
producer zhang yunfan: the story of the heroine du juan is also her story


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in the hustle and bustle outside the camera, the figure of the producer is often overlooked, but it is these people behind the scenes who drive the process of a movie from scratch. behind every frame of the youth inspirational movie "ordinary king", there are countless efforts of producer zhang yunfan. from the establishment of the film project, polishing the script to the selection of actors and the overall management of the shooting process, zhang yunfan is always working for the perfect presentation of this film.

zhang yunfan's office is always kept simple, with documents on her desk in good order and movie posters on the wall quietly bearing witness to her years of film and television experience. however, if you look closely, you will find that there is always a notebook next to her desk, recording her thoughts and inspirations at any time. during the production of "ordinary king", this notebook became a bridge for her to communicate and coordinate with the crew, and also carried her expectations and delicate insights for the film.

in the world of light and shadow, the role of producers is often hidden behind the scenes, but every decision they make has a profound impact on the success or failure of a film. zhang yunfan didn't want to be a producer from the beginning. in her early years of studying at wake forest university and the university of southern california, she majored in international media and minored in music and studio art. however, it was this period of study that made her gradually realize that the success of a film depends not only on the performance of the director and actors, but also on the coordination and planning of the producer. this awareness prompted her to enter the film and television industry after graduation and eventually embark on the path of a producer. "ordinary king" is an important work in her career, and it also carries her deep understanding of women's growth stories.

examining the script and giving it emotional depth

although the first draft of the script of "ordinary king" had a basic plot framework, as a senior producer, zhang yunfan saw the potential that had not yet been fully released. she participated in the in-depth analysis and multiple revisions of the script from the beginning. the original script was too simple in the growth line of the protagonist du juan, portraying her as a rebellious youth. zhang yunfan knew that a plot that was closer to reality would make it easier for the audience to resonate. she proposed to make family pressure and gender discrimination issues the core conflict of the plot. this change not only enhanced the realism of the story, but also gave du juan's character more emotional thickness.

zhang yunfan's delicate treatment makes the film not only limited to telling the victory in the boxing arena, but also reflects the multiple challenges faced by women in modern society by telling the story of du juan's confrontation with her family and society. zhang yunfan's script revision makes "ordinary king" a more profound and socially meaningful work. for this reason, once her revision plan was proposed, it was unanimously affirmed by director nan guang and the entire crew.

fundraising coordination, behind-the-scenes promotion of film production

the production of a film cannot be separated from financial support, and raising funds is often a major problem in film production. since the project of "ordinary king" was launched at a time when the film and television industry was in a recession, and the female-oriented film market was still a niche market in the film and television industry, many film and television investors were skeptical about the input-output ratio of such films and were unwilling to invest. but even in such an industry background, zhang yunfan quickly attracted enough investment support for "ordinary king" with her extensive connections in the domestic and foreign film and television circles. in order to achieve her financing goals, she first conducted a careful analysis of the investment background of the domestic film and television industry, and based on this, she developed a feasible financing plan, which detailed the huge commercial potential of female-oriented films in the current domestic film market where homogeneity is becoming increasingly serious.

under her promotion, "the ordinary king" successfully completed multiple fund-raising links from script to production, which not only ensured that various resources were in place during the filming process, but also laid a solid foundation for the film's later publicity. in addition to fundraising, zhang yunfan also demonstrated excellent management skills in coordinating various aspects of the crew. during the entire filming process, zhang yunfan not only coordinated the work of various departments, but also flexibly responded to a series of emergencies during the filming to ensure that the production progress of the film was smoothly advanced. zhang yunfan's team management and problem-solving skills also made her have extremely high prestige within the crew.

accurate casting to create vivid characters

"the ordinary king" has extremely high requirements for actors, especially the role of the protagonist du juan, who must show the tenacity and strength of women and be professional enough in martial arts scenes. zhang yunfan worked closely with director nan guang, and after many discussions, they finally decided to invite li ran, who won the national martial arts champion, to play this role.

zhang yunfan believes that li ran not only has excellent martial arts skills and is competent for the role of a boxer, but can also show du juan's process of moving from the bottom of life to victory step by step through delicate performance. during the filming process, li ran also showed great professionalism, and her acting skills and martial arts skills added a lot of highlights to the film. zhang yunfan's precise selection of actors ensured the authenticity and tension of the film characters.

camera movement and color adjustment to enhance visual expression

during the filming of the film, zhang yunfan was not only a producer who coordinated the overall situation, she also had unique insights into the beauty and visual expression of the picture. during the filming process, she found that in the fast-paced fighting scenes of the film, the use of lenses and the color tones of the pictures lacked innovation, and the fixed camera positions and uniform tones lacked changes, making it difficult for the audience to have a strong emotional resonance.

in order to enhance the visual expression of the film, zhang yunfan proposed a new camera scheme. in the key fighting scenes, she suggested using more impactful fast editing and tracking shots to enhance the smoothness of the action, and using slow-motion close-ups at key emotional outbursts to enhance the tension of the fight and the psychological changes of the characters. at the same time, she also participated in the discussion of the film's color grading, proposing to use different tones to render the atmosphere at different psychological stages of the characters, such as using cold tones when du juan was lost, and using warmer tones with higher saturation when she returned to the court and welcomed victory. these decisions not only made the film more layered in emotional expression, but also significantly improved the overall texture of the picture.

the success of the movie "ordinary king" is inseparable from zhang yunfan's efforts in every link. not only did she devote her heart and soul to every detail of the movie behind the scenes, but she also ensured the efficient operation of the entire crew through effective teamwork. under her leadership, "ordinary king" has been carefully planned and executed in every link from script writing to fund raising, to shooting and post-production. and her career as a producer is not only a reflection of her personal ability, but also a reflection of her love and persistence in the film industry. she firmly believes that movies are not only entertainment tools, but also an important carrier for conveying emotions and reflecting social reality. through "ordinary king", she hopes to speak for more women and let the audience feel the tenacity and courage of women in the face of challenges during the viewing process. as zhang yunfan said: "du juan in the movie has never given up on herself. i also hope that through this movie, more women will understand that as long as they persevere, they will eventually become their own 'ordinary king'." through this movie, zhang yunfan not only added another masterpiece to his career as a producer, but also conveyed an important belief to the audience: no matter what kind of predicament you are in, never give up, and you will eventually usher in your own victory. (author: chen xi)