
the ingenuity of nature and craftsmanship is constantly innovating|"illuminating" series of micro-documentaries ③


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building a strong country in education by 2035 is an important decision made by the cpc central committee and is a "major issue of the country" that general secretary xi jinping is always thinking about and eagerly looking forward to. the education system has kept the instructions in mind, worked hard, and strived to write a new chapter in the construction of a strong country in education to support and lead china's modernization."strive to build a strong nation through education - forge ahead in the direction guided by the general secretary"the column showcases the vivid practice of the education system in accelerating the construction of a strong country in education.
today, the column "strive on the road of building a strong country through education - forge ahead in the direction guided by the general secretary""illuminate"series of micro-documentaries, let's watch the third episode "heavenly man's ingenuity and innovation" -
since the 18th cpc national congress
the party central committee with comrade xi jinping as its core
attach great importance to scientific and technological innovation
for university science and technology work
general secretary xi jinping is particularly concerned
“we must accelerate the construction of first-class universities and first-class disciplines.
strengthen basic research,
strive to achieve original innovation and independent innovation
produce more results,
bravely climb to the top of the world's science and technology."
technological innovation workers in universities
taking serving the country's major needs as the highest pursuit
overcoming the "bottleneck" problems one by one
build one national heavy weapon after another
keep the lifeline of science and technology firmly in your own hands
xiamen university national infectious disease diagnostic reagents
vaccine engineering technology research center
the research team is always working hard
the battlefield for preventing and fighting disease
breaking foreign patent protection
successfully developed the first domestically produced hpv vaccine
facing the needs of the country and the people
the world's first hepatitis e vaccine, etc.
innovative products emerge in endlessly
they are committed to
breaking through the bottleneck problem in the medical field
contributing the strength of universities to a healthy china
from following, running side by side to leading
dean of the school of engineering, zhejiang university
department head, school of mechanical engineering
academician yang huayong led the team
continuous scientific research
conquered the independent design and manufacturing of shield equipment
key technologies and industrialization
today, china's shield machine
more than 4,000 units have been produced
global market share exceeds 70%
my country has currently built
the world's largest higher education system
the number of people receiving higher education has reached 250 million
universities continue to improve their ability to serve the country's major strategies
today, an innovative country
galloping on the road of technological innovation
china will surprise the world more
source | yujian news wechat account
(source: weiyan education)