
beijing inbound tourism companies debut in malaysia


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in the first seven months of this year, the number of malaysian tourists entering beijing has increased significantly
beijing inbound tourism companies debut in malaysia
people's daily (reporter zhao shan) recently, beijing municipal bureau of culture and tourism, together with six inbound tourism enterprises including china travel service and china youth travel service, appeared at the 2024 malaysia international tourism expo. according to statistics, the number of malaysian tourists entering beijing increased significantly in the first seven months of this year. beijing municipal bureau of culture and tourism launched a rich and colorful beijing inbound tourism product portfolio to fully demonstrate the new characteristics and new look of beijing's cultural tourism and promote in-depth cooperation in inbound tourism.
the "hello, beijing" themed booth attracted many visitors and travel agents to consult, and promotional materials such as the "beijing new discovery" product manual and the "beijing mice" resource album were widely favored. the exhibition site also set up intangible cultural heritage interactive projects, and the "imperial dragon brings blessings" and "twenty-four solar terms" delicacies of beijing yucha canteen, hand-painted peking opera masks, and kite making attracted a large number of visitors to come and experience them.
the beijing culture and tourism delegation organized a symposium with local tourism enterprises in kuala lumpur, detailing the latest developments in the malaysian entry into the chinese market after the implementation of the mutual visa exemption policy between china and malaysia, and fully listening to the needs of malaysian tourism operators. the delegation also visited the malaysian tourism association, and the two sides exchanged views on beijing's inbound tourism products, prices, channels, marketing, aviation, etc., and regarded beijing's winter ice and snow tourism as a new highlight of malaysia's off-season tourism market, looking for new opportunities to expand beijing's inbound tourism market.
source: people's daily online - people's daily overseas edition
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