
world anti-doping agency: strongly urges the united states to make "comprehensive and thorough" rectification!


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the world anti-doping agency (wada) recently sent a letter to the united states anti-doping agency (usada).strongly demand that the other party conduct a "comprehensive and thorough" rectification of the long-term deficiencies in anti-doping workthe letter was signed by wada president witold banka and director-general olivier niggli.
in a letter to usada board chairman toby smith, wada stated90% of u.s. athletes are not protected by an anti-doping system that meets international standards, especially college athletes and professional league athletes, foreign college athletes training in the united states are even called'a doping holiday'they compete for gold and silver in international competitions such as the olympics, which leads to unfair competition. even athletes included in the international anti-doping system are seriously under-tested by usada every year. in addition, usada uses the excuse of obtaining intelligence as the reason.allowing athletes with serious doping violations to continue to compete, win medals, and receive bonuses as "undercover" is a violation of the world anti-doping code
therefore, wada strongly urges the united states"carry out a comprehensive and thorough overhaul of our anti-doping system, especially anti-doping work in college sports""wada is not afraid of political interference and will continue to enforce the code fearlessly and impartially, and maintain cooperation with athletes and other sports figures, national and regional anti-doping organizations, and government departments."
in the letter, wada pointed out that since the national collegiate athletic association and professional leagues in the united states are not subject to the world anti-doping code, the anti-doping supervision of their athletes is "far below the internationally recognized standards." many student athletes from member schools of the national collegiate athletic association will grow into world-class athletes. according to statistics, three-quarters of the athletes in the us delegation at the paris olympics come from the university sports system.
“even usada ceo tygart admittedthe shortcomings of the university anti-doping system. ”wada said.
wada said,usada's lack of anti-doping efforts has long affected more than just american athletes, foreign athletes who train in the united states are called "taking a doping vacation" by tygart. in the paris olympics, more than 1,000 foreign college athletes from more than 100 countries (regions) have trained, are training, or will train in the united states. among them, 272 people from 26 countries (regions) won 330 medals.
wada said,the low number of doping tests also shows that usada is inadequate in its supervisionaccording to statistics, only 3,011 athletes underwent 7,773 inspections in 2023, "a disappointing number compared to the size of the u.s. olympic delegation." wada went on to point out that the french anti-doping agency only used about one-third of usada's budget, but the number of inspections it carried out far exceeded that of the united states. china, the united kingdom, russia and italy also conducted more inspections than the united states.
wada said that while its own anti-doping efforts were insufficient, usada also tried to make american athletes believe that their foreign opponents were dishonest.usada also violated the rules by allowing american athletes with serious doping violations to continue to participate in international competitions on the condition that they provide intelligence as undercover agents.
in addition, wada has learned through cooperation with law enforcement agencies in europe and other regions thatthe united states is a huge market for the sale and distribution of stimulantsthis is not only a problem in the sports circle, but also a social problem.
in view of these factors, wada, at the request of 32 national and regional anti-doping agencies from europe, africa and asia, asked usada to rectify its own problems.
wada: us allows doping athletes to compete
on august 7, the world anti-doping agency issued a statement on its website, saying that the united states anti-doping agency had allowed athletes taking doping to compete for many years and condemned the united states for directly violating the provisions of the world anti-doping code.
on august 7, reuters published an article stating thatthe united states allows athletes who violate performance-enhancing drug rules to act as so-called "informants" and provide information about other doping athletes without punishment. these so-called "informants" compete with other athletes.
on the same day, the world anti-doping agency issued a statement in response to the reuters article. the statement said that the practice of the united states anti-doping agency allowing athletes who took doping to participate in the competition was a clear violation of the relevant rules of the world anti-doping agency. the world anti-doping agency has not approved the relevant practices of the united states anti-doping agency.
the statement said that the world anti-doping agency is aware of at least three cases of athletes acting as so-called "informants" and continuing to compete after serious violations of doping regulations.
the statement condemned the us actions, saying that they not only undermined the fairness of sports competitions, but also endangered the safety of relevant athletes.

source: cctv news client
