related information.