
the leaders of the chinese and us military zones held a phone call, and the outside world paid attention to the situation in the south china sea


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[global times reporter guo yuandan] according to the news released by the chinese ministry of national defense on the 10th, the chinese and american militaries held a telephone call between the theater leaders that morning. reuters reported on the 10th that this was the first video call between the commanders of the chinese and american theaters. experts interviewed by the global times reporter said that this marked the restoration of the four military exchange and cooperation mechanisms proposed by the consensus of the two heads of state of china and the united states at the san francisco meeting in november last year.

on the morning of the 10th, wu yanan, commander of the southern theater command of the chinese people's liberation army, held a video call with paparo, commander of the u.s. indo-pacific command. military expert zhang junshe said in an interview with the global times on the 10th that in addition to the call between the theater leaders, three other mechanisms, including high-level communication between the chinese and american militaries, working meetings between the chinese and american defense ministries, and the china-u.s. maritime military security consultation mechanism meetings, have been resumed one after another.

"at a time when the situation in the south china sea is tense, the chinese and us military held a telephone conversation between the theater leaders." singapore's lianhe zaobao reported on the 10th that the outside world is generally concerned about the content of the conversation between the chinese and us theater leaders who have command authority over the front-line operational troops in the south china sea. zhang junshe believes that under the instigation and support of the united states, the philippines' infringing and provocative actions in the south china sea have escalated from ren'ai reef, huangyan island to xianbin reef, and the situation has become tense. this is one of the reasons why the outside world is concerned about the conversation between the leaders of the two theaters.

the chinese ministry of defense reported on the 10th that the two sides had an in-depth exchange of views on issues of common concern. a statement released by the u.s. indo-pacific command said that paparo cited several recent "unsafe interactions" between the pla and u.s. allies, emphasizing the pla's obligation to abide by international laws and norms to ensure operational safety.

"it is dangerous for the united states to consistently use a narrative technique of reversing right and wrong to accuse the pla of its actions. (the united states) completely ignores the fact that the current tense situation in the south china sea is due to deliberate provocation by the philippines, and china is only forced to defend its rights." zhang junshe said that the united states allies, including canada and australia, traveled thousands of miles to the south china sea and carried out provocative actions on china's doorstep, and they will naturally be subject to legitimate, professional and restrained countermeasures from the pla.

the u.s. statement also emphasized the importance of continued communication between the u.s. military and the people's liberation army, pointing out that discussions between senior leaders help clarify intentions and reduce the risk of misunderstanding or misjudgment, and hopes to continue calls with the commanders of the southern theater command and other theater commands in the future.

in this regard, zhang junshe said that the us cannot hope to manage differences through contacts and phone calls with china on the one hand, while constantly instigating and supporting allies such as the philippines to provoke trouble and infringe rights in the south china sea. zhang junshe said: "the us should do what it says, and cannot say one thing and do another, saying that the south china sea is peaceful and stable on the one hand, while accelerating tensions in the south china sea through actions. the most critical thing at present is that the us should correct its understanding of the south china sea issue and respect china's territorial sovereignty and maritime rights and interests in the south china sea. the us should abide by its past commitment not to take sides on the issue of sovereignty over islands in the south china sea, instead of doing the opposite."