
is there any stuffing in the knife-cut steamed buns that ko wen-je eats?


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ko wen-je’s entry into politics is something that is particularly worth lamenting!

text | haishangke

reference news quoted taiwan’s china times as reporting that people’s party chairman ko wen-je was detained in connection with the jinghua city scandal and was brought to justice for the first time on the afternoon of september 10.

ke wenzhe was questioned

from the report, it can be seen that ke wenzhe was handcuffed, wearing black-framed glasses and a short yellow prison uniform. there are also reports that he stepped out of the prison van wearing dark blue shorts and blue and white slippers, and did not respond to the media outside the gate.

although xiao xucen, the executive director of the ma ying-jeou foundation, had previously publicly expressed support for ke wenzhe, believing that ke's current situation is similar to some of the situations that ma ying-jeou experienced after he stepped down as the leader of taiwan, hai shu would like to say that at least ma ying-jeou was not arrested or handcuffed and put in a cell after he stepped down. from this perspective, ke wenzhe's situation may not be completely similar to ma ying-jeou's.

putting aside the specific issues that ko wen-je got into trouble for, uncle hai actually had a lot of feelings about taiwan!


first of all, we should note that ko wen-je was the first physician to introduce ecmo technology to taiwan province. he is a well-known cardiologist in taiwan and a professor at the national taiwan university school of medicine. why did he rush into politics? after he was elected mayor of taipei in 2014, many commentators believed that he broke the barriers between the blue and green camps.

ko wen-je is certainly impressive for being a nonpartisan and yet able to become the mayor of the city where the provincial capital of taiwan is located. in particular, in 2019, he led the creation of the taiwan people's party and served as its chairman. this seems to be looking for a future path for people in taiwan.


either follow the blue camp or

or follow the democratic progressive party and pursue the impossible "taiwan independence".

in fact, ke wenzhe's statement on cross-strait issues may not be correct. but he concealed such issues and told the public that the so-called taiwan people's party serves the future of every member of the local community.

it seems quite popular.

as a doctor and professor, ke wenzhe often wears a large mobile phone case on his belt, dances to "divine songs" such as "subject three", and even holds concerts. he wears a white coat to hold concerts, using this "uniform" to entice fans to vote.

ke wenzhe "kp show" concert

since some people called him "ke pi", he simply named his concert "kp show".

anyway, if anyone wants to mock him, he starts by mocking himself and making it funnier than others mocking him, and then he acts humble and down-to-earth, which means he wants to get a high number of votes!

but such a "man" has been exposed for corruption while serving as mayor of taipei. is the dpp's lai ching-te administration conducting a thorough political reckoning with him?

however, uncle hai would like to say that ko wen-je’s entry into politics is something that is particularly worth lamenting!

taiwan province was occupied by japan for 50 years after the sino-japanese war of 1894-1895. during the period of japanese occupation of taiwan, how could the original chinese children on the island have a chance to make a name for themselves? especially in politics, they had no rights at all. there were some students who were good at studying, and they generally aimed to become lawyers, doctors and other professions. in 1945, after the victory of the anti-japanese war, taiwan returned to the embrace of the motherland. because the chiang kai-shek group implemented various autocratic and dictatorial means after retreating to taiwan, the island was still full of a killing atmosphere. the students continued to aim at lawyers, doctors and other professions as they did during the japanese invasion.

it was under such circumstances that ke wen-je became a doctor.

he entered politics because he saw that the so-called "lifting of martial law" on the island had been completed, and it seemed that he could make a different political voice. in the context of the two-party struggle between the kuomintang and the democratic progressive party, ko wen-je stood out and even founded the people's party. this in itself is a small miracle on the island, but the current situation has become complicated.

i don’t know if ko wen-je can still make a comeback.


it was when ko wen-je lost his personal freedom that former taiwanese leader chen shui-bian emerged.

i remember the last time chen shui-bian showed up was when former us president and current republican presidential candidate trump had an ear injury.

a-bian began to tell the media about the shooting incident when he was running for the leader of taiwan.

to be honest, although the case is still confusing, not many people care what chen shui-bian himself says.

who can believe what he said?

chen shui-bian (left) posted a photo of him and ke wen-je on social media

however, it is touching that he showed up on social media this time and said that he and ko wen-je were "both wanderers in the world", which made people feel sad.

look at the photo he posted with ke wenzhe——

"persistence", well, i have to say that word is much stronger than tsai ing-wen's.

the signature also reads "zhaoqiu of jiachen", which shows that ko wen-je was arrested just a few days after taking a photo with ah bian.

chen shui-bian, tsai ing-wen, and the current leader of taiwan, lai ching-te, are all members of the democratic progressive party.

in other words, a-bian and people's party chairman ko wen-je are not from the same party.

why are these two so eager to take a photo together?

interesting, very interesting!

think about how chen shuibian used "we are all wanderers in the world" as the title of his column a few years ago. now he is using this famous line from bai juyi's "pipa xing" to send ke.

it seems that chen shuibian has a good foundation in chinese. did he mistakenly think that he was in jiujiang, where jiangzhou sima wrote, or did he really think that he was in taiwan?

then why bother with de-sinicization?

i remember now, didn’t he also say when he left office that “taiwan independence” is impossible? it’s impossible!

since he knew it couldn't be done, why did he mess around during his eight-year term? ah bian should be aware of the historical mistakes he made!

in fact, when ah bian was the leader of taiwan, tsai ing-wen once went to beijing and said that she "read chinese books" and "was chinese."

then uncle hai can't help but ask, why did those who had patted their chests and declared to the outside world that they were chinese later want to do things even more wildly than chen shui-bian?


of course the farce is not over yet.

lai ching-te recently hit back, asking why the mainland does not go to the north to claim back its territory.

hai shu wants to say that in 1945, japan surrendered and taiwan was liberated. since then, taiwan province has been internationally recognized as chinese territory.

moreover, the places such as kinmen, where the taiwan authorities are currently stationed, had never left the embrace of the motherland before taiwan was liberated. if these places are not chinese territory, then where are they?

there is also taiping island in the south china sea.

from this we can see that lai ching-te is trying to sow discord.

i want to see what the situation is on the island of taiwan.

taipei district prosecutors office detention center meals on september 10

don’t look at anything else, just look at the food at the taipei district prosecutors office.

okay, let’s take a look at what ko wen-je was fed.

breakfast includes:

vegetarian-soy milk;

meat food - steamed buns cut with a knife.

is this wheat flour also meaty? or is it that even the cut steamed buns have meat fillings?

is this a staple meat dish or something?

based on this, it is really difficult for me to determine how strong taiwan province's current local governance capabilities are.