
teacher's day is full of love. check up and send health. xileyuan changsha xicheng longting home care service station


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huasheng online news (correspondent: liu wen) grateful for teachers, healthy company. on the occasion of teachers' day, in order to carry forward the fine tradition of respecting teachers and valuing education, and to enhance the sense of gain and happiness of retired teachers in the area, on september 9, xileyuan changsha xicheng longting home care service station and xianjiahu street community health service center launched the "teachers' day physical examination and health delivery" theme event, sending a different teachers' day "gift" to retired teachers in the area - free health examination.
at the event site, the physical examination also began. under the guidance of the nurses, the retired teachers lined up one by one in an orderly manner, and learned in detail the physical examination process and matters to cooperate with. from the most basic height and weight measurement of blood pressure, a series of examinations such as blood lipids and blood sugar, electrocardiogram, b-ultrasound, and blood drawing were performed to truly achieve early detection and early treatment of diseases and improve the health level of teachers. at the same time, health consultations were provided to teachers, and various medical and health issues were patiently answered. during the entire physical examination process, the doctors carefully checked the physical examination results, patiently answered questions and doubts, and gave health guidance based on each person's actual situation. the teachers praised this physical examination activity and said that this "health" is the most affordable teacher's day gift.
this physical examination activity allowed teachers to understand their physical conditions in a timely manner, and they were able to adjust their bodies or treat their illnesses according to the doctor's advice, truly achieving early prevention, early detection, and early treatment of diseases. next, the community will continue to care for the teachers in the area, improve the teachers' happiness index, and promote the sustainable and healthy development of education.
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