
wancheng district, nanyang city: lower-grade primary school students can "sleep comfortably" during lunch break


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for a long time, sleep management and sleep quality of primary and secondary school students have been given great attention. in order to provide children with a comfortable lunch break environment, primary schools in wancheng district have formulated solutions according to local conditions.

at the nanyang no. 2 primary school in wancheng district, teachers are arranging nap beds for first-grade children during lunch break. these nap beds have soft sofa cushions, small pillows and sheets. for children who just entered school this fall, they need to make a good transition from kindergarten to primary school. a good nap environment will help them integrate into and adapt to primary school life as soon as possible. in the second-grade classroom, students skillfully turned the knobs on the desks and chairs, and the desks and chairs quickly became "nap beds". headrests were set on the backs of the chairs, and a reclining board was set on the front of the desks, so that children can "lie down and sleep comfortably" during lunch break. li luofei, a student at the nanyang no. 2 primary school, said that during class, it can be used as a small chair, and when sleeping, there is a small switch underneath, and when it is pressed, it can be used as a small bed. i think it is very comfortable to sleep.

in the view of li ang, a teacher at nanyang no. 2 primary school, lunch break is not just about taking a nap, but also about cultivating children's self-care ability and team awareness. at the end of lunch break, students will tidy up their bedding in an orderly manner, and the teacher will lead the students to do stretching exercises to help them stretch their bodies and face the afternoon study with a better mental outlook. li ang, a teacher at nanyang no. 2 primary school, told reporters that with this nap chair, children can lie there and sleep for more than an hour, which improves their sleep quality and allows them to better devote themselves to afternoon study and improve their learning quality.

in order to ensure that children sleep safely and comfortably, nanyang no. 2 primary school conducted research and made plans in advance, provided special care for the children, summarized and optimized the process every day. although a bed is small, it is a major event related to the healthy growth and all-round development of students. starting from 2021, the school will create conditions for students' lunch breaks according to local conditions, strive to provide students with a better lunch break environment, and gradually update and diversify the lunch break facilities to provide strong guarantees for the healthy physical and mental development of students.


bao linlin, principal of nanyang no. 2 primary school, said that as children in lower grades enter primary school, parents are most worried about their children's lunch break. we provide nap beds and nap chairs for children in lower grades, which not only solves the problem of children's lunch break, but also makes parents feel the school's determination to serve parents and children and to run a school that satisfies ordinary people.
