
the first private space walk in history was carried out at a huge cost. what was this rich man trying to achieve?


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no, brothers, what kind of day is today? first, guozi released 16 in the morning, and then huazi released three folds in the afternoon. as soon as it got dark, musk also released one...

it's not a mobile phone (it's a compressed towel). musk has sent four more people into space. they are going to go out into deep space and do a spacewalk.

what's even more outrageous is that this was something that in the past only professional astronauts or people trained at the national level could do, but this time it was done by a rich guy.

in other words, this isfor the first time in human history, a spacewalk mission was led by amateurs, was purely commercial, and was paid for!

it's ridiculous. a while ago, spacex had a rocket recovery failure. in addition, this highly anticipated mission was delayed several times. everyone wondered if it waseven spacex is infected with boeing

fortunately, at 5:30 this afternoon, which was the early morning of the 10th us time, the spacecraft finally took off.

the american rich man who was so rich that he personally spent money not only made the world's spectators understand, "if you have money, you can do whatever you want", and the media also publicized it, saying that this was a milestone in the history of commercial spaceflight.

but to sum it up in one sentence: you want to be an astronaut, right? then stop thinking about your jelly and go make money!

of course, they are not here for tourism this time. according to the official information of the project team called polaris dawn, they have three main tasks in space this time:

the first one istesting space communicationsas mentioned before, this time they went to the farthest space that humans have gone to since apollo. in the future, spacex will have moon and mars missions, so how to transmit signals at such a long distance actually remains to be verified.

this time they planned to give it a try to see if they could rely on the ma family's space wifi chain to help transmit the signal at this distance.

then another highlight this time is that they will also experience the new clothes, that is, this new space suit that has been developed by spacex for two and a half years, and wear it for a trip in outer space.

well, although the launch was delayed a few days ago due to a leak, the appearance is still quite sci-fi. after all, the space suits we used to think of were quite heavy and bulky. this time it is so simple, which is very musk. (it looks like a tesla cockpit)

the biggest change is: the space suit backpack is gone!

that's right, the small backpack originally used to carry oxygen and propulsion was cut off by spacex, and the oxygen delivery system was integrated into the original safety cable, which is the belt that the astronauts drag behind them. (zhang beihai was ecstatic, why did he prepare meteorite bullets? he could just learn from ye wenjie and cut off the pipe.)

moreover, this new space suit is not like those of its predecessors, which have not experienced the real test of outer space. the risk of micrometeorites still exists in the area they are going to this time.

whether they can withstand the various rays and micrometeorites in outer space will only be known after they leave the cabin. (zhang beihai is ecstatic again)

in addition to testing signal transmission and spacewalks, they will also have to conduct a lot of experiments on this trip to detect some physiological changes in humans in the outer space environment, as well as deep space radiation.

sothe essence of this mission is scientific research + business, the core is still for science, not just space tourism. of course, according to the official statement, the significance of this spacecraft is definitely not that simple.

on the one hand, this is indeed the first time that a civilian has used krypton gold to achieve space travel. on the other hand, this flight itself has other highlights. for example, the orbital altitude of this voyage reached 1,400 kilometers, which is the farthest manned spacecraft since apollo.

for example, going to the sky is not as expensive as everyone imagines. "only" cost 52 million us dollars...

being so far away, facing outer space, and being a civilian, this voyage does seem to be a lot more legendary. i guess the astronauts' desire to make money has also increased a lot~

however, having said that, i still have to pour cold water on everyone. don’t listen to the media’s exaggeration. in fact, even if you have money, you still can’t be like this rich guy. . .

why? first of all, let's talk about the matter. this time, the rich man who spent money to the skyjared isaacman(jared isaacman), he himself is not as amateur as everyone imagines.

this guy founded a retail payment company in 1999. although it is not as famous as musk's paypal, he also made hundreds of millions of dollars and became financially free.

but i don't know if this guy's grandparents fed him too much when he was a child. he has always wanted to be an astronaut, not to mention flying airplanes. his pilot training company even helps the us military train pilots.the world's largest private fighter fleet

so, peoplei already have a background as a pilot., or a fighter jet.

however, working day and night does not mean he can go to space whenever he wants. in 2021, he went to space for the first time in cooperation with spacex, and took three other amateurs into space on the dragon spacecraft, including a cancer patient, a doctor, and an elementary school teacher.

but when interviewed afterwards, they had no choice but to respond that this matter was not as glamorous as everyone thought, and they had trained for half a year to go to the sky.

not only that, they also have to study hard the technical documents related to navigation, the spacecraft manuals, and related professional knowledge, which is much more complicated than taking a driver's license test.

let me put it this way, i got full marks in the theoretical test for my driver's license, but when i was studying flight mechanics, fluid mechanics, and aerodynamics, i almost died of exhaustion...

in 2021, isaacman led an all-amateur crew to the international space station

and even if you work hard to learn these academic and technical things, it only meets the basic requirements to become an astronaut.sorry, ning still needs to practice more.

this is not only a matter of physical fitness and learning. it's mainly because the vacuum environment in space is almost the same as that in the cabin. the pressure and temperature are completely different. if you go in directly without training, there will definitely be big problems.

therefore, when conducting spacewalks from the space station in the past, a decompression chamber is usually set up to help people adapt to the environment in advance, which is equivalent to raising fish in water to adapt to the temperature first.

but this time, sorry, no.

astronauts must complete sufficient adaptive training on the ground in advance. according to nasa information, there is a special zero-gravity vacuum chamber for training at the nasa base.

this time, isaacman and several other astronauts trained for more than 2,000 hours at the base for this mission, to ensure that they could adapt to the harsh environment of outer space as soon as the hatch opened after going into space.

so, spacewalking is actually quite complicated. it is definitely not something that can be done simply by spending money. you also need to train. apart from anything else, how many times have you been to the gym downstairs since you signed up for it?

so the question is, do civilians really have no chance to experience space directly?

all i can say is,yes and no.

the key lies in how you intend to define space and how high you are considered to be in space.

if your purpose is just to take a look at our blue planet and experience the feeling of floating weightlessly, you don't actually need to become an astronaut.

virgin atlantic did this ten years ago.spaceshiptwo(spaceshiptwo), a specially designed plane flies directly to the edge of space for a circle. you can also see the vast earth and float tens of thousands of meters above the ground. it slowly lands after fifteen minutes. this project was operated until june this year.

in the end, this is just a large roller coaster, but the top will give you the feeling of an astronaut. for the sake of immersion, you can also wear a space suit and ride this plane.

but if you really want to travel in space, you probably have to do what isaacman did this time., willing to spend money + willing to train hardalthough yang liwei said on space day this year that it is no longer a technical problem for ordinary people to enter space, that is only for tourists, and tourists also need to practice.

yusaku maezawa, a japanese tycoon who had previously claimed that he would fly around the moon, had to go to the gagarin training center in advance for his first trip to the space station. he was trained by the russians for 100 days and later stopped talking about flying around the moon.

on the one hand, it has something to do with boeing's crappy rockets, and on the other hand, it may also be due to some ptsd training...

i won’t say any more. i will work hard for a hundred days and then go to the international space station!

written by: naxi

edit: jiang jiang & noodles

art: xuanxuan

image and information sources:spacex, nasa, polaris program, etc., source network