
honor launches ai agent, your "chinese jarvis" is here


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in september, the “science and technology spring festival gala” arrived as scheduled, and this year it seemed particularly lively.
ai agent, ai+ar glasses, tri-fold mobile phones, etc. have been introduced to users one after another. the discussion on the development of science and technology is no longer limited to the imagination within the technology circle, but has actually appeared in daily life.
among all the "black technologies", ai agent is the most discussed. on the one hand, for the general public, even though ai has become a buzzword that can be blurted out by the whole society, it is difficult for the general public to clearly explain what ai is, not to mention that after adding agent, it is a new concept that people don't quite understand; on the other hand, the emergence of ai agent will change the previous mode of human-computer interaction, and the upstream and downstream industries are looking for opportunities to intervene.
do what you want to do but won't, do what you don't want to do
imagine this scenario:
one day, the agent on your phone consulted your opinion and placed an order for coffee before you arrived at the company; when you arrived at the company, a command to "organize files" extracted the content you wanted from hundreds of pages of documents and translated it into english for you to share with customers; after get off work, your "personal trainer" agent adjusted the amount of exercise for today based on your exercise records and goals in the past week, and gave some suggestions on your fitness posture to protect your joints; in the evening, you chat with your "good friend" agent and complain before going to bed, "it's good for your health."
and this is just the starting point of ai agent's future capabilities.
the concept of ai agent originated from philosophy, and then, with the development of science and technology, it has continued to have new interpretations, but to this day there is still no unified definition.
honor believes that an ai agent that can maximize user value presentation must possess four core capabilities: "natural semantic understanding and computer vision", "user behavior habit learning and scene environment perception", "intention recognition and decision-making capabilities", and "in-application and cross-application operations".
"in fact, to put it in one sentence, ai agent should help you do things you want to do but don't know how to do, do things you don't want to do, and provide emotional companionship. ai agent will become your intelligent assistant, you can think of it as 'jarvis'." fang fei, president of honor product line, said.
jarvis, the smart butler in the movie "iron man", always provides help and information at critical moments. he is a capable assistant, a close friend, and a knowledgeable teacher. the meaning of "jarvis" in the field of artificial intelligence is not only a metaphor, but also an expectation for technological progress. with the implementation of ai agent, has this expectation come true?
from "manual driving" to "autonomous driving"
"please turn off the automatic renewal function of the app." after being awakened by the breath, the honor ai agent will automatically operate after hearing this command, find all the projects that have activated the automatic renewal service of the app and ask the user whether to cancel it.
this is the honor ai agent innovation achievement that honor ceo zhao ming first announced to the outside world at the 2024 berlin consumer electronics show (internationale funkausstellung berlin, hereinafter referred to as ifa) on september 6, and announced that it will be put into commercial use on the next-generation all-round flagship honor magic7 series.
in addition to the above-mentioned one-click closing of automatic renewal, there are also many disruptive ai agent experiences such as one-click ordering of drinks, one-click travel planning and ticket booking. it can be seen that compared with the previous mobile phone smart assistants that are still at the semantic understanding stage, ai agent has gone a few steps forward and has the "power of action".
fang fei also explained the "action power". "in the past, you had to plan what to do on which device at which step. now it's the other way around. you just need to tell the ai ​​agent your needs, and it will break down and plan the tasks based on your preferences and habits. if the current smart assistant is manual driving on a mobile phone, then the ai ​​agent will be autonomous driving on a mobile phone in the future."
while ai agent brings convenience, it also raises a question for many users who watched the press conference: how can i protect my data security and privacy when ai agent collaborates with so many apps?
"although honor ai agent is smart enough, honor still returns every decision-making link to the user, giving users a sense of trust and control." fang fei explained: "for example, when the ai ​​agent is started, we will remind you, 'your screen information is being read', and users have a clear right to know and choose. in addition, the data we obtain definitely belongs to the user. we have an end-cloud (collaborative) ai architecture, but the core user data assets are protected on the end side."
it is understood that the ai ​​agent currently displayed by honor is still a general function for the general public. after users actually start using it, the ai ​​agent will continuously enhance its learning and understanding of user habits based on the decomposition of tasks, and provide more personalized and targeted services.
as more and more functions and services are connected to the honor ai intelligent body in the future, for example, in work scenarios, it can help users process emails, organize files, arrange schedules, etc.; in life scenarios, the intelligent body can provide services such as food recommendations, travel planning, and entertainment activity suggestions; in learning scenarios, the intelligent body can assist users in quickly searching for information, making learning plans, and answering difficult questions... ai mobile phones equipped with ai intelligent bodies will become a new super entrance and interactive hub in the era of ai symbiosis, which will not only bring huge experience upgrades to users, but also build new traffic and business dividends for the industrial ecology, opening up new imagination space for the consumer electronics industry.
technology serves humanity, and "showing off" is not honor's original intention for launching ai agent. in fang fei's view, "what drives the transformation of our industry is the differentiated and innovative experience. the business model is not the most critical. what we need to do is to create products that exceed the consumer experience and truly help consumers solve problems."
openness will make the “chinese jarvis” come sooner
the development of ai agent cannot rely on the efforts of a single company. can today’s computing power meet the needs of large models that combine end and cloud? will mobile phones consume a lot of power? can the speed keep up? these are common challenges for the entire industry.
so, why can honor release ai agent now?
"this is a long-term accumulation and a natural process. our ai agent is based on technological advances, combined with our long-term platform ai capabilities and advanced ideas, to launch the first batch of agents, but this is just the beginning," said fang fei.
in 2016, honor released the first generation of magic, proposing the concept of mobile phone ai for the first time; since then, ai has always been the core word of honor's development. for example, the familiar intelligent life form yoyo began to accompany users in 2018. four years later, honor proposed the concept of using platform-level ai to build os from the bottom up and continued to work on it.
in 2023, honor proposed to introduce ai big models to the terminal side, and this year released a new generation of human-computer interaction, platform-level ai-enabled intention recognition human-computer interaction, defining a new paradigm for smart terminal interaction. therefore, it is not difficult to understand why honor can bring ai agent to the 2024 ifa exhibition and continue to lead the industry trend of "service finding people".
although ai agent is still in its early stages, fang fei envisions that ai agent will be cross-device in the future, with countless agents working together efficiently within the honor trust ring to help users experience the productivity, creativity and quality of life improvements brought about by technological changes. however, there are still more technical challenges before these can be achieved, so only a more open ecosystem can bring about the arrival of inclusive and powerful ai agents more quickly.
openness is also the "honor attitude" that zhao ming emphasized at ifa. honor hopes to break the closedness with openness, and further comprehensively integrate ai applications and services with user-end value, whether honor's own or third-party, so that the "chinese jarvis", also the "jarvis" belonging to the chinese people, will come sooner.
in the first industrial revolution, machines freed our hands; in the second industrial revolution, electricity broke the boundaries between day and night; in the third industrial revolution, the internet merged the boundaries between the virtual and the real.
the emergence of ai is generally considered to be a sign of the fourth industrial revolution. it is too early to define the changes it will bring to mankind. ai agent is like a ticket on this journey of exploration, allowing everyone to board this ship to the future and experience the arrival of the ai ​​era together.
(this article is from the paper. for more original information, please download the "the paper" app)