
many fields in heilongjiang have sprinkler irrigation equipment that has become a mere decoration. the central media: the country's money cannot be wasted.


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according to reports, a media reporter recently visited several towns and villages in lindian county, heilongjiang province and found that some large-scale sprinkler irrigation equipment in the fields could not be used, with parts missing or broken, and some were dismantled because they were "in the way". in addition, some drought-resistant water wells have become decorations.

"the people can't use it, and the government has wasted money." the sigh of the local villagers is like a sharp and heavy question mark, which needs a convincing answer. why are many large-scale sprinkler irrigation equipment in a state of "built but not used, built but difficult to use"?

after reviewing the reports, we can find that there are three main reasons. first, the arable land area in lindian county is limited, and the people have contracted few grain fields and the plots are scattered, which is not suitable for "big spraying". second, the "big spraying" was built without the consent of the villagers, and the land was directly occupied. some equipment has been installed and "has not been moved" until now. third, the high cost of use and maintenance is also a problem. on the surface, these seem to be the reasons, but a little closer look will make you feel something is wrong.

from common sense, whether it is a "big sprinkler" or a "small sprinkler", the needs of the people must be fully consulted at the beginning of construction. from project establishment to approval, from construction to acceptance, from use to maintenance, etc., every link must follow procedures, and every step must not be "off the chain". but now, these sprinkler irrigation equipment has become a decoration. not only can it not benefit the people, but it even affects the residents' planting due to "direct land occupation and construction". what is the problem? how did such a "showpiece" project that is out of touch with reality and the masses come about?

it is reported that in response to the problem of some agricultural projects being "built but not used", lindian county has formulated a project investigation and rectification plan to inspect the facilities of agricultural projects in the county. it is certainly worthy of recognition to go after the problem and fix it, but the first step to correct the error is to find out why the error was made in the first place. at the same time, we must correct the error and hold people accountable. who will bear this responsibility?

in recent years, the country has attached great importance to water conservancy construction. according to statistics, in 2023, the national water conservancy construction investment will reach 1199.6 billion yuan, an increase of 10.1% over 2022 when it first reached the trillion yuan mark, setting a new historical high. the high investment and large-scale construction of water conservancy construction have positive significance for ensuring food security, promoting rural revitalization, and increasing farmers' income.

whether it is large-scale sprinkler irrigation equipment or drought-resistant water wells, since a large amount of money has been spent on building them, they must be used to their full potential and operate in a healthy manner. from comprehensively strengthening the construction of water conservancy infrastructure, to accelerating the optimization of its layout, structure, function and system integration, to giving full play to its positive role, every task must be done in a solid and detailed manner to truly benefit the people.

the state's money cannot be wasted, and sprinkler irrigation equipment cannot be left unfinished. we must thoroughly investigate the "showpiece" projects, learn lessons, draw inferences from one instance, and deeply realize that agricultural projects are related to the interests of farmers and cannot tolerate any ambiguity. only by adapting to local conditions, making reasonable plans, and being fair and transparent can we ensure the efficient use of financial resources and truly benefit farmers. (qin chuan, special commentator of china national radio)