
we talked to factory friends about the latest post on mr. ma’s intranet


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since alibaba’s structural adjustment last year, mr. ma always “appears” at certain specific points in alibaba.

the occasions are mostly "intranet", and the forms are mainly replying to posts or posting articles. the last time he spoke was the first anniversary of alibaba's reorganization, and this time it was the group's 25th birthday.

whenever there is any movement in the intranet, something will always appear in the ali factory friends circle. since after 1+6+n, the "6" factory friends and the students of ant cannot see the intranet, so they can only rely on external channels to learn what happened.

some factory colleagues once complained, why are people like us not allowed to access the intranet? aren’t we mr. ma’s employees?

"when i entered the internet industry, it was because of mr. ma's influence. now that i'm in alibaba, i still have to rely on external media to read mr. ma's letter to all employees? this is simply unacceptable."

then i will explain to you the whole story of mr. ma’s post this time.

here’s what’s going on:

the big background is definitely september 10, which is the 25th anniversary of alibaba. if calculated according to the gregorian calendar, this day is also mr. ma’s 60th birthday (photo source: baidu encyclopedia).

it started at 3:30 p.m. on september 9 when jiang fang posted on the intranet with the title "why i like my colleagues."

it was specifically written like this: i saw the short film "the lonely billboard" by gaode in a dingtalk group. i am a homebody and will probably never use the help function in the no-man's land, but i was moved by this development by my colleagues at gaode. this is a kind function.

jiang fang then recounted her own experience:

"about ten years ago, i (jiang fang) received a friend request from a stranger on laiwang (the predecessor of dingtalk). after adding her, i learned that she was a taobao seller with a disability who lived in a small town in zhongjiang county, sichuan. after she added me as a friend, she always sent me holiday blessings during the holidays.

she said she added me as a friend because she wanted to thank us for founding alibaba and taobao, which helped her go from being a burden on her family to a self-reliant family member. across the screen, i felt proud of her and my colleagues at taobao. (she passed away due to illness in 2015, but i still think of her from time to time during the holidays.)

alibaba will be 25 years old tomorrow. i wonder if there is a moment in your alibaba journey that made you feel touched or proud of your colleagues. let’s leave a commemoration together on 9/10 (attached is this touching video of gaode and our taobao seller ding hongyu in the video)"

i looked it up and it should be the one above. it talks about the launch of a satellite distress function in autonavi map v15. it uses beidou satellite positioning and connects to tiantong satellite communication to realize the ability to send distress information with one click. it has been established in several large uninhabited areas in china in conjunction with beidou.

after jiang fang’s post was published, it brought back memories for many alibaba colleagues.

most of the replies under this post are stories related to alibaba. some talk about their connection with alibaba’s charity, and some talk about their relationships with colleagues.

the person in charge of dingtalk also replied. ye jun said that he had encountered many difficulties and problems in the past, but he was able to overcome them in the end because alibaba people were idealistic and insisted on helping customers, users and people in need in society. he was very happy to have such people around him. at the same time, a dingtalk factory friend opened a separate thread and posted a lot of user voices from the establishment to the present.

partner shao xiaofeng expressed his true feelings in a 2,835-word article titled "my 20 years at alibaba", recording his experience since joining alibaba in 2005. he felt deeply that alibaba was different from traditional companies, an experience he had never had in his first 20 years of career.

there are many meetings at alibaba, and we often "quarrel" and then work and have fun together. i have witnessed too many public welfare projects in the nearly 20 years since i joined alibaba, such as the "magic beans charity" and the subsequent "public welfare baby"; long-term assistance after the wenchuan earthquake, including e-commerce to help specialty product sales and the "cloud customer service" model; the "reunion system" and subsequent projects; the rural special envoy project, etc.

more than a decade ago, when alibaba's profits were still slim, it decided to donate 0.03% of its revenue to charity. shao xiaofeng will never forget these extraordinary things. he wrote that companies may have life cycles, and businesses may have ups and downs, but these feelings, these spirits, and these even small changes to society will last forever in the course of life and become a permanent pride when you grow old.

teacher ma’s reply was not posted on the same day, but around 7pm yesterday afternoon, more than 100 floors below jiang fang’s post.

the first sentence of the reply was, i am proud because i am an alibaba member!

then he summarized alibaba’s development history over the past 25 years. finally, although many of alibaba’s businesses face challenges and are about to be surpassed in the ai ​​era, he still believes in the power of the market and the value of innovation, and believes that alibaba can complete its 102-year journey.

later, teacher ma’s post was pinned to the top.

the following is the original text:

mr. ma mentioned in an internal letter,

we are determined to build a company that can survive for 102 years, and especially a company that has ideals and achievements, not just the ability to make money and survive.

in this internal letter, the word "pride" was mentioned 11 times.

the above is probably something like this.

at the same time, congratulations to alibaba, happy 25th birthday!