
a woman holding an umbrella while riding a bicycle in the rain was caught under a large truck and died on the spot


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september 11

yangzhou jiangdu police reported a

a man riding a bicycle holding an umbrella on a rainy day was dragged under a truck and died.

traffic accidents

it was raining heavily on the day of the incident. a woman named li was riding a shared electric bicycle with an umbrella in one hand. when she reached the intersection, she did not notice that a large truck traveling in the same direction turned right because the umbrella blocked her view.

the truck was also negligent in observing and failed to give way. the two sides collided, causing li to be dragged under the truck and die on the spot.

afterwards, the public security organs conducted a comprehensive investigation and analysis and determined that the main cause and fault of the accident was that the driver of the large truck failed to observe the road conditions when turning right at an intersection controlled by traffic signals, did not let vehicles going straight go first, and did not drive safely according to operating specifications. the electric bicycle driver li was holding an umbrella when driving on a non-motor vehicle, which was a secondary cause and fault of the accident.

cycling with an umbrella in the rain

what are the potential risks?

affects driving and makes you lose balance

holding an umbrella with one hand and controlling the vehicle with the other hand will make it difficult to control the direction and cause the center of gravity to lose balance, increasing the risk of accidents.

blocking vision, making it difficult to maintain a safe distance

in order to avoid getting wet, cyclists will deliberately lower their umbrellas, which blocks their vision and makes it difficult to maintain a safe distance from the vehicle in front. an open umbrella is also prone to scratching other vehicles and pedestrians on the road.

the umbrella becomes a "deceleration parachute" to increase riding resistance

when encountering strong winds, the umbrella will become a "deceleration parachute", which can easily cause both the person and the car to fall.

remember these 5 tips for riding in the rain!

choosing the right rain gear

wear a brightly colored, well-fitting raincoat that is not too long or too big.

wearing a helmet correctly

you must wear a helmet at all times when riding.when wearing a raincoat, be careful not to put it directly on the helmet to prevent it from affecting your vision. if you wear glasses, it is best to choose a helmet with a windshield to prevent the glasses from getting wet by rain.

avoid flooded roads

try to avoid roads with accumulated water. when the water situation is unclear, do not wade blindly or walk along the riverside.

please slow down

slow down on slippery roads; pay attention to the movements of pedestrians and vehicles around you and keep a safe distance.

stay away from vehicle blind spots

try to avoid being in the truck's blind spot.